What's New, Scooby-Doo?: Difference between revisions

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* [[Panty Shot]]: Velma in "It's Mean, It's Green, It's the Mystery Machine". But you've gotta not blink or you'll miss it.
* [[Pro Wrestling Episode]]: "Wrestle Maniacs".
* [[Reality Ensues]]:
** "Space Ape at the Cape" has NASA scientist Janet frantic because an alien hatched from an egg that she was studying, growing and terrorizing the station. She becomes snappy and says no one can see her research even if they have clearance. Her coworkers and the gang assume she's stressed about the runaway alien. {{spoiler|Velma figured out that Janet was behind the alien hoax, owing to the power of science. Janet's research wasn't ready, and she engaged in the scam to keep NASA from busting her. The "egg" was rehydrated organic material, something Velma realized after Shaggy and Scooby played with the dehydrator; a few drops of water, and it would grow, eventually "hatching". Oh, and the undercover janitor with the secret lab? She was an FBI agent. The FBI is interested in genuine alien cases, and said agent realized Janet was a fraud in a matter of days.}}
** In "Toy Scary Boo", this is how Velma realizes that {{spoiler|Harry Roze wasn't the saboteur for this reason. None of his toys match up to the same caliber of the microchip-controlled toys that they saw. That, and it didn't account for the roaring noise that the gang heard}}.
** Sometimes there is a case where the criminal ''doesn't'' go to jail for different reasons:
*** In "Lights, Camera, Mayhem!" when the director is unmasked as the saboteur, the whole crew mentions that they didn't want to work on ''Spy Me A River'' so it could have been any of them. The director mentions he'd rather got o jail, but Freddy points out they don't need to call the cops. no one got hurt, and the director in fact saved Scooby and Shaggy from a deadly fall. Everyone opts to cancel the film and make a new one, ''The Modem II.'' At the premiere, the director thanks the "wonderful meddling kids".
** In "Roller Ghoster Ride," a twofold example occurs.
*** Even though {{spoiler|the gang unmasks Terry as the monster, and framing her sister Chris to boot, Velma and Freddy point out she technically got away with it. Since the sabotage and framing happened at the family theme park, on private property, the gang has no jurisdiction to call the cops since Terry made sure that no one could get hurt from her mechanics. Her family would have to make that decision. Chris has a better idea than simply dialing 911: "I'm telling Mom." Cue Terry chasing after her, begging her not to get their mother involved}}>
*** One kid who was too short to go on any of the rides {{spoiler|asked [[Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?| why he wasn't considered a suspect owing to his motivation]]. Velma breaks it to him gently that he was too small to fit into the costume.}} "Aww man!" {{spoiler|Shaggy and Scooby cheer him up by saying he's not too short for the ride ''they'' designed, which involves eating their way out of a hot fudge sundae.}}
** "Large Dragon at Large" has it revealed that the criminal's motivation was to {{spoiler|scare off people while he searched for treasure based on a map at the tourist trap castle. The owner, after this is revealed, is bewildered and laughs. He says that he made up the myth of the dragon and the treasure for tourists. Would a random castle owner just ''happen'' to have a map in such a public place?}}
* [[Scarecrow Solution]]: {{spoiler|Gabe/Toxic Terror, to protect a camp from becoming an adult resort.}}
* [[Scooby-Dooby Doors]]: Parodied in almost every episode.