What an Idiot!/Other Media: Difference between revisions

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** WWII: Hitler decides to invade Russia.
*** '''You'd Expect''': Hitler to analyze the geography and climate of his enemy, and realise that invading Russia successfully is only slightly more difficult than flying to Mars sans space shuttle. (Hint: Russia is enormous, and it is cold. This makes it almost impossible to successfully invade, and therefore makes Hitler's decision only slightly less moronic than the aforementioned declaration of war on the USA.)
*** '''Instead''': He invades Russia. The battle is an almost total rout, as the entire population of the planetGermany is likely not a sizable enough force to successfully invade Russia, especially considering his supply lines were almost totally cut off. All this ends with most of Hitler's army dead of starvation, freezing, or both.
*** '''And As If That Wasn't Bad Enough:''' He invades Russia in ''August''. Yes, right at the beginning of the cold weather season. He invades the one place on the planet absolutely infamous for defeating invaders with winter, right at the beginning of fall. (Admittedly, the original plan was to invade during spring and was delayed only because of Germany's need to go assist Italy in the Greek campaign, but ''still''.)
*** '''But The Hole Still Has No Bottom:''' When you consider that the first part of Russia he conquered was the Ukraine, which has never liked being part of Russia in the first place and was openly welcoming the Nazis in and eagerly offering to join in and help Hitler conquer the rest of Russia. With 20+ million Ukrainians, already used to Russian conditions, plus the rich logistical potential of the Ukraine breadbasket, accepting their aid would have given Hitler a fair shot at being the first man to successfully conquer Russia, considering how close he came in reality. So what does Hitler do? ''Start murdering and oppressing the Ukrainians wholesale''. He actually brutalized them to the point where the Ukrainians cheerfully accepted '''Stalin''' as an alternative. Now that must have taken some doing.