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Contrast with [[Intro Dump]]. The inversion is [[Remember the New Guy]], where a new character is introduced that has never appeared or been mentioned before, but the cast are long familiar with to the point where the audience should have already met them.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
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* ''[[Kamichama Karin]]'': Kirio fails to give his name the first time he shows up, which leads to Karin calling him "Mr. Glasses Man" for the rest of the series, due to not remembering his name.
* Averted in ''[[Legend of Galactic Heroes]]'': Whenever a character appears who has not been onscreen for a while, his/her name is shown in the subtitles. [[Loads and Loads of Characters|Sometimes it isn't enough.]]
* [[Half -Human Hybrid|Michiru]] in ''[[Nagasarete Airantou]]''.
** At least five out of all of the inhabitants in the island remembers her ''existence''.
*** [[Justified Trope|Justified]], since she's always in her house.
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* One of the things The X-Axis criticised ''Nick Fury's Howling Commandos'' for:
{{quote| After reading it through once, I realised that I couldn't remember the names of any of the lead characters. So I read through it again, and this time I took notes. Even then, I could only identify the names of three of the lead characters. I then crossreferenced with the Howling Commandos' entry in this week's ''Official Handbook'', whereupon I discovered that (a) one word which seemed to be a name from the context wasn't one at all, and (b) four of the lead characters aren't named anywhere in the comic.}}
* In ''[[Fifty Two]]'', Bea plays a very important (if minor) role within the series. She consoles [[Elongated Man|Ralph Dibny]], [[What the Hell, Hero?|confronts]] [[Booster Gold]], and serves as the heart of the hero community, all while only speaking on the phone and later appearing "on-panel" for two small scenes. Unfortunately, she is only ''ever'' addressed as "Bea," and is never called by her superhero name, last name, or shown in her costume. The series does not make it easy to identify which character she is in the [[DC Universe]].
* In the first arc of the 2010 relaunch of ''[[Birds of Prey]]'', the Birds wind up fighting a mysterious Asian woman dressed [[Woman in White|all in white]] who identifies herself as the White Canary. The team has absolutely no idea who she is and theorize that she might be either [[Batgirl|Cassandra Cain]] or [[Dark Action Girl|Lady Shiva]], two candidates [[Oh Crap|that do not soothe their thoughts]]. Ultimately, it is revealed that she is the sister of the Twelve Brothers in Silk, a [[Reveal]] that came at the end of five issues and after numerous "Who is she?" questions, except the Twelve Brothers in Silk themselves have not been seen, or even ''mentioned'', in several years, appearing in only a handful of issues of ''BOP'' in a self-contained arc. There was also nothing in her appearance or fighting to serve as a hint to the reader, despite [[Black Canary]] claiming to have figured it out from body-language clues, and after her reveal there is no mention of her true identity again for the next two issues, remaining only the White Canary for the remainder of her appearance in the series. If a reader had skipped a bare two pages of Issue #4 they would never have learned her identity at all.
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* ''[[Darths and Droids]]'' parodies the trope in [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0485.html this strip]. [[The Rant]] points out the inherent problem with making NPCs too memorable; your players tend to completely forget about the "ordinary" ones.
* Xykon treats protagonists like this in general, particular Roy and the ''[[Order of the Stick]].'' During their showdown at the battle of Azure City, he eventually recalls Roy from the dungeon with the first gate as "that guy! Who was angry about… something…"
** Although sometimes he can remember Roy's last name, [[They Call Him "Sword"|Greenhilt]], well enough to make a passing comment about "Bluepommel."
** This is at least in part due to what [[But for Me It Was Tuesday|he does on a daily basis.]] When Roy tries to narrow it down for Xykon, he mentions that he killed several unrelated people with the same name in the same city. Xykon remembers well enough once he connects that particular murder to how hard it was to clean out the blood stains.
* In ''[[Shortpacked (Webcomic)|Shortpacked]]'' there's Ken, who rarely showed up and had no importance for a long time. This was lampshaded when one of the characters asked who he was despite him working at the titular store for 6 months at that point. The next strip featured Ken actually doing something.