WikiLeaks is THE site for revealing hidden information that governments, organizations, and individuals in high places do not want people to know.

We open governments.

Its website, initiated in 2006 in Iceland by the organization Sunshine Press, claimed a database of more than 1.2 million documents within a year of its launch. Julian Assange, an Australian Internet activist, is generally described as its founder, editor-in-chief, and director. Kristinn Hrafnsson, Joseph Farrell, and Sarah Harrison are the only other publicly known and acknowledged associates of Julian Assange. Hrafnsson is also a member of Sunshine Press Productions along with Assange, Ingi Ragnar Ingason, and Gavin MacFadyen.

Their goal is to serve as a muckraker for government activities whose full details have been hidden from the public, expose corruption in organizations and perpetrated by individuals, and to expose the truth these entities seek to conceal.

Unfortunately for their reputation, the 2017 special investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia has turned up evidence that suggests that they are, if not an actual mouthpiece for Russian intelligence, then at least a willing conduit for them.

Tropes used in WikiLeaks include: