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    A WikiTroll is a troper that is one of two types:

    A playful WikiTroll may be a perfectly good troper that follows the rules for the most part, but they occasionally like to have a little fun For The Lulz, not out of maliciousness, but because they just like seeing the reactions they get. As long as no one takes particular offense to their brand of humor (or is in on the joke), this type of troper can be amusing and provide welcome relief from the seriousness of editing, and while they may annoy other WikiFauna, they don't tend to cause too much trouble so long as their mischief is fairly harmless and not overly disruptive.

    A malicious WikiTroll is doing everything they can to incite other WikiFauna to anger. They generally don't even bother to pay any attention to the rules in their quest to anger and disrupt the peace of mind of other tropers (unless they can manipulate them to their advantage), and the more attention they get, the more it inspires them to be even more viciously disruptive.