Wild ARMs 2: Difference between revisions

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* [[Guide Dang It]] - Some of the puzzle solutions, especially on the second disc, are quite obscure and would have required references on [[The Other Wiki]] if [[The Other Wiki]] had ''existed'' back then. Also, if you don't receive recommendations on which Personal Skills to pour your points into ([[Point of No Return|which you can't take back, by the way, unlike the games that followed]]), it's very easy to have an underpowered party and struggle through the game.
* [[Hello Insert Name Here]] - To a rather ridiculous extent; you can name not only the party members and Lilka's spells, but almost every single plot-important NPC ally in the game.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]] - {{[[Deconstruction |This is a major theme throughout the game. Apparently, it's the job of heroes to sacrifice their happiness and their lives so the common people don't have to fight.}}]] The ganme makes a heavy point of pointing out all the myriad flaws of this idea. {{spoiler|In the end a planet-wide [[Combined Energy Attack]] is much more effective.}}
** The Sword Magess, when the Blaze of Disaster previously attacked Filgaia.
** {{spoiler|Brad left in what appeared to have [[Dropped a Bridge On Him]], but it was really [[Faking the Dead]] as the sacrifice was actually one of his [[Doppelganger|Doppelgangers]].}}