Wild ARMs 2: Difference between revisions

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* [[Desert Punk]]
* [[Disc One Final Dungeon]]: Heimdal Gazzo, which leads up to {{spoiler|Ashley temporarily being stranded in outer space}}.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: If you've played ''[[Xenogears (Video Game)|Xenogears]]'', many things about ''Wild Arms 2'' will seem oddly familiar.
** The navigation has extremely similar camera rotation and platform mechanics, but unlike in ''Xenogears'' you aren't able to jump up. The sprites on 3D background were in an extremely similar visual style as well.
** Both games' worlds have extremely violent histories that at least once or twice involved the a planet-wide near-genocide. But the theme of Filgaia being a scorched world is common to the ''Wild Arms'' series in general.
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* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: The American Old West combined with the Modern World.
* [[Free Rotating Camera]]
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: See [[G -Rated Sex]] below. Also, [[spoiler:Irving and Altaecia are very strongly implied as [[Brother -Sister Incest|being in a relationship]].
* [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]: {{spoiler|The Kuiper Belt}} is not even hinted at for the entire first disc, and is the focus of the second.
** On a smaller scale, there are also plenty of random giant monsters for the party to fight throughout the story.
** Played with by {{spoiler|Lord Blazer}}. It was obvious {{spoiler|he and Ashley would eventually fight}}, but not many expected {{spoiler|him to be the ''[[Final Boss]]''.}}
* [[G -Rated Sex]]: {{spoiler|Ashley and his girlfriend}}. The scene does a [[Fade to Black]], but the subtitles that stay are pretty much [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]].
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Some of the puzzle solutions, especially on the second disc, are quite obscure and would have required references on [[The Other Wiki]] if [[The Other Wiki]] had ''existed'' back then. Also, if you don't receive recommendations on which Personal Skills to pour your points into ([[Point of No Return|which you can't take back, by the way, unlike the games that followed]]), it's very easy to have an underpowered party and struggle through the game.
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]: To a rather ridiculous extent; you can name not only the party members and Lilka's spells, but almost every single plot-important NPC ally in the game.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: [[Deconstruction|This is a major theme throughout the game. Apparently, it's the job of heroes to sacrifice their happiness and their lives so the common people don't have to fight.]] The ganme makes a heavy point of pointing out all the myriad flaws of this idea. {{spoiler|In the end a planet-wide [[Combined Energy Attack]] is much more effective.}}
** The Sword Magess, when the Blaze of Disaster previously attacked Filgaia.
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* [[The Lifestream]]: Glaive Le Gable.
* [[Mythology Gag]]: You might realize that this game Angol Mois is far stronger than the other games' versions. You know why? Well...this game is released in 1999, yeah...
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Way to go, {{spoiler|Irving}}. You genuinely saved the universe, and all it took was a boatload of [[Necessary Evil]] that [[Despair Event Horizon|tore the heroes an emotional new one]]. Oh, and did I mention that the demon inside of Ashley feeds off of negative feelings? {{spoiler|The demon that ''you put there!?''}}
* [[Non Lethal Bottomless Pits]]
* [[Our Demons Are Different]]: Unlike in the other Wild Arms games, the demons here are not aliens, but actual supernatural beings.
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* [[Relationship Voice Actor]]: Drama CD only. Believe it or not [[Takahiro Sakurai|Ashley]] is [[Final Fantasy VII|Cloud Strife]] ''AND'' [[Toshiyuki Morikawa|Irving]] is [[Final Fantasy VII|Sephiroth]]! And this is even before that [[Advent Children|movie]] relates those two!
* [[Save Point]]: The [[Inexplicably Identical Individuals|Memory Service Ladies]] who appear in towns and the Amazing Stones that are found in dungeons.
* [[The Scapegoat]]: Brad is in jail for a crime he didn't commit; later, Ashley and company almost get executed {{spoiler|but [[Super -Powered Evil Side]] [[Deus Ex Machina|Ex Machina]] happens}}.
* [[Sealed Good in A Can]]: Lilka's sister is {{spoiler|trapped in another dimension; unusually for this trope, she never gets freed from the can and Lilka even has to ''give up the hope of ever getting her back'' to save Ashley instead}}.
* [[Shout Out]]: The land of Urartu was once the home of the {{spoiler|Crimson Nobles}}, but was genocidally depopulated during the past rampage of Lord Blazer. Urartu is an archaic name for [[Useful Notes/Armenia|Armenia]], where a [[Real Life]] genocide in [[World War One]] killed 1.5 million Armenians, including nearly the entire Armenian population in most of the former West Armenia.
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* [[Stupid Sacrifice]]: Luckily averted in {{spoiler|Tim's}} case, and is a major theme throughout the story.
* [[That One Puzzle]]: The first puzzle in the final dungeon confounded players for a decent amount of time. Seems not everyone knows how the days of the weeks got their names or figured out that is what the clues are referencing.
* [[Theme Music Power -Up]]
** Transforming into Knight Blazer is accompanied by an awesome theme song that lets it be known that you're about to kick some serious ass.
** The final boss theme is a remix of the game's main theme, "[[You Are Not Alone|You'll Never Be Alone]]". {{spoiler|Appropriately, Ashley has just transformed into a warrior capable of wielding the Argetlahm and using [[The Power of Friendship]] to kick ass.}}
* [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]]: The final dungeon in this game sees the party heading into {{spoiler|the living, mud core of the planet called Glaive Le Gable,}} where {{spoiler|an encroaching parallel universe has been manifested into a physical form.}} Before this dungeon was a huge, inverted Spiral Tower located conveniently on the center of the world map, and on the highest point to boot.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]
** Odessa wants to unify the world... with themselves on top, of course, in such a way that they're also [[Western Terrorists]].
** Kanon starts out as this when you first meet her, but she gets better.
** And then there's the man behind Odessa, "that man," {{spoiler|Irving. See [[Xanatos Roulette]].}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: To say Ashley is outraged over {{spoiler|Baskar Village's [[Stupid Sacrifice|plans]] for Tim}} would be a ''huge'' understatement. He's also outraged that {{spoiler|Irving arranged for him to be sent to Illsveil Prison, risking both his and Lilka's lives, just to recruit Brad.}}