Witchcraft: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cult]] - The setting has no shortage of these. They can be your garden variety mundane nutjobs, or they might be dedicated to black magic, demons, or the Mad Gods. Even better, the more fanatical Covenants view more than one of their fellow Covenants as dangerous cults.
* [[Cursed with Awesome]] - One way to view Taint powers... at least until you [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|lose your battle with madness]].
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]] - Not only are there playable monster-heavy Covenants, they're actually ''nicer'' on average than many human ones. The House of Thanatos, for example, are an organization of [[Necromancer|Necromancers]]s and [[The Undead|undead]] who want to be truly [[Immortal]]...and go about this by preserving the sanctity of the Death Realms and the living world from each other, busting up [[Eldritch Abomination|Mad God]] cults, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|generally being a social clubhouse]].
* [[Deal with the Devil]] - Oddly enough, demons rarely offer these kinds of deals, because anyone who would sell their soul is likely damned anyways. On the occasions when they do, it's only for mortals who stand to corrupt a lot of ''other'' mortals.
* [[Determinator]] - Plenty of things are difficult to kill in this setting, but the grand prize probably goes to the Relentless Dead. Permanently offing one of ''them'' requires not only massive physical and spiritual damage, but specialized invocations or Necromancy powers on top of that.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]] - There are a bunch of them running around, most notably the [[Mad God|Mad Gods]]s and those infected by their [[The Corruption|Taint]].
* [[Elemental Powers]] - Each of the classical four elements has an invocation, as well as a Key of Solomon.
* [[Evil Makes You Ugly]] - Practitioners of black magic are exempt from this trope (even if their poisoned Essence stands out as vile to other Gifted), but Taint is another matter. Humans who gain (and keep gaining) Taint become increasingly deformed.
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* [[Hit Points]] - Life Points or (for spirits) Vital Essence.
* [[Immortal Life Is Cheap]] - More than one player of a True Immortal or Relentless Dead has been nonchalant about getting mangled, since most enemies lack the means to (permanently) kill them.
* [[Jerkass Gods|Jerkass Angels]] - Of the three Seraphim factions, only the smallest, the Watchers, truly have humanity's best interests at heart; the [[Light Is Not Good|Heavenly Host]] are at best paternalistic [[Control Freak|Control Freaks]]s and at worst "Let God sort 'em out"-style [[Knight Templar|Knight Templars]]s, and as for the [[Legions of Hell|Infernal Legion]] ...well, guess. The Old Gods, too, are often selfish and manipulative to their followers.
* [[Limit Break]] - Magic functions like this in combat situations, as invocations can't be used until the magician has channeled enough Essence for the effect they want.
* [[Lovecraftian Superpower]] - The Disciples of the Flesh are Gifted who had [[Dark and Troubled Past|such a mangled childhood]] that it awoke their Gift in a way that allows them to reshape their bodies into grotesque living weapons. The [[Obviously Evil|expected morality]] of the Pariahs is subverted, however-for the most part, they just want to stop [[Complete Monster|the real monsters of the world]] from causing further suffering.
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