Tear Jerkers in Without a Trace include:

  • There was an episode about a Jr. High kid. He was a reject from Jr. High and a girl told him that she wanted to have sex with him. Okay no problem...that's when he vanishes. Except that when he goes there, the girls strip him naked and take pictures of him, then he decides he's going to hang himself from their swing set because he's just that humiliated and they come there right as he's trying to commit suicide. And people believe that kids should just shut up and deal with their Jr. High stuff?
  • There was another episode where the shipments of a video game went missing. The woman who was fostering kids tried to sell them to her brother to help him in his financial debt. She decided she had enough of it and walked off...and he shot and killed her. One can only imagine how bad it was when the foster kids were told where their foster mother was.
  • An episode detailed a 16 year old girl who ran away because she was pregnant. She was just hiding out and didn't tell her mother.
  • One episode is about a man who has just woken from a coma and goes missing. As the episode progresses, it is revealed that in his pre-coma life, he was a terrible person, but horrified by his past he has sworn, honestly, truly sworn to turn over a new leaf. The odds of waking from his coma are said over and over again to have been astronomically low and he remains in a fragile state. He has been given an almost impossible new lease on life that he plans to use. At the end of the episode, they discover that he has been mugged and beaten back into his coma; the chances of waking again are nonexistent.

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