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* [[Because Destiny Says So|Future Harper]]. So many throw away lines end up becoming major plot points.
* One might think the writers [[Did Not Do the Research|dropped the ball]] when Dwayne Johnson, delivered the line "Acting is my first and only job.", forgetting that he got his starting in [[Professional Wrestling]]...that is, until one considers that Pro Wrestling as we know it today ''is'' acting.
* I've finally come up with an answer to the often asked question "Why is [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|Stevie]]'s plan bad?" If the roughly 5000 other wizards who joined her revolution are anything like her, they probably have no qualms about using magic in front of other people. (Remember that hole-in-the-ground spell Stevie cast in the middle of a hallway full of [[Muggles]]?) In addition, Stevie often demonstrates a callous lack of regard for the impact of her actions on others. (Again, the hole-in-the-ground spell. By her own admission, she neither knew nor cared where that student ended up.) Imagine what would happen if her followers were to go around emulating her behavior. There would be a huge risk not only to innocent bystanders, but to the secrecy of the Wizard world as a whole. This, in fact, is probably the whole reason why the Wizard competition exists in the first place: To weed out those Wizards who don't display enough competence or concern to use their powers without exposing wizardry to mortals. Think about why Alex won: She displayed intelligence and creativity during the competition itself (Remembering spells and coming up with clever ways around obstacles) and she displayed loyalty and concern for others. (Going back to help Justin, even though it meant sacrificing her victory.) Even though she sometimes messes up and engages in reckless behavior, it's balanced out by her having the qualities that make a person worthy to be a wizard. Stevie doesn't have those qualities to balance her out and her followers probably don't either, so if they were allowed to keep their powers, they'd probably act in a way that creates a serious risk of wizardry being exposed.
== [[Fridge Horror]] ==
* At the end of the "Wizards vs. Angels" trilogy, Max/Maxine had turned a bunch of 12-year old girls into old men and then eventually into talking fruit. At the end of that ep, having been fed up with their bad fruit jokes, Jerry was going to get a blender. So let's review: 12-year old girls, turned into fruit, put in a blender. *shudder*