Wolverine and the X-Men: Difference between revisions

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** Nightcrawler's design here also has some Goth influence, but his personality couldn't be [[Perky Goth|further from the stereotype]].
* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]: One episode featured Nightcrawler teaching a groups of mutants with "useless" powers this.
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: Emma Frost. Her introduction into the series has practically every male at the X-Mansion (aside from Wolverine and Beast) gawking over her.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|Emma Frost. Had the second series happened, she would apparently have returned.}}
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Semi-used. {{spoiler|Mid-season, Rogue reveals that she only joined the Brotherhood in order to infiltrate them, because she learned some unpleasant things from Toad's mind. And while Emma may not have been working for the X-Men per-se, her goals were always good (stop the Phoenix). It's the Inner Circle who had a [[Face Heel Turn]] when they decided to use the Phoenix as a tool for their own power.}}
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* [[Parental Substitute]]: Rogue thinks of Logan as this. Or at least, as an absentee-version of it, since he keeps leaving for days or weeks at a time.
* [[The Phoenix]]: As a motif.
* [[Pokémon -Speak]]: Rover, a Sentinel that Polaris built out of scrap, only says the word "[[Crush! Kill! Destroy!|Destroy]]".
* [[Power Strain Blackout]]: Christy faints after using her powers to save Wolverine and her father.
* [[Rebellious Princess]]: Polaris.
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* [[Reverse Mole]]: Played with. {{spoiler|Initially, Rogue looks like this in ''Hindsight Part 2''. She pretends to join the Brotherhood, but is working with the X-Men against them. But this is all a ploy. She's really working with the Brotherhood to use the X-Men to help push the anti-mutant agenda, thus justifying further anti-human activities by the Brotherhood and pushing along the path to war.}}
** Later, {{spoiler|in ''Battle Lines'', Rogue reveals that ''all of that'' was part of her plan; she was on the X-Men's side all along. She read some disturbing things from Toad's mind, so she decided to hook up with them to keep an eye on them. She even tried to tell the X-Men about it once in a prior episode, but [[Parental Substitute|Logan wasn't there]], which pissed her off enough to not bother.}}
* [[Ripple -Effect -Proof Memory]]: Xavier seems to have it. Or does he? As a telepath in contact with people from the past he can read from their minds what he told them to avert, even when it no longer happened.
* [[Robot Buddy]]: Rover.
* [[Sacrificial Lamb]]: Jean Grey in the first episode. {{spoiler|At least, that's what they wanted us to believe.}}
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* [[Ship Tease]]: Angel and Storm. We only get to see it in one episode, though, thanks to the show's [[Too Good to Last|cancelation]]. {{spoiler|And it's the episode where Angel is brainwashed and turned into Archangel, no less.}}
** The also teased the hell out of Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch. See [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]].
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** Logan calls Hank [[Star Wars|Chewie]] in the first episode.
** In the episode that focuses on Jean, there is a scene where Bobby Drake (Iceman) is clearly playing a [[Real Life]] ''Iron Man'' game. More specifically, the main console game based on the [[Iron Man (Film)|first film]].
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** Though he does manage to set up the X-Men in a clever fashion in the second episode of the three part Series pilot.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: {{spoiler|Despite what she had done, Emma was never evil at all, and she was far from what you could call a villain. Everything she had done was in order to save the world from the Phoenix Force. Too bad the rest of the Hellfire Club has [[Take Over the World|other plans]]...}}
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: Subverted in the episode where Nightcrawler saves a sinking ship with help from a bunch of mutants with marginal-seeming powers.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Quicksilver.
* [[Window Pain]]: Cyclops puts Wolverine out, forcibly, via optic blasts, through a window in Episode 2.