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<!-- From TV Tropes, October 7, 2010
Source, October 18, 2010 October 2, 2011 -->
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[[World War II]] contained the most concentrated real life [[Badass|Badassery]], not only demonstrated by the soldiers who fought the war, the commanders who led the soldiers and the politicians who inspired the resistance against fascism, but also from ordinary people caught in an extraordinary situation. It is the real reason why nobody is allowed to assassinate [[Adolf Hitler|Hitler]]. The following list is a tribute to those who fought and died to ensure the liberty of generations to come. It was truly their finest hour.
Lest we forget.
*: And we never shall.
For some countries, [[World War II]] was not an event. It was a way of life for an entire generation. We might never see their like again. (And hopefully won't.)
== The Allies - United We Stand ==
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{{quote|"Two kinds of people are staying on this beach! The dead, and those who are going to die! NOW GET MOVING!"}}
* Operations Fortitude, Ironside, and Vendetta: the Allied misinformation campaign that tried to convince the Germans that the Allies were going to attack Calais, Norway, Aquitaine, or southern France instead of Normandy. It worked brilliantly. The Allies even convinced the Germans that the massive army in Normandy was merely a diversion, and that the real attack was about to hit Calais. Consequently, the Germans didn't even reinforce Normandy, giving the Allies time to consolidate their beachhead. It was the largest hoax in human history.
** Mainly the OKW (German High Command) waited 6 ''weeks'' before releasing the Panzers from the Pas de Calais. The reason? British Intelligence had convinced them that the FUSAG (First US Army Group) were waiting in Kent to cross the narrowest point of the Channel, to the land in part of France closest to Germany. They succeeded this with inflatable tanks, radio operators broadcasting messages from fake units, and the fact it's headed by a real General - George Patton. The Germans reasonsed that if the allies were keeping their most aggressive general in England, they ''must'' be planning something big (Patton nagged Eisenhower repeatedly to be allowed to go). If such a huge, never to be repeated deception doesn't seem enough of a [[CMoG]] then consider the part played by...
*** 'Garbo', who is a German spy and regularly broadcasts the information to the Germans. Even tells them about "Overlord" before they knew. The catch - he was a double agent (The invasion warning was timed to be too late to be of any use, but enough to make him appear very credible). So good and awesome that after the war Garbo bumped into one of his old Nazi "handlers" ''who handed him an Iron Cross'' for his services.
* Operation Pedestal, the resupplying of Malta in August 1942, is one of the Royal Navy's Crowning Moments of Awesome in the war, but also that of the merchant marines. Continually attacked by the Italian and German airforces and navies, the convoy ''had'' to get through an order to prevent Malta from being starved into capitulation. After suffering immense losses, especially an aircraft carrier and two cruisers, the convoy somehow made it. Most vital of all the ships was the SS ''Ohio'', a fast tanker, who story is outlined in [[The Other Wiki]].
* Defeating the Axis in WW2.
* Jose M. Lopez. It's commonly accepted wisdom that the "M" stands for "Motherfucking". Ask the Nazis. The scene was during the Battle of the Bulge, 1944, and during [[World War II]]. Lopez's sstory is similar to that of Alvin York, except Lopez suffering a few scratches. Only a few. Oh, and Lopez, also took on a Tank which was firing shells directly at him (Many striking close enough to bowl him over repeatedly...That's where his many scratches came from). Also, the endless Nazi soldier waves. Oh, and his final kill count that's estimated to be over a hundred men that he singlehandedly mowed down, and saving his entire company from being overun. He even did all this running back and forth to different sides of the battlefield with his 30+ pound machine gun every time they were going to be outflanked, then singlehandedly push the Nazi tide back. Jose Lopez never had any cover protecting him above the waist. Now you see why the "M" stands for "Motherfucking"?
* Don't forget Pavlov's House. A tiny group of Russians, were sent to capture a small, rundown house. Only 4 which survived the battle. They fortified the position with barbed wire, mines, mounted machine guns, and a trench to the back lines, and patiently wait for the German counterattack. Russia had poor supplies, tactics, and communications; their whole battle plan was to rush the enemy and hope they won't loose too many men. They repeatedly lost to smaller countries and considered incompetent and backwards. Russia was the country that lost to Finland in [[World War I]], never mind the fact that it was literally 1,000 times as large. Germany was a country which captured entire countries in mere weeks. Obviously, Germany would've capture this tiny rundown house easily. Enter Sargent Pavlov. Though the house never had more than twelve men defending it, it's the ONE place that Germany could never capture. The German soldiers were dying so often, that in-between battles Russian soldiers had to run out and knock over the dead bodies, otherwise the foe would use the many walls of corpses for cover. Pavlov found that enemy tanks can't aim very high, so he puts the anti-tank rifle on the roof, and personally took down 12 tanks himself. After two months of fighting, with German forces regularly attacking the house day and night, major reinforcements came and Pavlov's house was secured by the Russian army. Some reports that Germany lost more men attempting to take over this one dinky little house in their entire campaign in France. The German army had marked it as a fortress on all of the maps. And Pavlov? He received every medal imaginable.
=== United Kingdom - "Their Finest Hour" ===
Line 87 ⟶ 91:
** ニースの仕事はそれを壊す, 主人公!
** On the contrary, they, the Japanese, knew that they could not stand up to the United States in a prolonged conflict very well. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (one of the masterminds behind the Pearl Harbor attack) was in the US and studied several years there, and knew full well that Japan could not match America's production capacity. The attack on Pearl Harbor came since there was a US and UK blockade against Japan that was creating a critical oil shortage (which was the intended effect) and Japan had to break the blockade somehow. So the design behind the Pearl Harbor attack was to cripple the US naval forces in the Pacific in a swift strike and then push onwards into the mainland US, without any resistance, the United States would be forced to retreat from the Pacific theater entirely. This almost succeeded: the US carriers were forced out into sea and weren't at anchor in Pearl Harbor as the Japanese assumed; that left the United States with a means of fighting back. The Japanese also failed to destroy the American submarine base at Pearl Harbor (it was completely undamaged), which allowed the US forces to successfully commence a raiding campaign similar to Germany's wolf packs in the Atlantic theater against Japan, which hampered Japan's production capacity.
** Yamamoto, a Japanese commander, was the only one who thought that their asses got served. However, the Japanese High Command, were so high on themselves that they thought that the US would cave under the might of Imperial Japan eventually. Yamamoto uttered his famous quote about Pearl Harbor that the poor guy was demoted from his High Admiral of the Navy and stuck as only a subordinate to an incompetent fool, who contributed heavily to the numerous Allied victories in the Pacifice following Wake Island and Midway. Eventually, Yamaoto got his position back, but that's long after the Japanese Navy had been reduced to a mere third of its original strength, thanks to the Allies.
** Henry Ford had one last great project, aka "Willow Run." After pioneering the automobiles' mass-production, he offered to the US government that he would build a factory that could produce one four-engined heavy bomber every hour. Most people thought that this was impossible and they were correct. "Willow Run" didn't average a bomber every hour; it actually averaged one bomber every SIXTY-THREE minutes.
** [ "The United States built more merchant shipping in the first four and a half months of 1943 than Japan put in the water in seven years."]
*** This partially due to the U.S.'s deploying the "Liberty Ships." Though most vessels are built to last the decade or more, the Liberty Ships were build to last approximately six months. So, no reason to build a ship that gonna last long if a single torpedo would sink it anyway. This allows these ships to be cheaply massed produced and in greater quantity.
* The Battle of Wake Island gets an extra special mention, this is America's first victory of the entire war. Their story goes like this: During three straight days of Japanese bombing, both the Marines and civilian contractors on the island somehow managed to trick the bombers into bombing fake positions. The Japanese believed that they completely knocked out all of the defenses on Wake Island, so the over confident fleet, the same one which took out Guam the day before, went to Wake Island with no air support whatsoever. The Marine commander orders his men to hold until the Japanese ships were within 4,800 yards, which is 5" artillery range, since those are the biggest guns that the Marines had. Once the orders came, the Marines let loose with all the artillery on the Japanese ships, even sinking one less than 15 seconds. The fleet then retreated out of range, just to be attacked by the remaining four American airplanes. These planes were armed with 100 lbs bombs, which one of the pilots were told that its impossible to sink a ship with, his response was along the lines of "then they just aren't trying hard enough," next proceeding to sink a Japanese destroyer with one after receiving a direct hit on its supply of depth charges, causing the ship to explode and forcing the Japanese to retreat more further.
** The Japanese eventually captured Wake Island upon their return with a huge fleet and air support, after their first troop wave were they completely decimated by the already stationed Marines. The Marine commander, through a mixture of down communication lines and a confirmation that Pearl Harbor won't be coming to aid them, decided to surrender to the Japanese forces. The latter intended to kill off every single American on the island, but orders from their own commanded them not to do so, because the Wake Island battle was already being fixated on by the international world media's attention, and it would be considered as an undeniable war atrocity if a few hundred American Marines and civilians were to disappear.
Line 129 ⟶ 133:
**** This other troper, whose home country was liberated partly due to the actions of the American fleet off Samar, expresses the hope that soldiers, sailors, and airmen now in Heaven are still talking about what happened on October 25, 1944. So, that whenever a survivor of this battle finally has to meet St. Peter, they can simply say "I was there."
* The next best US destroyer action of WW2 was the Battle of Vella Gulf, were 6 US destroyers, which up till then had been resoundingly ineffective in the Naval Battles of Guadalcanal, successfully ambushed 4 Japanese destroyers, hitting all four in what's quote probably a perfectly executed torpedo attack by surface ships in the entire war by using the nearby island to hide themselves from the Japanese radar and its' sight. The latter didn't even know they were under attack, until their ships began to explode and only the Shigure's bizarre luck kept it from being a perfect clean sweep when the torpedo that hit its rudder failed to explode.
* Very nearly as impressive is the action during the night of November 14, 1942, by the battleship USS Washington off SAvoSavo Island. Yes, they had radar and the Japanese did not, but the USS South Dakota was simultaneously surrounded by multiple large Japanese ships with very powerful searchlights and got chewed up rather badly. And the Washington was engaging the Japanese at very close range, even for this time. I've read rather different accounts of this battle in various places, differing significantly on the details, but what does not differ is that they were out of position, unsupported, surrounded, standing alone against a Japanese force that included at least one battleship and possibly others, and they sank one Japanese battleship and multiple smaller vessels in a matter of minutes.
** The battle was fought principally betwixt two American battleships - South Dakota and Washington, against a lone Japanese battleship, the Kirishima. Mainly, the South Dakota suffered from electrical problems and was not able to fire a shot while the Japanese were pounding her. Meanwhile, the Washington snuck up on the Kirishima and wrecked her with accurate gunfire. It would be the second to the last time battleships would ever face another in a surface fight, and cemented the reputation of Admiral "Ching" Lee (Commander of the Washington) as the greatest battleship commander in the US Navy.
** What's more dramatic than the fight between the Washington/South Dakota and Kirishima was the battle of Guadalcanal several nights earlier. A scratch American force lead by two cruisers ended up fighting a Japanese task force lead by two battleships. In what's often described as the most chaotic naval battle of the war, both sides only began firing at point-blank range, which cause devastating casualties on both sides. Scott and Callaghan - Two American Admirals - were killed during the fight, while the Japanese commander himself was wounded. While the Americans sustained far more casualties, they stopped the Japanese from bombarding Henderson Airfield, which was providing vital air support for the Marines fighting for their lives on Guadalcanal. The commander of the Marines, who was later asked how victory in Guadalcanal became possible, thanked his soldiers, God, but most of all "The brave sailors such as Admiral Scott and Callaghan, who gave their lives to prevent another bombardment of Henderson Field."
Line 163 ⟶ 167:
** Unknown if this makes it more of a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|CMoA]] or just a truly terrifying, was the fact that the scientists involved didn't actually know what would happen. They were more worried that the explosion's sheer power might cause the atmosphere to spontaneously combust, literally destroying the world...AND THEY DID IT ANYWAY!
* Anyone that has seen the [[Dogfights]] episode "Long Odds" can talk about the scouting mission by ''Old 666'', were a Japanese plane squadrons painfully discovered was heavily customized by their crew into what is probably the most well-armed aircraft of the war.
** Just to clarify, ''Old 666'' was a B-17E bomber, serial number 12666. It was believed to be a cursed bomber mainly because it comes back from every mission with horrific battle damage. It was left at the end of a runway for spare parts. One crew, which was under Captain Jay Zeamer, needed a bomber, and the Old 666 was the only one available. So, the crew took her, fixed her up, and loaded her with [[BFGBig Freaking Gun| more (and bigger) guns]] than a normal B-17, replacing her usual loadout of .30 cals with .50 cals, and raising her gun count from 13 to 19. While on mission the Japanese planes attacked what they thought was the defenseless nose, until the custom front station smashed three Zeroes. For an hour, the bomber continued to fight off a swarm of no less than 15 Japanese fighters by itself. The bomber suffered extreme damage again, with most, if not all of the crew, wounded (and one dead), but managed to land mostly intact.
** Therefore, not even [[Satan]] himself can ignore the effects of [[More Dakka]].
** For more details, that mission was the only bomber mission were two members of the same crew got the Medal of Honor for different actions and every other member won the Distinguished Service Cross. The first MoH went to Jay Zeamer, the pilot, for firstly shooting down an enemy plane with a remote controlled gun, and then, while wounded with a broken leg and multiple fragment wounds brought the plane down to where the crew didn't need the broken oxygen system by watching the increase in manifold pressure in the engines, and refused first aid, lapsing into unconsciousness, until the plane crash landed, at which point he was so badly injured; the rest of the crew removed him last, assuming that Jay was dead. The other went to bombardier, Joseph Sarnoski, for shooting down multiple Japanese planes while wounded, and then after getting hit with a 20mm shell that blew him out of the compartment, sought aid until a second wave of fighters came, and shot down at least one of them. He, unfortunately died at his station from his wounds.
* Also, from the same episode, the story about the dive bomber pilot pulling substitute CAP duty and taking on three Japanese Zeroes and winning (I think it was three, been a while since I saw the episode).
** And it took the last one down by accidentally clipping it with a wing while trying to dodge (?) - It turns out that the little American dive bomber was a lot physically tougher than the feared Zeroes. Talk about a [[Fragile Speedster]].
* Butch O'Hare, a U.S. Navy pilot, had a crowning moment was when his ship, the U.S.S. Lexington, was spotted by a Japanese spy plane. When a wave of Japanese Bettys arrived to try and sink the ship, the Americans sent their fighters to meet them. The fighters successfully defended the Lexington, but during a second wave of Bettys appeared, the only planes close enough to stop them belonged to O'Hare and his wingman, and unfortunately, the wingman's guns jammed, forcing O'Hare to fight them off on his own. Alone, he managed to shoot down five of them and the other four turned away without firing on his ship. Chicago's O'Hare International Airport is named after him for this reason, a fitting tribute to an exceptional pilot from Chicago.
** The rarely-talked about Navajo Code Talkers deserve credit for helping in the Pacific Theater. Their code was never broken (not even by a captured American soldier that knew Navajo). After the war, they were to remain silent about their accomplishments because nobody wanted the Navajo secret to get out (the reason the Navajo were chosen was because German "tourists"/spies had come to the US after [[World War I| WW1]] to study various Native American languages, since Cherokee had been used in the first World War and the Germans wanted to be prepared in case the US used that technique again. They had forgotten the Navajo). Once modern technology made their abilities obsolete, they were allowed to come out and be awesome.
Line 198 ⟶ 202:
** Speaking of the RAF and foreign pilots, a Belgian named Jean de Selys was HARDCORE. As members of his family had been murdered by the Gestapo, the war was very personal for him. He was a crazy, fearless, and creative, and now there's a statue of him in Brussels. I think disobeying orders to fly alone into a Nazi-occupied city in 1943, just above treetop level, to strafe the Gestapo building where his father was executed, then drop a funeral wreath and note, was pretty impressive.
** A member of Squadron 303, Stanislaw Karubin, once he realized that he was out of ammunition during an intense dogfight, being on the tail of a German fighter near the tree-top level. Normal men would started to return to base at this point, but Karubin closed in on the armed German fighter and climbed right about it, then started lowering his craft onto enemy fighter. The German pilot was so shocked to see the underside of the Polish fighter over him, he instinctively reduced the altitude of the flight and crashed into the ground.
* The strange story of Boleslaw "Mike Killer" Gladych, who was pretty much a living CMoA, as well as a total Badass. Gladych started the war as a Polish Air Force cadet, completing his training too late to see combat. He led a group of students to Romania, where they were interned. Gladych wasn't amused, and escaped to France, where he joined a squadron intended to fight for Finland against the USSR (yes, really.) Then France decided that they needed the pilots more once Germany attacked, so he fought for France. Gladych claimed several kills in the Armee de L'Air, but his records do not survive to confirm this. When France fell, Gladych decided the Germans [[You Haven't Seen the Last of X|hadn't heard the last of him]] yet and escaped to England, where he joined the Polish 303 Squadron, flying Spitfires. Approximately three and possibly five kills ensued in his first two sorties, but the second ended with him crashing, almost fatally, into a telegraph pole. [[I Got Better|He Got Better]] and returned to combat with 302 "City of Poznan" Sqdn. After a tour there, Gladych was grounded (supposedly for almost shooting down Winston Churchill's transport accidentally, though this is unconfirmed.) That just would not do, so he wandered off and hooked up, completely and unoffically, with the USAAF 56th Fighter Group to fly P-47s alongside Francis "Gabby" Gabreski, who had previously worked with him in the RAF. While with the 56th, Gladych found three FW190s on his tail. He rid himself of that paricular problem with a vicious strafing run of a Luftwaffe airfield; Gladych had learned that the first aircraft on a strafing run usually came through unscathed, but during the next planes went through all kinds of hell. The FW190s, which were somewhat similar in appearance to the P-47, received the full wrath of the Luftwaffe AAA, and Gladych headed home. Gladych was officially kicked out of the Polish Air Force when they learned of his "arrangement" with the USAAF, is recorded in USAAF records as a member of the RAF, and was never an official member of the American military. He was just too awesome for any one military.
* Both the Polish [[Boy Scouts]] and [[Girl Scouts]] had their own Crowning Moment of Awesome during World War II. When they were outlawed by the Nazis as a "Non-Aryan" institution they went underground and carried on their scouting just like before the war. Not only that but they formed the part of [[La Resistance]], using their Scouting skills for such things as acting as couriers for Resistance agents. And during the Warsaw Revolt, Scouts would crawl for what amounts to miles through the sewers of the city to deliver messages in incredibly uncomfortable circumstances, all the while the enemy was trying to block the passages with nets or flood them with water.
** Robert Baden-Powell would be proud.
Line 211 ⟶ 215:
*** This troper's grandfather was among the Polish troops at Monte Cassino and he's damn proud.
*** Really, all that was needed to be said for this to be a CMoA was "The Polish troops at Monte Cassino had a bear as a pet. This bear punched a spy."
* In another battle (This time in the Normandy Campaign), the Polish 1st Armored Division proved instrumental in preventing the escape of thousands of German soldiers caught in the "Falaise Pocket." It suffered grieviousgrievous casualties as it had to fight with little support and ammunition. Canadian troops, who later visited the battle site, erected a simple sign that said: "A Polish Battlefield."
** When the battle was over, the 1st Polish Armored Division's commander was given the Iron Cross (Germany's highest award for valor) from a captured German prisoner. The German had won the Iron Cross five years earlier in Poland - In the battle that ended with the destruction of the 1st Armored Division's predecessor. In a way, it signified a complete reversal of what had happened in September of 1939.
** Unidentified Polish soldiers who were buried in Normandy bear a simple, English epitaph to commemorate their sacrifice: "Died for Poland."
Line 220 ⟶ 224:
** Defense of Hel, a Polish peninsula. The plan was to hold defense for two weeks. They lost source of supplies, were under heavy fire from German naval artillery, and they surrendered when there was no point of fighting any longer after 32 days. The most noteworthy moment was when the Polish Army realized that they could not use missiles because of their destroyed equipment, so they buried them. Once the Nazi decided to try to attack not from the sea but from land, Hel became an island.
* The 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade. General Sosabowski went into Operation Market Garden with misgivings, let his support elements be cut from his brigade to see them chewed up in the meat grinder of Arnhem, finally went in with his paras, found his Rhine crossing gone, made the crossing anyhow, and covered the retreat of the British 1st Airborne Division, at a cost of almost a quarter of his brigade in casualties. The survivors are honored every year in Oosterbeek, and not for nothing.
** In the Polish city, Czestochowa - In its' holiest shrine. - Lies a memorial for all of its great victories won by Polish soldiers. The memorial includes several battles from World War 2II - Including France 1940, The Battle of Britain, Monte Cassino, The Falaise Gap, the Market-Garden, just to name a few. No one - Including the pro-Soviet Communist Government, who tried for fifty years to erase the the memory of the Free Polish Forces - Ever dared to take down the memorial. Today, the site is now considered the most important place of pilgrimage for Polish people.
* Not only does Poland never surrender, they had no [[The Quisling|quislings]] as well. When one group offered their collaboration to the Germans, they turned it down - It was just so small and insignificant, they didn't bother. Another time, one captured officer was released to deliver an offer of limited collaboration to the [[La Resistance]] command, and the command told him to "solve the mater honorably." After a few days, he shot himself.
** Get it? They basically told him to commit [[Seppuku|Seppuku!]]! This guy, as well as the Wizna commander (below), get bonus Awesome usually reserved for the Samurai, despite never being anywhere in space or time near [[Feudal Japan]].
** Such was their defiance that they created what amounted to an ''underground state'', complete with functional institutions, that helped sustain the resistance against Nazi occupation. Not to mention how symbolically, as mentioned in the animated film [ The Unconquered], the war never really ended for Poles in 1945. They continued fighting for their freedom until the end of the Cold War and collapse of Communist rule in ''1989''.
* The Battle of Wizna, anyone? The Polish were outnumbered 59 to 1, and they held off the German Army for three days. The Polish managed to take out 10 tanks and a few AFV's, and an untold amount of infantry. They had six 76mm guns, 42 Machine Guns, and only two Anti-Tank Rifles, compared to the Germans 350 Tanks, Air Superiority, and 600+ heavy weapons (mortars, Machine Guns, Rockets, etc.) along with a lot of artillery. Also, the Polish commander swore by his life that he won't let the fort fall into enemy hands. When the situation became hopeless, he agreed to surrender to prevent unnecessary deaths of his soldiers, then blew himself up with a grenade. The Sabaton song 40:1 is named for it.
** [ 40:1 Music Video]
** This English Troper is so impressed by the tenacity of these Polish actions that he has gained a whole lot of respect for the Poland. All I can say and do is salute them all and say thank you for fighting so much for our freedom.
** Seconded by an American troper, who hopes that there's a special place in heaven for the insanely courageous men and women who knocked on Peter's door as a result of never, ever shirking that courage.
* On the 65th Anniversary of VE Day - Which was described as the last one that'll ever feature actual veterans from the war - For the very first time, the Poles were asked to join the victory parade. Not jusjust that, they are given the honor to lead it. No one objected. Everyone agreed they deserved it.
* Consider the fact that Poland has a tradition of valor and a military history to booth, which makes any Western European nation seem weak and incompetent. Especially when yayou consider just how many times they butchered through obstacles, like the Ottoman Armies, to rescue cities, like Vienna.
=== The Soviet Union - "Heroes of the Great Patriotic War" ===
Line 249 ⟶ 254:
* Operation August Storm. Which is one of the most brilliant campaigns of the war, it involved moving over a million troops from the Western front in secret and consisted of double pincer movement over an area the size of Western Europe that utterly destroyed the Japanese defenders. The Soviet army took no less than 640,276 prisoners, while suffering only 12,031 losses. And, although it is still a matter under dispute, some historians believe that subsequent Japanese surrender was largely due to this devastating offensive and not the A-bombs.
* I'll just leave this here...
** Typical of Soviet World War 2II aircraft, many II-2s were "gifts" presented to specific pilots and partially paid for by organizations, like hometowns, factories, or comrades of another fallen pilot. The most famous of these was an aircraft purchased with the saving of a seven-year-old daughter of another fallen pilot, who was a commander of the 237th Sh AP. After learning of her father's death, the girl sent 100 rubles directly to Stalin asking him to use the money for an II-2 to avenge her father. Remarkably, Stalin actually received the letter and 237th Sh AP got a new II-2m3 with the inscription "From Lenochka for father" on the side.
** Remarkable indeed yet not exceptional at all. Maria Oktyabrskaya, a telephonist from the city Simpherople learned that her husband died in action and decided that [[It's Personal]]. She raised 50,000 rubles!!!, transferred the amount to the State Bank and then eventually wrote a letter to Stalin requesting a personal tank. They named the tank "Sister in Arms" and she went to the front as its crew member, and spent next four months fighting, like a fury. One time in combat, a shell hit the tank's track, Maria tried to repair it, despite being under enemy fire, but was wounded, and later died. She was awarded with an order of the Hero of the Soviet Union. So impressed were her comrades that when the tank got destroyed they gave their next one the same name...And then the next one...And the next.
** The "Night Witches" - Female combat pilots, who fly obsolete biplanes with eff-off heavy bombs attached and gliding towards German positions on night-time bombing runs. All while putting up with institutional sexism from their command. Garth Ennis sums them up: "Young women in their teens and early twenties, flying obsolete biplanes at night against the most lethal military machine in the world, facing potentially catastrophic consequences should they be captured alive...That, to me, is heroism, and that deserves to be acknowledged."
*** A wing commander of the 588th "Night Witches" night bomber Regiment by the name of Sr. Lieutenant Irina Sebrova, participated in 1,008 night missions and 92 day missions. This equals to 44 tours of duty for an American.
*** The second time she was shot down behind enemy lines, Irina trekked 10 miles through the snow at night to return to the base without getting killed!
*** To the Germans, the Flying Sewing Machines are infamous for the simple fact that the latter were so quiet, that detecting them was just a matter of luck, as anything.
* Don't forget the younger participants. The war dislocated so many people, so many families, that many kids ended up unofficially joining the Soviet combat formations. Affectionately called the "Sons of the Regiment," these kids did everything from menial work, to message relaying, and scouting missions. With the units, they also advanced, and many of the SotR were later recognized.
* Roman Smishyk: an ex-peasant and a very humble private, whose platoon was on pinned by enemy forces comprising of 16 tanks during one occasion. So, Roman grabbed three anti-tank grenades and three cocktail bottles, crawled towards the Germans, who are advancing, and one by one burned three tanks. He returned to the home positions, replenished his ammunition, and repeated this trick. Basically: One guy wacked six tanks single-handedly. Nazis whined that this game had one fucked up balance and logged off.
Line 342 ⟶ 347:
* They built a submarine aircraft carrier. 'Nough said.
* When it comes the whole defense of Iwo Jima is one of the huge CMOA for the Japanese army. Ordered to defend a miniscule strip of land against an American invasion force that had both numerical and technological superiority (the Japanese had 22,000 troops, the U.S. had 110,000), for over a month, they managed to hold out before being soundly defeated.
** Only a badass, like Clint Eastwood, could make a [[Letters From Iwo Jima| movie based on this]].
* General William Rupertus predicted that Peleliu would be taken in 4 days. The Japanese held on to it for 74.
* From the [[POV Cam|POV]] of the IJN, the REAL CMoA was sinking the British capital ships, ''Repulse'' and ''Prince of Wales''. This proved that the Japanese Navy had "grown up" seeing the British Royal Navy as its mentor, supplier, and superior, to the point that one of the IJN's most cherished keepsakes was a lock of Nelson's hair. Sinking two of the Royal Navy warships finally proved that once and for all that the IJN was, man for man, an equal to ever other international navy. More remarkably, the normally ruthless Japanese Navy made a rare display of gallantry after this victory. The next day after the sinkings (after allowing the survivors to escape), a squadron of Japanese planes flew to the wreckage of the two ships and dropped wreaths of flowers to honor the British dead.
Line 369 ⟶ 374:
** [[The Resistance|Vive la Résistance!]]
* De Gaulle's reaction (he was the chief of the FFF) when the German radio stated that "Free French soldiers will be shot and not taken prisoner for felony." Although officially the French had surrendered, De Gaulle's reaction was the same, in that German prisoners would be shot too.
** [[Your Mileage May Vary]] on the "awesomeness' of that one...
* Bir Hakeim is a CMoA in its own right. The Free French held on a piece of rock in the middle of the desert, all of Rommel's ''Afrikakorps'' and the Italians surrounded them, but the Italians retreated after ten days, possibly saving the VIIIth British army from Ritchie's incompetence.
* The whole island of Malta. By surviving a siege by the Germans and Italians for three years. For this, the entire population was awarded the George Cross collectively, which was the highest civilian award for gallantry in Britain. Malta's now an independent state, the medal is on its flag.
Line 379 ⟶ 385:
** She even commanded 7,000 French troops that engaged in guerrilla warfare to sabotage the Nazi.
** Once, the supply drops were threatened by the destruction of radio codes. Nancy embarked on a marathon bike ride, cycling about 500 km in 72 hours and bypassing several German checkpoints, just to find an operator to radio Britain and requesting new codes.
*** She once strangled a German soldier, who is about to sound the alarm, WITH HER BARE HANDS. Clearly, her whole life is entirely [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|CMoA]].
** Don't forget her husband, who was tortured and executed by the Gestapo, just for refusing to give up on her. Also counts as a [[CMoHHeartwarming Moments|Heartwarming Moment]].
* De Gaulle, a chief of the FFF,'s reaction when the German radio stated that "Free French Soldier will be shot and not taken prisoner for felony," as officially France had surrendered: De Gaulle stated that, from this moment onward, German prisoners will also be shoot, too.
** [[Your Mileage May Vary]] on this one's 'awesomeness.'
Line 401 ⟶ 407:
**** To the Greeks, hospitality is always been sacred.
* The whole island of Malta had its CMOA by surviving a three year siege by the Germans and Italians. For it, the entire population was awarded the George Cross, which is the highest civilian award for gallantry in Britain. Which is now an independent state, the medal is now on its flag.
** To elaborate further, Malta was one the most heavily bombed allied country during World War 2II, since they were an important trade route in the Mediterranean. Even though the country was bombed like crazy, many of the ancient buildings survived due to the bravery of the people.
* Australia's the Kokoda Trail. Let just say that it's been called "Australia's Thermopylae," which is totally justified. Though not at the same magnitude, then again the Persians didn't have assault rifles.
** This is twice as awesome considering the fact it was a first time for a purely militia force and after the first battle the Japanese believed that they had defeated a huge force of more than 1,200 strong when actually they were facing 77 Australian troops.
Line 458 ⟶ 464:
[[The Holocaust]] was one of the worst atrocities ever committed by humankind. Eleven million people lost their lives because of ideology gone mad. These are the people who saw what was happening and said "Not one more."
* In Denmark, the rescue of the Jews, basically ranks as one of the most courageous and inspired actions in World War 2II. The whole country effectively refused to allow the Jews to be taken away to the death camps, most were able to escape to Sweden, who is neutral. No other occupied nation in Europe took such extensive steps to protect its Jewish population - Although many others (i.e. Oskar Schindler and thousands of Poles) also risked their lives to save people from the Holocaust.
* Albania, both the nations, the people, and as individuals, simply refused to permit the Nazis to carry out the genocide in their nation. ONE JEWISH FAMILY in the whole country were killed, other thousands were pouring in as refugees. The Albanians actually competed with each other for the privilege of saving Jews from the Nazis.
* The twelfth ''Sonderkommando'''s uprising (They're units of concentration camp inmates, mostly Jewish, who were forced to assist the SS in killing by disposing bodies from the gas chambers) in October 1944. They destroyed almost half of the crematoria of the Auschwitz extermination camp, seriously undermining the number of people the Nazis could still kill during the last months of the war, as they were never rebuilt. 200, who didn't die in the uprising itself were forced to strip, lie face down, and were shot in the back of the head in quick succession. A total of 451 members died that day.
* Raoul Wallenberg. Who is a Swedish diplomat that was posted in Budapest, Hungary. He kept 100,000 Hungarian Jews from being deported to the death camps using naught but a printing press, typewriter ribbon, [[XantosXanatos Gambit|Xanatos]] level of cunnings, sheer audacity, and sometimes, [[You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry|intimidation]]. While deep behind Axis lines, representing a government, who has very few cards to play, and was able to scare Nazis. A [[Real Life]] [[Ambadassador]].
** Another mention goes to an incident where a train was about to leave Budapest to a death camp. Wallenberg climbed to the top of the train, and ''all the while being shot at'', started throwing passes inside so that the Jews can use them to escape death (These passes weren't legal, but they look legit enough to fool the authorities.) After when he was certain that everyone on board has a pass, he got off, walked towards the shocked authorities, and calmly ordered everythone with a pass to step out of the train. ''And he got away with it'', simply because [[Refuge in Audacity]] in the most insane and boldest way possible.
* Chiune Sugihara. A Japanese Vice Consul in Lithuania during 1939-1940, who directly disobeyed orders in issuing thousands of exit visas for botht eh Lithuanian and Polish Jews to escape to Japan (Most of them ended up escaping to Shanghai, and Shanghai had a tiny yet decidedly incongruous Jewish population for years after the war). According to his family, Chiune spent 18-20 hours a day filling out these visas by hand. When he was finally forced to leave just before the consulate was closed, witnesses reports that even on his way from his hotel to the train station and just was when the train was just leaving, he was still filling those things out and throwing them into the crowd. Double amazingly, when one considers that the culture of the Japanese Foreign Service during this time and for him to openly defy his superiors to that huge extent was basically unprecedented for anyone working there. This also explains why he was able to get away with it: The Japanese government was so flabbergasted that one of their own (who, by all accounts, had been a very effective administrator for his whole career) had gone beyond their orders they can't rationalize it besides pretending that it didn't happen.
Line 474 ⟶ 480:
* Shesh, nobody has mentioned Elie Wiesel? He wrote ''Night'' after all...
** And Oskar Schindler, 'Course.
* What about Giorgio Perlasca? He was an Italian businessman who just saved thousands of Jews by [[Refuge in Audacity|posing as an Spanish consul-general to Hungary]] during the winter of 1944: he was in Hungary just as Italy surrended, so he request political asylum at the Spandish Embassy due to his verteran of the Spanish war status. He started working with Chargé d'Affaires, Ángel Sanz Briz, and other diplomats of neutral states in smuggling Jews out of the country. When the Spanish embassy was moved to Switzerland, he chose to stay and gave the false announcement that Sanz Briz was due to return from a short leave and he just was [[Beyond the Impossible|appointed as substitute]]. Giorgio protected thousands of people from the S.S. with [[The Power of Acting|just lies]] for three months approximately, [[Nerves of Steel|knowing that if found out, he would be killed on the spot]]. When the war ended, [[Badass Unintentional|he didn't reveal his actions to anyone]], until a group of Hungarian Jews, which he saved earlier, found him again. He was asked why did he do it, and his answer? ''What would you have done in my place?'' A troper from [[The Other Tropes Wiki]] thinks everyone who helped Jews during WWII was a damn hero, but he was really [[Badass|badass]].
* Jose Castellanos Contreras, an Salvadoran army colonel who served as a Consul General in El Salvador during the war. Jose helped rescued close to 40,000 Central European Jews with the help of his friend, Gyorgy Mandl, by issuing them fake papers of Salvadoran nationality. This allowed them to receive aid from the International Red Cross, and as The Other Wiki says, "saved thousands of 'Salvadorans' of Bulgarian, Czechoslovakian, Hungarian, Polish, and Romanian extraction from Nazi depredations." As this says, "Gave meaning to the name El Salvador, which means 'The Savior.'"
* The Bielski partisans.
* There's a story, which follows: A group of German volunteers were searching for Jews in a Polish city. The Nazi came to a seemingly abandoned house. Sensing that something was afoot, they kept looking in the house until they found the attic. The trapdoor was closed, but since there's a ladder underneath it. The Germans assumed that there's some Jews hiding up there. Once they get the attic open and one guy clambers up to take a look. There's at least twenty people up there, all of them Jewish. What did the volunteer do? ''Climbs down and says that there's no one''. If anyone else had looked, he would've been in deep shit, but as it happened, ''everyone in the attic survived to tell the tale''.
* Every single guy that helped hide the Jews during the Holocaust, regardless the great danger that puts him in.
* Sobibor. Which is the most successful revolt in the Nazi scheme of extermination camps, carried out on October 14, 1943, 600 inmates led by Polish-Jewish prisoner, Leon Feldhendler, and Soviet-Jewish POW, Alexander Pechersky, killed 11 SS officers, cut off the camp's electrical power, fought back, and ran for their lives under fire and getting past a field of landmines. Of those 600, half made it out alive, and only 50 to 70 lived to see the war's end.
* To basically some the above deeds and those which are not mentioned here, the Wikipedia article for the Righteous among the Nations is linked in the Saints Portal, which places these ordinary men, women, and kids in the same category as those that are canonized by the Catholic Church and the original followers of Jesus Christ.
Line 517 ⟶ 525:
* Jack Churchill. Some of his more notable exploits includes capturing a whole village by ambushing the sentries with his claymore, escaping execution after being captured by claiming to be a relative of Winston's and escaping from Sachsenhausen concentration camp with one of the men, who inspired [[The Great Escape]].
** Figures that any 20th century soldier that carries a broadsword into combat. And then justifies it by saying, "Any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed." Is going to have a career filled with Crowning Moments of Awesome.
** He's also the ONLY''only'' soldier in [[World War 2|WW2II]] to have killed someone with a longbow successfully.
*** Not the only one, Danish nobleman, English Commando and first-class [[Badass|Bad Ass]], Anders Lassen was (in)famous for his skill of using the hunting bow and knife to kill both the Germans and Italians silently. He's either the highest decorated or amongst the highest decorated or amongst the highest decorated foreigner EVER in the English service, definitely in WW2. - And also the only SBS member to get the Victoria Cross. Just in contrast of both the Danes and other heroes in WWII, Andres Lassen apparently enjoys the war and killing, he's very much like his [[Like Father, Like Son|Viking forefathers]] in a [[Blood Knight]] and [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] way. To top it all off, Anders never seems to have settle down for the quiet life, since he was killed in action on April 9, 1945; taking on three German machine gun nests while doing this and winning the VC posthumously (Ironically, the day was the fifth anniversary of the Nazi occupation in Denmark). If one reads the Danish The Other Wiki, which has an article on him here: [ The English one is just tiny].
* [[The Other Tropes Wiki|This Tv Trope Troper]] vividly remembers of his grandfather telling him a tale of how one of his friends during the war - now sadly died of old age and who had formerly been an inoffensive butcher - The ship which he was on had completely ran out of ammunition for the soldiers on board. Also they were held up at gunpoint by the U-boat Nazis. Here's the awesome bit - The troper's grandfather's friend leaped down onto the U-boat and killed six armed Nazi soldiers with just a freakin' cutlass. The U-boat was captured, the ship saved, and his grandfather showed this troper a newspaper clipping that detailed this happening.
** There's a similar story with the Canadian navy. A U-boat surfaced right next to one of their destroyers in the Tropics. It's too close to hit with the destroyer's main guns, so the crew took to throwing Coke bottles at the U-boat crew. Two Canadians jumped onto the deck of the U-boat, armed ownly with pistols, and one of them was completely naked. Two Germans jumped off the U-boat in fear and the rest were captured.
* In WWII, to some soldiers being vivisected couldn't stop them. There's a story about a soldier whose stomach was cut open thanks to an explosion! Did he give up? No, he tied himself to a tree, just to keep himself upright, kept on firing until he ran of ammo, and before he died of his injuries.
* Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz in the Pacific. Just because of his role, he gets an aircraft carrier class named after him. Though this isn't the only thing named after him.
** Adm. Nimitz displayed two bits of magnanimity awesomeness. Upon landing in Japan during the war's conclusion, one of the first things that he did was visit the Japanese military hospital. In 1961, he helped sponsor the Japanese museum ship, Mikasa,'s restoration. Which had been the flagship in the Russo-Japanese war.
** When he was an Ensign, Nimitz was court-martialed and convicted of hazarding a Navy ship, something which usually is a career killer. - Yet he went on to become a 5-star admiral. Now that's [[Badass|Bad Ass]].
** Most of Nimitz's CMOA involved him putting his trust in his Radio Intelligence unit and his own instincts, against the advice of his senior officers - And being right every time.
** Merely the simple fact that Nimitz somehow managed to get his senior officers, not just a few which hated each other, to work together, and with an army of officers even he despised, virtually seamlessly through the whole war is an accomplish CMOA itself, especially with the personalities involved. Also, a few victories that became a reality just 'cause Nimitz was just *that* much of a people person. His basic strategy was to "do as little as possible," by finding competent people for every task that he can think of, to the point that he could theoretically just go on a vacation for weeks and yet left the war effort going on without a hiccup. Nice guy that he was, even managed to find creative ways of shuffling people to were he felt incompetent into jobs were their were useful, just to the point that he almost never had to demote or fire anyone. Is there a trope for [[Badass Manager]]?
Line 543 ⟶ 553:
** It was General Wavell, who was the C-in-C of all the British forces in the Mediterranean area during that time. A meeting in Alexandria over whether the Mediterranean Fleet could sustain. Cunningham (Still misquoted to this day) summed up the situation "It takes three years to build a ship. It will take three hundred years to build a new tradition. The evacuation will continue." - Later, in his autobiography that "There is rightly little credit or glory to be expected in these operations of retreat." To quote Alexander Fullerton's novel, ''Last Lift From Crete'':
{{quote|The tradition held up. And bringing sixteen and a half thousand soldiers out of the island cost not only ships but the lives of two thousand men of the Royal Navy. With the greatest respect for the memory of A.B.C., I'd say there was glory.}}
* For individual CMoAs, there's the official listing of the Medal of Honor recipients. There's one particular story: during a small-scale retreat in the Pacific Theater, a soldier was woulded. Another tried to carry him out, but the injured man refused and instead ask for a gun. He was given a eight rounds Colt and propped against a tree facing the foe. US forces returned a bit later to find him dead, with eight Japanese soldiers killed with a single bullet. Plus, the allied guy wasn't killed: He succumbed to his wounds. Bad. Ass.
** Another recipient for the Medal of Honor: Was a medic, who continually ran out, under fire, and according to the official report, was responsible for saving the lives of a dozen of soldiers on the battlefield. Takes guts to run out under fire. He did it all unarmed. He was a conscientious objector and refused to carry a weapon.
*** His name is Desmond Doss: [ Desmond Doss]
*** [[Mel Gibson]] and co. made a movie about Desmond and it's called [[Hacksaw Ridge (film)|Hacksaw Ridge]] and here's the [ Hacksaw Ridgetrailer].
** One of the recipients, Hershel Woodrow "Woody" Williams, was a flamethrower specialist (a weapon which takes some serious balls to carry into battle, because it's carrying two full tanks of highly flammable napalm on their backs) in the Pacific Theater. While the Iwo Jima invasion was going on, the Marine cleared out seven Japanese strongpoints and halted a banzai charge during the course of a single day, while all the bullets were ricocheting off of this fuel tanks. He only retreated once, since he ran out of fuel.
** Pvt. Harold H. Moon, age 23, participated in the Battle of Leyte. Now Moon had a reputation as a troublemaker. Also, he was released from the stockade so he can participate in battle. During a Japanese counterattack against the U.S. beachhead, his position was the target of both enemy gunfire and mortars after his comrades were killed. Moon man a machine gun in his foxhole, gunning down any advancing troops, and repeatedly exposed himself to kill the attackers. His surrounded position was the focal point of the attack for more than four hours. Frustrated, the Japanese sent a whole platoon to overwhelm the American Private; he emptied his entire magazine into the advancing line, killing eighteen and sending the others retreat. Eventually, he was finally shot and killed after attempting to lob a grenade at a foe machine gun. When men that were sent to recover Moon's body, they discovered corpses approximately 200 dead Japanese soldiers about 100 yards of his position.
Line 578 ⟶ 590:
** In the Brécourt Manor Assult, Winters got hold of a map which tells all of the enemy positions and guns in Normandy. Nearly everyone who participated was awarded. Winters, for leading the assault, was given the Distinguished Service Cross award (2nd only to the Medal of Honor). He was even nominated for the MoH, but there's a only one person per division would be awarded with it. Instead, the Medal of Honor was given to Lt. Col. Cole who died while leading the bayonet charge.
** Actually, Lt. Col. Cole survived the charge. So many men were being killed by Germans in the roadway, hitting them on the side that he ordered the men to fix bayonets and leapt over first with a pistol in hand. [[Badass]]. Sadly, in Operation Market Garden, Cole was killed by a sniper.
** Charging Carentan, when the Easy Company was up front with Winters commanding and the Battalion Officers watching behind them. The 1st Platoon charged up the road into town, but they were immediately fired upon by enemy gunners. Some of the men got through, kept on charging, but most dived into the ditches and eventually got cut down by the guns, Winters ran straight to the midst of the road, in plain sight and completely without cover from enemy fire, screamed at the men to get moving and ran back and forth as he kicked the men into motion - Literally. The men were surprised by Winters, whom they never heard raised his voice before, that snapped them out of their fright and shocked, that they finally moved. In addition, the enemy were so confused by Winters' assumed lunacy that they just focused on him completely and allowed the rest of the 1st platoon to get into town. For his part, Winters was completely unconcerned that the enemy fire was focused on him and that bullets from quite a number of guns were whizzing by his head and body. Somehow not a single one managed to hit him.
** Charging Carentan,
** Then-Captain Winters also led an assault against the German forces that were on the crossroads during Market Garden.
** During the Battle of the Bulge, Easy Company, despite being understrength, lack of proper weather gear, and without sufficient ammo (at one point, an artillery cannon had three rounds, and most of the soldiers had two clips for their M1, a total of sixteen rounds), Easy not just held off the German advance, since they're surrounded, but when one of the soldiers was taken off the front line for injuries, asked why the wounded were not evacuated, {{quote|'''Medic''': "They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards."}}
** During the Battle of the Bulge,
*** In one episode of the HBO series,
**** According to most eyewitness accounts, Spiers was credited also with taking the fourth gun emplacement all by himself on D-Day.
* During the Battle of Britian, there's one particular CMOA - Flight Lieutenant John Nicolson
* The Civil Air Patrol was created just as an organization to preserved aviation history for civilians instead of letting them become the sole domain of government, like what Nazi Germany, right after Pearl Harbor. During World War 2, people within the military doubted whether or not civilian volunteers are effective. Several days into their probationary period, they spot a sinking merchant ship and saving the lives of the surviving crew. Events like these are eventually leading to the CAP's CMoA, where they sunk a U-boat, taking time to loose another depth charge on the sub, despite the fact they're running low of fuel. After that, CAP pilots proceeded to sink another one, damage 10 others, track a good number of others for the Army Air Corps to take on, and would often times fake dive bombing runs as though they aren't armed, driving the subs underwater and wasting their time. A German submariner remarked that they had to stop their coastal operations "because of those damn yellow red planes." That's correct, a bunch of civilians doing this part time were considered a threat to Nazi Germany's navy. Now they're the U.S. Air Force's civilian auxiliary.
* Col. Joseph A. Gregory, who is a sniper and [[WW 1]] veteran from Canada had a CMOA at Dieppe.
* King Christian X of Denmark has several candidates.
* Dutch Major Landzaat,
* Tomoyuki Yamashita
* Jimmy Launder
* Dutch Major Landzaat,
* Field Marshall Bernard Law Montgomery.
* Werner von Braun
* Edward Charlton VC -
*** In one episode of the HBO series, when Easy Company's first and second platoons got separated from the India Company by German soldiers, Ronald Spiers ran through the Germans just to get the word to the Item Company.
{{quote|'''Narrator''': "At first, the Germans didn't shoot at him. I think they couldn't quite believe what they were seeing, but that wasn't the really astounding thing. The astounding thing was that after he hooked up with I company, he came back."}}
**** According to most eyewitness accounts, Spiers was credited also with taking the fourth gun emplacement all by himself on D-Day.
* The Civil Air Patrol was created just as an organization to preserved aviation history for civilians instead of letting them become the sole domain of government, like what Nazi Germany, right after Pearl Harbor. During World War II, people within the military doubted whether or not civilian volunteers are effective. Several days into their probationary period, they spot a sinking merchant ship and saving the lives of the surviving crew. Events like these are eventually leading to the CAP's CMoA, where they sunk a U-boat, taking time to loose another depth charge on the sub, despite the fact they're running low of fuel. After that, CAP pilots proceeded to sink another one, damage 10 others, track a good number of others for the Army Air Corps to take on, and would often times fake dive bombing runs as though they aren't armed, driving the subs underwater and wasting their time. A German submariner remarked that they had to stop their coastal operations "because of those damn yellow red planes." That's correct, a bunch of civilians doing this part time were considered a threat to Nazi Germany's navy. Now they're the U.S. Air Force's civilian auxiliary.
* Col. Joseph A. Gregory, who is a sniper and [[WW 1]] veteran from Canada had a CMOA at Dieppe. After when he and his squadmates clear a few bunkers, he went to the beach to catch the last ships to England. A boat that was stuck in the sand and while helping to push it out, a bullet ircocheting of the water whizzed past his forehead, blinding him on one eye, and knocking him into the water. He got up and proceeded to board another boat, which was then sunk from under him. He made for another motorboat, and was pulled into it by Sgt. Major McEvoy, who nursed his head and carried him over to a destroyer and into sickbay, where he said, "You'll be alright now, Joe." Just when the Sargent spoke, a dive bomb hit sickbay, killing McEvoy, knocking Colonel Gregory out, and washed him into the sea. Another boat fished him out of the water and was put beside an Oerlikon gun, which made enough noise to knock him out again. Later he came to one of the gunners and asked, "Holy Jesus, we're pretty near home?" The receiving answer "Home be b-we're still at Dieppe." The colonel survived the rest of the war and the Canadian Army employed him for recruitment advertising.
** Another Canadian from Dieppe was captured. First, he escaped from the CATTLE TRAIN that was carrying Canadian prisoners by jumping out after ALMOST BEING SPOTTED several times, trekked all the way down to Vichy France, got on a British ship to Gibraltar, and from there a long hike back to Britain. That's right, this guy traversed in just a few days across France. Also, he went to help form the Brittany Escape Line, a very ballsy operation which smuggled downed airmen, escaped POW's, and espionage/spy agents, who managed to get out of France before the Gestapo caught them.
** Found it, the founder of the Brittany Escape Line (aka Shelburne Escape Line)'s name is Guy Hamilton.
*** It's one of the few Underground escape lines that evaded infiltration by the Gestapo.
* King Christian X of Denmark has several candidates. Unlike the other monarchs of his time and went into exile, he remained in Copenhagen, and officially voiced support of the government's position of cooperation, this served as a symbolic form of resistance to Nazi Germany. Several examples:
** During his daily horseback rides in the city, he would respond to greetings from his people - But made a point to ignore the German salutes that come his way. King Christian wasn't accompanized by a guard, and, according to legend, when asked about this by a Nazi officer, a little boy replied "All of Denmark is his bodyguard."
** Hitler sent him a birthday greeting, replying nothing more than "My best thanks, King Chr." It's like if Hitler had sent him a birthday phone call, and the king responded, "Yeah, thanks," and abruptly hang up. Christian's message outraged The Führer that he recalled the German ambassador and expelled the Danish ambassador from Germany.
*** The King also responded to Hitler's order of having Danish Jews wear a yellow wearing one himself. All of Denmark promptly followed suit, and this made Hitler cancel his plan.
* Dutch Major Landzaat, who co-ordinated the HQ's defense from behind a machine gun and ordered the remaining troops to get to safety, after the fighting, his men recovered his remains from the burnt out remnants of the HQ.
* A troper's friend relate this story (Note: some cool details were left out, in case they're incorrect): The friend's great uncle was a Catholic priest that lived in northern Germany during the war. The town was small, "Where everybody knows your name," etc. and the church, was well-nigh ancient. The priest was decidedly anti-Nazi. He would gather up everyone who needed to disappear before they "disappeared" by force by the Nazis: Jews, Gypsies, etc. They would all attend the Sunday Mass at church, scattered across his congregation. At Communion, everyone lines up to receive Communion. The priest gives Communion to each person, but when he got to someone that needed his disappearing services, he'll claim to run out of the Communion wafers. The priest, alter boys, and assistants would go around behind the altar, where he would pretend to get more wafers. There was a door leading down to hidden catacombs underneath the church. Now this town is very close to the Belgian border and the catacombs lead far enough to the outskirts of town to get people almost to Belgium. It wasn't exactly safe there, either, but it's certainly safer than Germany itself. So the priest would send the person through the catacombs to relative safety then come back with more Communion wafers. Until, of course, another person needing assistance got to the front of the line, at which he ran out of Communion wafers again. The Nazis eventually found out and very impolitely instructed him to cease, and plus, they'll be watching. To enforce this injunction, the Nazi sent "observers" to his church to make sure he enforces the party line. At the first Mass were the priest sees the observers, he decides to do his "Hitler is actually the Anti-Christ" sermon. Needless to say, it didn't go over well. One of the observers was so incensed that he stood up mid-serman and shot the priest squarely in the chest. Hold on...Wait for the happy ending. Back in the day (and sometimes today, the troper relating the tale presumes [Being not Catholic), Catholic priests wore large crosses on their chests, usually made of gold. The bullet hit the priest square on the cross right below his heart, warping the cross, and almost folding it upon itself. The blow knocked the priest backwards over the altar, and right to the entrance to the catacombs. Seizing the opportunity, he escaped through those same tunnels that he helped others leave through and eventually made it to relative safety. Incidentally, the damaged cross is now a family heirloom. The "relative", his cousin was also a priest and was selected as the successor to the first priest. This priest was a non-fan of the Nazis, continued his cousin's practice of aiding innocent people escaping horrible deaths. Once more the Nazis figured it out. This time, they didn't bother with "observers." They sent goons to just shoot him in the head. The goons arrived, grabbed the priest, threw him down on the altar, and in a moment of [[Moral Event Horizon]]/"Holy Blasphemy, Batman! They decided to kill him on the altar. At that moment, the Allies decided to drop a few bombs on that dinky town, including the ancient church. One of the bombs crashed through the roof without detonating, but it collapse the roof in the process, and provided enough distraction for the priest. Following the footsteps of his cousin, he dove behind the altar, entered the catacombs, and found relative safety. The rest is history.
** Another brave clergyman was Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty, a prominent official at the Vatican. During the Nazi occupation of Rome, O'Flaherty was one of the heads of a huge underground movement dedicated to helping Allied POWs, Jewish refugees, and so forth evade capture by the Gestapo, usually hiding them in convents, seminaries, their own houses, and in some cases, the Vatican itself. Everything that O'Flaherty did had a sort of daredevil flare to it. - For example, when one man was hiding developed appendictis, the Monsignor smuggled him into a hospital, and with some help of the nuns tricked a German military surgeon into operating. The man recovered on a ward full of German officers before O'Flaherty smuggled him out quietly again. Eventually, Colonel Herbert Kappler, the leader of the Gestapo in Rome, discovered O'Flaherty's role in the organization and became obsessed with trying to stop him. Unfortunately for him, he can't arrest O'Flaherty, since the Monsignor was inside the Vatican which gave him diplomatically immunity, and when he was out of the Vatican, he was always able to outwit his pursuers. After the war, O'Flaherty visited Kappler in prison every month (By some accounts, he's his only visitor), and eventually converted his former nemesis to Catholicism. It's impossible to do a full story any justice here, but it's not an exaggeration to say that Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty's life was just a one long, Crowning Moment of Awesome from start to finish.
*** [[The Boy Detectives Club|Twenty-Faces]] is Catholic?
** While we're talking about the Catholic Clergy, what about the biggest one of the lot: Pope Pius XII? He hid hundreds of Jews (Including Rome's chief Rabbi) in the Vatican and Castle Gandolfo, as well as ordering the Convents and Monasteries throughout Europe to open their doors to refugees, and even distributing thousands of fake visas to help the Jews to escape (Some of the stunts include dressing Jews up as priests and teaching them Latin chants). Under his watch the Church helped save more Jews and other refugees than all of the other relief organizations '''combined'''. He has a history of refusing to play ball with the Naizs: When he was first elected, the Nazis sent an ambassador to try and get him on their side. The Pope let him ramble on about the inevitability of the triumph of the Third Reich, opened a ledger, calmly listed the known Nazi atrocities to date, and terminated the audience. The Nazis hated him so much that he had a standing order for the Cardinals to assume him dead and elect a new Pope, just in case he ever got arrested (Which Hitler talked about doing several times).
*** Bonus points for outfitting the Swiss Guards with machine guns just in case. That's right; he was willing to pit the ''Swiss Guards'' against the Nazi war machine if Hitler tried to stop him. The Pope's not playing around.
* Tomoyuki Yamashita - One of the Japanese Honor embodiments during World War II. His actions when he was involved in the Alexandra Hospital on February 15, when Yamashita heard of the massacre in the Hospital, he went round the beds of the surviving patients, and saluted them; he apologized profusely for the shocking conduct of his soldiers. Even buying some crates of canned fruits, opened them, with his bayonet, and served the fruit to the patients. Once he learned that some of the Japanese soldiers were looting the Hospital he ordered them to be executed...Even before his own execution after the War Trials, he proclaimed that he had no disrespect for America. {{quote|''"As I said in the Manila Supreme Court that I have done with all capacity, so I don't ashame in front of the gods for what I have done when I have died. But if you say to me 'You do not have any ability to command the Japanese Army' I should say nothing for it, because it is my own nature. Now, our war criminal trial going on in Manila Supreme Court, so I wish to be justify under your kindness and right. I know that all your American and American military affairs always has tolerant and rightful judgment. When I have been investigated in Manila court I have had a good treatment, kindful attitude from your good natured officers who all the time protect me. I never forget for what they have done for me even if I had died. I don't blame my executioner. I'll pray the gods bless them. Please send my thankful word to Col. Clarke and Lt. Col. Feldhaus, Lt. Col. Hendrix, Maj. Guy, Capt. Sandburg, Capt. Reel, at Manila court, and Col. Arnard. I thank you."''}}
* Jimmy Launder's sub that was under his command took out the last German U-Boats during the war. What's impressive was that both his sub and the German sub both submerged during that time. This was before homing torpedoes came and to this day remains the only person to command a submerged sub to take out another successfully (Think of a fighter taking out angother using unguided rockets, but only this time having to only rely completely on their radar and not visuals).
* Field Marshall Bernard Law Montgomery. Turned the situation in Africa around after his first battle in command then proceed to spend the next year outfoxing the Desert Fox. Shame that he and Rommel never met.
** They did: Rommel was part of the El Alamein. He couldn't have won any way, since Monty had managed to make sure the deck was stacked ever so completely in his favor that no one on Earth could have beaten him. A lot of that was due to the supply advantage, so in a sense the Royal Navy that won El Alamein.
* Since the Soviets are approaching rapidly, Werner von Braun, the German rocket physicist invented the V-2, gathered his staff together and asked them how they wished to surrender. They all agree that their best bet was to attempt to defect to the Americans. Not only did they evade the Soviets, but they also escape the SS guards who had orders to execute them in case they fall into enemy hands. However, von Braun convinced the SS Major to disperse the team into nearby villages, supposedly to avoid the American bombs. Once the Americans arrived, von Braun was able to surrender willing his whole team of rocket engineers and all the technology they had invented for the Nazis. Promptly the scientists were whisked away to the States, where they helped create a rocketship that could send men to the moon.
* Edward Charlton VC - A tank driver with the Irish Guards as they advanced into Germany. A troop of Shermans and a platoon of infantry soldiers were sent to take a village, which was soon counter-attacked by Panzer Grenadiers, a full battalion of them, and some self-propelled guns. The three tanks were knocked out quietly, and the infantry were in danger of being overrun. The Guardsman Charlton climbed up onto his tank, which was burning, dismounted the heavy machine gun and started advancing on the enemy, firing from the hip. He managed to stopped the entire German counter-attack in its tracks. After being hit the first time, he used a nearby fence to support the gun and continued firing for nearly half an hour, only stopping when he was hit for the third time, and after firing one-handed for ten minutes. He was captured by the Germans and died in one of their hospitals, but he would never have got his Victoria Cross without the German soldiers recalling how they were held by one man firing a machine gun in front of three burning tanks. Really a CMoA!
* Some of the Canadian VC winners:
** Aubrey Cosens. He took control of the remnants of his shattered unit, positions them in a certain way to cover him, jumps onto a tank (thus exposing himself to enemy fire), directs the tank's fire, and then has it ram several farmhouses. He then runs into the farmhouses ON HIS OWN, and with the exception of one sniper, kills, or captures all of them, amounting to over 20 enemies. He just missed one and got his head shot off.
** Aubrey Cosens
** Padre John Foote. It certainly takes serious balls to jump OFF an ESCAPING boat at Dippe and being WILLINGLY captured.
** Padre John Foote.
** Charles Hoey. He charges up a hill which is occupied by Japanese soldiers, through machine-gun, and sniper fire, receiving multiple wounds, including one to the head, shooting his Thompson from the hip, and manages to capture it. Had he not died immediately after, he would been a [[One Man Army]].
** Charles Hoey.
** Charles Meritt. During Dieppe, the Canadians had attempted multiple times to cross a bridge (and failed). What did Meritt do? TAKE HIS HELMET OFF AND RUN ACROSS THE BRIDGE, WAVING HIS HELMET AND YELLING, "Come on over. There's nothing to it!" Somehow, in THAT INSTANT, the Germans (who had superior supplies and weapons, like machine-guns, mortars, etc.) went Star Wars Stromtroopers and can't hit him. When his advance was blocked by pillboxes, he led the attacks on each of the turns, destroying one by himself with a grenade. When the retreat order came, he told everyone else to get out while he held off the Germans. Collecting weapons (and taking out a sniper with a BREN LMG), he held off the German's as long as he can for most of his surviving men to escape, quite likely going [[Guns Akimbo]] at this points. He was captured, remained a Prisoner of War, until the end, and expressed regret that he hadn't stayed in the fight.
** Charles Meritt.
* This Troper doesn't know this war hero by name, but his actions are: While in Northern Africa, the German panzers advanced on his position. After ordering the retreat of his whole defending forces, he remained with a single artillery gunner and ten artillery cannons. Two of which fired volley after volley, one gun at a time, destroying a tank with nearly every shot, until his position was overrun by the German tanks and two men were killed.
* Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin, the Commanding General of the XIV Panzer Corps in Italy, led the Defence of the Gothic Line, and the Defence of Monte Cassino. Two of the most successful German Delays in the Southern Frnt. When reports of an Allied Bombers massing to blow up the Monastery, he saw to it that the Clergy were quickly evacuated as well as the treasures were shipped back to the Vatican rather than fall into the Allied and his own men's hands. Plus, von Senger und Etterlin was also an Anti-Nazi, which got him in trouble quite often, though never implicated in the conspiracies against Hitler.
* Edward Charlton VC
* At the risk of turning this simply into a list of every action and operation of WW2, the Dambusters' raid of May 16/May 17 of 1943 has to be mention here. The pilots had to fly very low - In darkness - To reach their target, that they were in constant danger of hitting trees, chimneys, and power lines. A few of them even flew under power lines. Once they reached the dams, they had to fly straight and level at the target with every gun in a mile radius firing at them, lit up with spotlights to help the German gunners. Those attacking the Eder dam had to hop over to a tiny peninsula before dropping back down, hitting precisely the correct altitude in time to drop the bombs before pulling away again. Did I mention that they're doing this in huge 4-engined Lancasters, so overloaded with bombs that they've had to take out one of the gun turrets, so they can actually take off?
* Witold Pilecki, a Polish hero, snuck into Auschwitz just to document the whole Holocaust and bring proof to the Allied high command, since those guys were skeptical about it. "Snuck in" isn't the right way to put it. - He volunteered to be sent to Auschwitz by the Germans as part of his mission. He managed to escape with proof of what's going on, and later, commanded a partisan unit during the Warsaw Uprising. Unfortunately, he was quietly shot by the Soviets shortly after the war.
* Some Canadian VC winners:
* Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin,
* Witold Pilecki, a Polish hero,
* The Germans have managed to have a small number of heroes who are famous for resisting Hitler and his regime:
** In 1938, Georg Elser decided that Hitler was a threat to the world. He decided to assassinate him by planting a bomb near where Elser worked and where Hitler was scheduled to give a speech. Hitler survived, because he finished his speech early and catch the train back to Berlin. The bomb killed a number of prominent Nazis and Georg Elser died in a concentration camp.
Line 623 ⟶ 633:
** Claus von Stauffenberg's attempted to assassinate Hitler later in the later part of the war.
*** Do note that some think this was a plan by several German high commanders to obtained a separate peace with US and UK (After taking over), so they can concentrate their army on Russia. It still takes some serious guts to kill Hitler in his own headquarters. Plus, it almost worked - The bomb, which was hidden in a suitcase, was moved behind a table leg before it exploded.
* Douglas Bader. He lost both legs before the war, while showing off with low-level acrobatics (According in his diary - "Crashed slow-rolling near the ground. Bad show."). Most assumed he'll never walk again. He did -Without a stick. Returned to flying and got 22 kills in a Spitfire.
** Basically having no legs helped in high-G moves. - It's harder for the blood to pool into his legs and for him to G-lock.
** At France, he was shot down, his right leg was stuck in his aircraft. The Germans allowed the British to drop him a new one, which he promptly used to leave the hospital and run off.
** While being held as a prisoner at Stalag Luft III (The facility were [[The Great Escape]] events occurred), Bader's legs were confiscated from him to prevent him from making more attempts to escape from the camp. Seems the officer in charge of the facility doesn't want to explain to his superiors that he could not keep a legged man and was shamed into returning the legs shortly thereafter. In 1942, Bader escaped from the Stalag Luft III with four other prisoners.
** He ended up in the Colditz (Oflag IV C), where he managed to convince the commandant that he can't properly execrise in the castle grounds and so had little space to walk around the countryside on parole. During these walks, he filled his legs with chocolate, tobacco, and other goods from the red cross parcels, and used them to carry on a propaganda campaign against the Nazis amongst the surrounding farms.
* James MacLachlan. After becoming an ace, he was shot down over Malta, and lost an arm. James got an artificial arm, returned to combat, and did it again.
* Flt. Lt. Colin Walker, who piloted the Short Sunderland, on June 2, 1943. - A single slow, heavy, flying boat designed for anti-submarine warfare was jumped by EIGHT German heavy fighters out over the Bay of Biscay, it not only managed to escape, but was able to shoot down six of the attackers while taking in-survivable amounts of punishment. Eventually limping back to Britain , the crew topped off the CMOA by wading out of the sea, all with several degrees of injury, and carrying their one dead comrade in their arms.
* The "Fuzzy-Wuzzy Angels," a Papua New Guinean group which aided the Australian troops during the Battle of Kokoda. The Kokoda Trail is one of the most brutal treks imaginable, reaching up to 7,000 feet, and surrounded by incredibly thick jungles. The Fuzzy-Wuzzy Angels saved countless Australian lives by carrying injured soldiers down the trail via stretcher, even under fire. The FWA didn't abandoned not one wounded Australian soldier. This testimony best says it:
{{quote|"They carried stretchers over seemingly impassable barriers, with the patient reasonably comfortable. The care they give to the patient is magnificent. If night finds the stretcher still on the track, they will find a level spot and build a shelter over the patient. They will make him as comfortable as possible fetch him water and feed him if food is available, regardless of their own needs. They sleep four each side of the stretcher and if the patient moves or requires any attention during the night, this is given instantly. These were the deeds of the 'Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels' for us!"}}
* Douglas Bader.
* James MacLachlan.
* Flt. Lt. Colin Walker, who piloted the Short Sunderland,
* The "Fuzzy-Wuzzy Angels,"
* Singapore's 1st Malay Brigade
* General George S. Patton,
* Singapore's 1st Malay Brigade stood up bravely to the Japanese invasion. Their commander was a great man who at the end never surrendered. When they ran out of ammunition, they used the bayonets to continue fighting, and even at the end. Until, the unit was annihilated.
** That the maybe Lt. Adnan bin Saidi, who held out during the [[Last Stand]] against the the Japanese forces, which are very overwhelming. The man is celebrated up to this day as a hero of both Singapore and Malaysia, epitomizing the "[[Badass Creed|Biar Putih Tulang, Jangan Putih Mata]]" spirit - Roughly translated as "Death Before Dishonor." You can read about this bit about his badassery here:
* General George S. Patton - Remember that scene in [[Tim Burton]]'s [[Batman]], which has The Joker staring down the Bat-Plane, daring him to shoot? Patton really did that in North Africa, standing in the middle of an airstrip, and staring down a German fighter plane ivory-handled [[Guns Akimbo|revolvers akimbo]]. Even saying the same thing:
{{quote|"C'mon you gruesome son-of-a-bitch!"}}
** And yet, trumped by either a British or Australian soldier (The troper forgotten) fighting in Africa, who kept a pile of rocks that he would throw at the German dive bomber planes whenever they came low enough.
* Juan Pujol Garcia, aka GARBO, just for his chutzpah and [[Refuge in Audacity]] that saved countless numbers of lives. Juan is a Spanish citizen, who fears a Nazi victory, he offered his services to be a spy for the British, but they turned him down. Undaunted, he turned to the Germans and pretended to be a well placed British agent and gave them information on troops, shipping movements, and the like. In fact, he was living in Lisbon and based his info on news clips and railway timetables. When he tried to offer his services to the British again, they accpeted him, realizing that's how much the German's trusted him. By the time of the D-Day Normandy landings, he was so trusted, that he's able to convince the Germans that the Normandy landings are just a feint; stopping them from committing troops to combating the invasion.
** Jaun Garcia was given the Iron Cross, one of the highest military decoartions of the German Army at the moment, just for his spying and giving the details of the Normandy landings. The funniest thing was that he was also given the Victoria Cross for deceiving the Germans without getting caught.
** [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]: He's just one guy, but somehow managed to make the Germans think (with the help of the Double Cross System). Also, he had a network of '''27''' agents in all of Britain. The kicker was that the Nazi paid all of these 27 agents, which means the Germans were paying [[The Exchequer]].
** [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]: After the war, Juan faked his death and leaving for Venezuela. His commanding officer thought that he was literally dead and Jaun also thought that this officer died. In 1982, they were both reunited.
* September 1, 1942: Luftwaffe pilot Hans Joachim Marseille, who shoots down 17 Desert Air Force fighters over the course of three sorties. June 17, 1942: Marseille destroys 6 aircrafts within seven minutes. September 15, 1942: Marseille destroys 7 Australian fighter crafters within eleven minutes.
* September 1, 1942: Luftwaffe pilot Hans Joachim Marseille
* Daniel Inouye, who was the son of Japanese immigrants, joined the US army and fought in Europe. On April 21, 1945, he was throwing grenades at a German bunker when he was shot at the stomach. He refuses medical aid and continues throwing, but just as he was about to let his last grenade fly, one of the Germans shot their own grenade and nearly blew his right arm off! Inouye's fingers remained clenched around the grenade, preventing it from going off, so he pried it out of his cold, dead hand, and threw it. Successfully destroying the bunker. Daniel was hit in the leg, before passing out from blood loss, and even after getting his arm amputated without any anesthetic, all he had to say was how much he wanted to return to the battlefield.-
** But he can't. He MANAGED to get promoted to Officer (discharged as a Captain), then he entered a different field full of ambushes, backstabs, intrigue, arrogant bastards, and outright lunatics - Politics. He was a Hawaiian state representative - first Territorial Legislator, then State Representative, then Senator - Since...Get this...1954. He's been in the political game longer than Hawaii has been a state, and he's still there at eighty-six years old. Mr. Inouye doesn't belong in CMoA, he squarely belongs in [[badass|Bad Ass]].
* Daniel Inouye
* Koichi Tohei, who later develops the Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido sytle of aikido, was a captain in the Japanese army in China. Since he treated the Chinese POWs well, the Chinese army had a tendency to avoid his company. Also, he said to have not lost a signle man in the whole campaign, and even returned to Japan with more soldiers than he started with.
* German Commander Nikolaus von Falkenhorst, a German commander, was given literally just a few hours to plan Operation Weserübung, which is the German invading both Denmark and Norway, by Adolf Hitler. He proceeds to write the plan using a tour guide of Norway he found in his hotel. The operation was successful.
* Koichi Tohei
* Sergeant John Basilone is legendary among the United States marines for his absolute [[Badass|badassery]]. His many exploits are seen in [[The Pacific]], but they're actually only brush the surface. During the Battle of Bloody Ridge, Basilone holds the line almost singlehandedly against the whole regiment of 3,000 Japanese soldiers for three days. His Medal of Honor citation mentions that he virtually annihilated the whole regiment. Plus, there's his [[Dying Moment of Awesome]] on Iwo Jima were leading his squad, cleared a bunker of a Japanese garrison, and runs back to the beachhead to lead the tanks through a minefield. He was killed by an artiller shell (or a bullet wound as there's some differing accounts).
* Roman Smishuk, who's an ex-peasant and a humble private, whose platoon was on one occasion pinned by the enemy force of 16 tanks. So, he grabbed three anti-tank grenades and three cocktail bottles, crawled towards the advancing Germans, one by one burned three tanks. Then Smishuk returned to the home positions, replenished his ammunition, and repeated the trick. Just to sum up: One infantry guy who has no heavy weaponry killed six tanks single-handedly. Namis whined that the game had one fucked up balance and logged off.
* German Commander Nikolaus von Falkenhorst
* Why hasn't anyone Chesty Puller?
** No need to be mentioned. His reputation is so badass and well-known that everyone knows who he is.
* Sergeant John Basilone
* A non-combat example: David B. Parkinson, who is credited with the invention of the M-9 electrical anti-aircraft gun, which almost curbed the threat of the German's V1 buzz bombs singlehandedly, which help their the tide of the Battle of Britain. On its own, pretty cool, but really awesome. Though one has to consider that Parkinson and his team had ''never'' worked with firearms, being recording technicians for Bell Labs, and the whole idea for the M-9 was conceived when it ''came to him in a goddamn dream''.
* Father Maximilian Maria Kolbe. Kolbe, who is a Franciscan friar, was already a candidate for CMOA way before World War II - starting out from an impoverished but devout Polish family, Kolbe joined the Conventual Franciscans by risking death to cross from the Russian Orthodox-occupied East Poland to Austria-occupied West Poland. When he was ordained a priest, even though everyone believed that since he tuberculosis, suffered from it, and should have been killed by the disease! He helped found the largest monastery of its' day in Europe, where the largest daily newspaper in Poland would be published. Then, he did the same in Japan. Once the war came, Kolbe opened up his monastery to all who wanted refuge, including approximately 2,000 Jews fleeing the Nazi terror. He openly denounced the Nazis in his paper. Both of these contributed to Kolbe being arrested and sent to Auschwitz. There, as a priest (This is not well known, but Catholic priests were only marginally treated better than the Jews), he was forced to carry impossible loads of lumber and bricks by hand to build the crematoria. One day, after falling due to a collapsed lung, the Nazis beat him so savagely, and left him for dead. A sympathetic guard managed to smuggled him to the infirmary, where while he was recovering, he ministered to the patients there. There's numerous instances of him stepping out of the ration lines when it seems there's not enough to go around. Finally, after an escape, ten men were roun are rounded up at random and sentenced to die by starvation. Kolbe volunteered to take the place of one of them. He would survive three weeks in a dank cell, with no food, and buoying the spirits of his fellow condemned with songs and prayers. He was the last one left alive and the Nazis had to poison him to get him to die, so they can make room for the next condemned group. The man he saved survived four more years of Auschwitz, was liberated by the Soviets, and lived to see Kolbe canonized as a saint in 1982. He, Fr. Kolbe is now a saint of political prisoners.
* Roman Smishuk,
** [[What Happened to the Mouse?|And the Japanese monastery?]] It's built in a city called Nagasaki. Plus, it's still standing - When Kolbe built the monastery, the locals were trying to persuade him to build it on the side of the mountain facing the city, which is a more auspicious orientation. Kolbe preferred the other side of the mountain, and in August 9, 1945, that saved the building when the atomic bomb hit.
* Chesty Puller
* A non-combat example: David B. Parkinson
* Father Maximilian Maria Kolbe.
* Captain Clarence E. Coggins, 45th Division, US Army serving in the 179th Infantry. After arriving in Germany shortly, he was captured. A general tried to interrogate him and learn of the location of his fellow American troops. He eventually convinced the general that [[Blatant Lies|the German camp was surrounded by allied soldiers]] and surrendering would be the best option. Clarence even drove back to his division in the GENERAL'S OWN CAR, with 946 German soldiers, all their arms, equipment, and vehicles in tow.
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