World War II/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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** In the Brécourt Manor Assult, Winters got hold of a map which tells all of the enemy positions and guns in Normandy. Nearly everyone who participated was awarded. Winters, for leading the assault, was given the Distinguished Service Cross award (2nd only to the Medal of Honor). He was even nominated for the MoH, but there's a only one person per division would be awarded with it. Instead, the Medal of Honor was given to Lt. Col. Cole who died while leading the bayonet charge.
** Actually, Lt. Col. Cole survived the charge. So many men were being killed by Germans in the roadway, hitting them on the side that he ordered the men to fix bayonets and leapt over first with a pistol in hand. [[Badass]]. Sadly, in Operation Market Garden, Cole was killed by a sniper.
** Charging Carentan, when the Easy Company was up front with Winters commanding and the Battalion Officers watching behind them. The 1st Platoon charged up the road into town, but they were immediately fired upon by enemy gunners. Some of the men got through, kept on charging, but most dived into the ditches and eventually got cut down by the guns, Winters ran straight to the midst of the road, in plain sight and completely without cover from enemy fire, screamed at the men to get moving and ran back and forth as he kicked the men into motion - Literally. The men were surprised by Winters, whom they never heard raised his voice before, that snapped them out of their fright and shocked, that they finally moved. In addition, the enemy were so confused by Winters' assumed lunacy that they just focused on him completely and allowed the rest of the 1st platoon to get into town. For his part, Winters was completely unconcerned that the enemy fire was focused on him and that bullets from quite a number of guns were whizzing by his head and body. Somehow not a single one managed to hit him.
** Charging Carentan,
** Then-Captain Winters also led an assault against the German forces that were on the crossroads during Market Garden.
** During the Battle of the Bulge, Easy Company, despite being understrength, lack of proper weather gear, and without sufficient ammo (at one point, an artillery cannon had three rounds, and most of the soldiers had two clips for their M1, a total of sixteen rounds), Easy not just held off the German advance, since they're surrounded, but when one of the soldiers was taken off the front line for injuries, asked why the wounded were not evacuated, the medic replied, {{quote|"They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards."}}