World War II: Difference between revisions

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* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Vichy France.
* [[False-Flag Operation]]: SS members dressing up in Polish army uniforms and staging an attack on their own radio station at Gleiwitz, on Aug. 31, 1939. They murdered a prisoner and left his corpse behind dressed in a Polish uniform to make it extra-convincing. This sad episode was the German pretext for invading Poland the next day, and starting the whole war.
* [[Fighting for Survival]]/[[Dying Like Animals]]: Whichever one a given person or group chooses and whether or not they have much choice about it in the first place.
* [[Final Solution]]: [[Trope Maker]], [[Trope Namer]], [[Trope Codifier]]. Germans referred to ''die Endlösung der Judenfrage'', "the [[Final Solution]] to the Jewish Question."
* [[For Want of a Nail]]: There were several tank divisions in Normandy that could have stopped the D-Day landings, but the only person with the authority to send them out was Hitler, and the night before D-Day, he announced that he did not wish for his rest to be disturbed for any reason and then slept in. By the time he woke up, the Allies had their beachhead.
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* ''[[The Thin Red Line]]'' - about a squad of Marines island-hopping, although the title refers originally to a small Scottish force in the Crimean War
* ''[[The Bridge on the River Kwai]]'' - focuses on British POWs put to work in Burma
* ''[[The Caine Mutiny]]'': A crazy captain is deposed and the officers stand court-martial for it. Basically the author got bored and entertained himself [[Up to Eleven|by reading naval regs]]. He comes across an interesting technicality, and out sprang the plot.
* ''[[Grave of the Fireflies]]'' - a slice of [[It Got Worse|Japanese civilian life]] in 1945
* ''[[Flags of our Fathers]]'' - the lives of the flag-raisers in the famous photo of raising the flag upon Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima
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* ''[[Kokoda]]'' - Australian soldiers in New Guinea
* ''[[Windtalkers]]'' - focuses on a group of Amerindians trained as signalmen because their language is entirely unknown outside the U.S.
* ''Run Silent, Run Deep'': As the title indicates, a notable [[Sub Story]] [[The Film of the Book|adapted from]] a work written by a real submariner.
* ''[[South Pacific]]''
* ''[[The Pacific]]'' - follows a group of US Marines through the Pacific island-hopping campaign