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* [[Acceptable Targets]]:
* [[Acceptable Targets]]:* Fandral Staghelm was the most hated faction leader of the Alliance. [[The Scrappy|Garrosh Hellscream (though he has gotten better), Trade Prince Gallywix]], and Sylvanas are the most controversial Horde leaders. On the lighter side, there's the widely practiced and highly enjoyable sport of gnome punting, popular in ''both'' factions, but most especially among the Tauren. Blood elves are also frequently mocked as being too Alliance-y (or feminine) for the Horde.
* [[Alas Poor Villain]]: {{spoiler|Arthas. Despite being what he is, surprisingly, this one is played DEAD STRAIGHT by giving him a [[Tear Jerker]] farewell.}}
** There's the widely practiced and highly enjoyable sport of gnome punting, popular in both factions, but most especially among the tauren. Blood elves are also frequently mocked as being too Alliance-y (or effeminate) for the Horde.
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]. Many for the faction leaders. One debate is whether General Hawthorne, who destroyed Camp Taurajo, was a war criminal responsible for civilian deaths or someone who tried to win while showing more mercy than his comrades.
** Certain daily quest givers. {{spoiler|Two sets of them became raid bosses in Siege of Orgrimmar, though the latter set becoming the penultimate boss encounter was probably inevitable given their ties to Y'Shaarj.}} World quest givers, too, particularly the Tortollan Seekers and Magni Bronzebeard.
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: {{spoiler|Arthas. Despite being what he is, surprisingly, this one is played DEAD STRAIGHT by giving him a [[Tear Jerker]] farewell.}}
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]].
** Illidan: Was he a hero who was willing to go to extreme lengths to save the world? Was he an Anti-Hero who did the right thing in the end? Was he a Well-Intentioned Extremist unaware of his own evil? Or was he a power-mad loner who did a couple of good deeds to justify it to himself? Notable in that the writing of the games has zig-zagged on the way it portrays both his current and past actions over time. Legion and its supplementary material, in particular, posit that all of these interpretations are valid to some extent, and various other characters lean in one direction or another over him (the split between Kayn and Altruis being the most obvious).
*** Another one has emerged Illidan for Illidan after he chose to chose to stay behind at the Seat of the Pantheon while the surviving Titans imprisoned Sargeras. Was Illidan staying to help ensure Sargeras' imprisonment? Did Illidan want the chance to fight Sargeras himself? Or did Illidan just want to torture Sargeras for everything he had done?
** Arthas: was he a genuinely good person wanting to do the best for his people but was warped by the power of Frostmourne, or was he a spoiled brat who set the stage for his own fall? This continues as a Death Knight, with speculation over the degree of awareness Arthas had for his actions and whether he should be held accountable or was he also as much as a victim as those he killed? Was Stratholme an act of callous cruelty or what had to be done in those circumstances?
** [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]. Many for the faction leaders. OneThe debate is whetheraround General Hawthorne,'s whodestruction destroyedof Camp Taurajo,. Was washe a war criminal responsible for civilian deaths or, someone who tried to win while showing more mercy than his comrades., or someone who wanted to show mercy but wasn't competent at doing it?
** Whether Kael'thas was a good man Driven to Villainy by unfair prejudice and a set of impossible circumstances in Warcraft III, or was he an incompetent commander who should have been able to overcome the odds stacked against him without accepting forbidden help? The RTS and various supplementary materials suggest the former, but The Burning Crusade stripped away most of the sympathy fans had for him and turned him into an unambiguous villain. It took until Shadowlands for this to be resolved, by showing him as an individual who did evil things with good intentions but is ultimately not irredeemable.
** Is Tyrande a good-natured and fair leader or a dangerous, zealous bigot? Is Thrall heroic and selfless or foolish and naive? And so on.
** Garrosh during his final battle with Thrall. Does he have a point, and did Thrall give him a responsibility that he wasn't ready for? Or is he simply making excuses and refusing to accept responsibility for his actions (throughout Mists of Pandaria, he'd mocked Thrall as being too soft to be an effective leader or a "true" orc)?
** After the "Rejection of the Gift" cinematic, a very big one happened with people becoming divided on whether or not the Light a force good in the Warcraft universe. While some consider it so citing a long list of past events, the cinematic led to a lot of negative sentiment towards the Light, some going as far as to consider it as bad as the Burning Legion or the Void Lords at the extreme. This is because it had the naaru Xe'ra attempt to Lightforge Illidan by force, especially since as the Prime Naaru, Xe'ra is the highest-ranking Light being who's appeared in-game unless Elune turns out to be a Light overdeity (which has scant proof to back it up). There also how the lightforged draenei can come across as the Knight Templar trope and the subsequent actions against the Mag'har on alt-Draenor (albeit with a level of [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]] and [[Cycle of Revenge]] on the Draenei's part). Ultimately, the interpretations range from considering the Light itself a force for good even if not all of its agents are, people who consider the Light the big good regardless of its worst extremes, those who consider the Light an amoral force that anyone is able to use for any reason under the right circumstances and those who consider it just as bad as the Void.
* [[Alt-Itis]]: Just about everybody who plays the game for long has multiple characters. Even if it isn't to experience life in the opposite faction, there are still six races per faction and ten classes, not to mention the advantages of having multiple professions available on one account. Some players ''never'' get a character to max level, instead rolling dozens of alts. And then Blizzard added the Recruit A Friend program, allowing players to level alts with their friends at triple the normal rate.
** In ''Wrath of the Lich King'', the addition of "heirloom" class items makes this even more highly encouraged, as they can be traded among characters on the same account, scale to character level and increase the rate at which experience is gained, making leveling up additional characters easier.
** In ''Cataclysm'', the heirloom system was expanded to guilds, with heirloom capes and helms only being available once your guild reaches a certain level. Further, ''Cataclysm'' revamped the leveling experience in old Azeroth in order to attract players who are bored with the original content.
* [[Base Breaker]]: Arthas (as a Paladin), Varian, Garrosh, Sylvanas, and Gallywix.
** Thrall as of Cataclysm. A common fan sentiment is that they "like Thrall, but ''hate'' [[The Messiah|"Go'el"]]".
** Sky Admiral Rogers is viewed either as a badass Alliance leader who actually values the safety of her own soldiers over the enemy's, or a war criminal for [[Sink the Life Boats|killing surrendering Horde soldiers swimming to shore]] ([[Punch Clock Villain|especially since they may have been drafted by Garrosh]]).
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Every time a class bitches enough to get class buffs or reworks, you can bet your bottom they'll be complaining [[Its Popular Now It Sucks|they're oversaturated with noobs who don't know how to play them.]]
** Sunwalker Dezco is seen either as a cool and tragic character, or a poorly written character that ruined the dynamic of Sunwalkers and acts like a human paladin despite having no ties with humanity.
** Rhonin's tendency for [[New Powers as the Plot Demands]] and to receive [[Character Shilling]] in his story have led to him being considered either a [[The Scrappy|Scrappy]] or [[Crazy Awesome]].
** Varian Wrynn and Garrosh Hellscream are the two most prominent cases. The former is an angry post-Literal Split Personality who was a slave to Orcs for quite some time, had his home destroyed by the orcs and his father betrayed to death by one even earlier and shilled to a ridiculous degree for awhile by Blizzard. The latter is is a racist warmonger with lacking leadership skills taking over from the level-headed, peace-seeking Thrall despite being a self-hating Emo Teen barely a few years ago. The developers even admitted they put them in charge just to provide in-universe justification for continuing the Alliance-Horde conflict.
** Jaina Proudmoore. After Mists of Pandaria, some thought her Character Development made sense as she saw all the work she did to bring peace destroyed in moments, and because of the side she trusted as well. Others believe that it's [[Character Derailment]] was delivered in breakneck speed and shoved down the players' throats, in addition of really going against her characterization in WC3 (the woman who allowed her father to die in order to ensure peace, now she's considered to be an insult to that).
** Sylvanas was already a contentious character being seen as either a [[Jerkass Woobie]] [[Anti-Hero]] or a [[Karma Houdini]] [[Creator's Pet]]. This reached it's peak in Legion when she was delcared Warchief of the Horde. Some think she was the next best candidate, others think she is too evil/similar to past tyrannical Warchiefs to deserve it and think it should have been Baine or even Lor'themar. People from either side, and others, are mad that Warchief Vol'jin just seemed to warm the chair Sylvanas would sit on due to being [[Out of Focus]] in Warlords. Even after officially becoming a villain
** The Prime Naaru Xe'ra is more notable because she reached this status faster than even Garrosh or Varian did at the meta level. Some view her as a well-intentioned extremist ally with a deep past who was {{spoiler|killed by the selfish magic addict she was trying to save - Illidan (some fans have compared Xe'ra forcefully infusing Illidan with the Light to remove his fel magic to intervention and rehabilitation for a drug addict)}} and thought she and her story arc story wasted. Others see her as a manipulative [[Knight Templar]] who got what she deserved and brought it on herself.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Every time a class bitches enough to get class buffs or reworks, you can bet your bottom they'll be complaining [[ItsIt's Popular, Now It Sucks|they're oversaturated with noobs who don't know how to play them.]]
** The fanbase complained about long convoluted attunement quest chains and being unable to complete them because [[Can't Catch Up|nobody would lift a finger to help]]. Now that that's no longer required and you don't have to run a dozen dungeons (That nobody wants to do anymore) and hope your token actually drops so guilds will look in your general direction. Then they complained about how annoyingly hard the game was only now are complaining about "Casuals" taking over the game. (Don't try pointing out that there are in fact heroic raids meant ''specifically'' for these "Core" players, or that they offer stronger gear and require much more coordination than raid finder - they're not listening.)
** Throughout wrath, the fanbase bitched ''non-stop'' about how "easy" the heroics were. (ignoring, of course, that they were "hard" before people started running them in Naxx gear or with heirlooms.) Then when the last three Wrath heroics were added, they bitched about how "hard" they were and would constantly [[Rage Quit]] the halls of reflection. When Cataclysm was released, what was everyone's response to the heroics? That they're [[Face Palm|too hard]]. Of course nowadays, nobody complains about how "hard" they were because just like Wrath, they all outgeared the heroics enough to just rush through.
** For that matter, they complained about the needless amounts of [[Fake Difficulty]] in the game, alleviating the Catch22 situations. Now they complain about "Wrath babies" or "noobs" running their heroics.
* [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene]]: Various quests in Cataclysm involving random creatures nobody likes ([ eels], [ hyenas], [ vultures]) show up with no warning when you kill one of them, and have absolutely no mention after you finish them.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]
** Badlands: {{spoiler|Rheastrasza is destroyed, along with the egg she and the player worked so hard to keep hidden from Deathwing. The "sweet" part comes in when it is revealed that, though she and the egg were destroyed, it was [[Batman Gambit|all part of the plan]]: She knew Deathwing would find her, so she trusted the cleansed black dragon egg with another ally and replaced it with [[Heroic Sacrifice|one of her own]].}}
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** ''Mists of Pandaria'' seems to be causing this too.
** Also, PVE vs. PVP. Players will pull up unoriginal insults akin to [[Fantastic Racism]] without the "race".
** '''The Culling of Sratholme'''. There is a great amount of debate among players whether this (the event that either [[Start of Darkness| started Arthas on his path to evil]] or [[Moral Event Horizon|cemented his place there]]) was necessary or whether Arthas truly could be blamed. Short version: Strathholm was the second-biggest and second most important city of the Alliance, and was thus a primary target of the Scourge. They shipped plague-infected grain to the city, a plague that would cause death in three days, then cause the infected to rise as undead, which would be easy to manipulate by the Lich King’s control. The soldiers under Arthas’ command - which included both Uther and Jaina - caught wind of the plan, destroyed many silos of grain that were intended for other towns (likely including Stormwind itself) but when they arrived at Stratholm, they were too late. Believing the disease to be irreversible, incurable, and highly contagious, Arthas ordered the town purged, and despite objections from both Uther and Jaina - who abandoned him rather than be accomplices to the act - killed every man, woman, and child in Stratholm, their pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears. Players debate to this day whether Arthas was justified here. Was finding a cure truly impossible? Was the disease truly as contagious as he believed? Had the plague actually spread to every resident? Maybe killing them ''after'' they had become zombies might have been a better choice. Did Arthas coldly view the civilians as expendable, or did he hate himself the whole time, sobbing as he killed them? (One of his underlings did indeed commit suicide out of guilt, now a restless spirit haunting the place, known only as The Unforgiven.) It is an argument that may never be resolved, and indeed, it seems the whole thing had been designed to give the players something to think about.
* [[Cliche Storm]]: the [[Large Ham]] bosses' favorite way of [[Calling Your Attacks]]. Originally done so you'd know how to prepare for an incoming attack but nowadays it's just tradition.
* [[Catharsis Factor]]:
* [[Complete Monster]]: Quite a few villains qualify, although overall most of them tend to be Anti-Villains.
** The Seige of Orgrimmar raid is this for the Alliance. Well, many Horde players likely had no love for Garrosh either, but this raid actually lets you storm and invade the Horde capital itself and lay waste to the citizenry. Any beginning Alliance player who has been shot down after flying too near the place sees it as revenge.
** When you finally kill the Whale Shark in Vashj'ir. It doesn't drop anything or give XP, but this monster likely kills you several times while you try to explore the undersea zone, and finally killing the thing is satisfying. In fact, the Achievement you get has a fitting name, [[Shout-Out|"From Hell's Heart I]] [[Moby Dick|Stab at Thee".]]
** Players who felt bad after seeing [ this cutscene] and/or [ this one] will experience a ''lot'' of Catharsis once they complete the Raid that ends with [ this one].
* [[ClicheCliché Storm]]: the [[Large Ham]] bosses' favorite way of [[Calling Your Attacks]]. Originally done so you'd know how to prepare for an incoming attack but nowadays it's just tradition.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Though several Warcraft villains have been Anti-Villains, there are some who have gone into complete monster territory.
** Loken from Wrath of the Lich King murders his sister in law and frames his brother's friends for it, causing a needless war, warps his brothers dragon into a monstrosity, and tries to brainwash Thorim.
** Apparently, the curse that comes with wielding the blade Frostmourne ultimately turns a person into this. As shown by the below quote:
*** "An individual who wields Frostmourne will not part with it willingly. Over time the person will go from good to neutral and finally to evil. A non-undead evil wielder will then become undead. Finally the sword is able to suck the being's soul into the sword."
** Chargla Razorflank sells her own people to the Scourge.
** [[Deceptive Disciple|Gul'dan]](despite being [[Faux Affably Evil]]) who voluntarily corrupted his people into a bloodthirsty horde which [[The Man Behind the Man|he secretly controls]], planned the genocide of the Draenei and brought the Orcs into Azeroth so they could trigger two wars. He also created Garona as a "breeding experiment" between an Orc soldier and a female Draenei prisoner, after that she was magically aged, tortured and mind controlled into becoming his personal assassin. Finally, [[ItsIt's All About Me|he betrays the Horde to follow his own ends of achieving power.]]
** Kael'thas gets changed into this in The Burning Crusade, although your Mileage May Vary. He becomes a power hungry lunatic who seeks to sacrifice an innocent girl in order to bring his master Kil'Jaeden into the world, who incidentally is the one who gave the order for the destruction of Kael'thas's home (well not him directly, but he and Archimonde would have certainly authorized it and he DID create the Scourge for use against Azeroth).
** Deathwing is an unrepentant mass murderer, who coldly murdered most of his and the blue flight and who covertly helped the Orcs gain control over his rival, Alexstrasza, who he kept as his unwilling consort for a time. His act of entering the world (though admittedly rather awesome) kills countless innocents and causes almost incalculable environmental damage, and he has a genocidal hatred of anyone who isn't a black dragon (and considering the twilight flight even they may be expendable eventually).
** Worst of all are the Old Gods. They have caused quite a few atrocities in Azeroth's history (they corrupted Deathwing and in turn are indirectly responsible for all of his crimes, and in turn the nexus war), and seem to be intent on destroying the world [[For the Evulz|solely to create chaos.]]
*** It technically depends on how you view them. In fact, they were around on Azeroth even before the Titans arrived, and arguably are more subject to [[Blue and Orange Morality]] rather than this trope, especially when you consider [[Cthulhu Mythos|what they were based on]]. Still not pleasant, by any means, but that's [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s for you.
** Archimonde the Defiler is the supreme commander of the armies of the Burning Legion, equal to Kil'jaeden and serving directly under Sargeras. Lacking Sargeras' intentions or Kil'jaeden's regrets, Archimonde proved to be the most monstrous demon in the entirety of the omnicidal Burning Legion.
** Sargeras and Archimonde are both heartless lunatics who love killing things and who have destroyed countless worlds.
** Depending on how you [[Alternate Character Interpretation|view him]] {{spoiler|Gallywix}} may qualify. And for good reason, he is a callous [[Jerkass]] whose crimes include: {{spoiler|selling the player and others into slavery after he made them give up their life savings, leaving the goblins behind to take over Azshara, enslaving the goblins in a mine called the Gallywix Reeducation Cavern, and employing abusive Hobgoblin slavemasters. He was even attempted at a last-ditch attempt to kill Thrall (right before he was re-appointed leader). Constantly taunting you in the second half of the starting experience doesn't help matters either. There's even a Goblin NPC who calls him a monster.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Evil Chancellor|Magatha Grimtotem]], who leads the Grimtotems, who wants eradicate the "lesser races" from Kalimdor and retake the long lost tauren ancestral holdings. And in Cataclysm, she rigs the duel between Garrosh and Cairne by poisoning Garrosh's Axe which caused Garrosh to easily cripple, and [[Killed Off for Real|kill Cairne]]}}
** Azshara, the former ancient queen of the Night Elves who, in her desire for power and perfection, nearly led all of Azeroth to total ruin. 10,000 years ago, Azshara used her magic to enthrall her people to love her without question and later secretly sought to kill everybody on Azeroth she deemed "imperfect", which was everyone except her and her Highborne servants (and included non-Highborne elves).
* [[Crack Is Cheaper]]: A widely spread opinion, given how much time players spend into the game.
** Xavius, once the high councilor to Queen Azshara, is best known for the evils he committed as the first satyr and the Nightmare Lord. Xavius was the first elf to make contact with the Burning Legion and convinced Azshara and the Highborne that Sargeras was a deity and would lead them to godhood.
* [[Crack Isis Cheaper]]: A widely spread opinion, given how much time players spend into the game.
* [[Crazy Awesome]]: Most of the Goblin starting experience, to wit: One of the focuses right at the beginning is to set everything up for a party, naturally, you succeed and start to have a pretty rad (by Goblin standards) party... only to have it be crashed by ''Party Crasher Pirates''. After the Volcano starts to blow, you're trying to get enough money to get off the Island. So you break into the bank, steal your life savings back, but it's still not enough. So what do you do? Why, burn down your corporate headquarters to get the insurance money, of course! You do this by Overloading your Generator, [[Rule of Funny|turn on your "Leaky Stove"]] And then drop a cigar on your flammable bed. It only goes upwards from there, there are many examples later, but one truly stands out. Once you're on the Lost Isles, a Goblin asks you to take care of a Giant Shark. How do you do this? Well, after getting a bunch of shark bits, he makes a Shark Submarine With [[Austin Powers|Freakin' Laser Beams]], then you fight the Shark in it.
** After his bout with debilitating insanity in ''Wrath of the Lich King,'' Budd Nedreck has stabilized into this.
{{quote| ''[{{=}}Meb-2c-1z0g I'M A MANATAUR!]''}}
** Blizzard itself is kind getting in on it too! A forum post complained how the Maelstrom wasn't "epic" enough, a representative ensured that in the next patch the "epicness" would increase tenfold. The next patch came and we got...[ this.]
** The whole defending the shard thing became really annoying after awhile, so Azuregos entrusted it to a construct of his called Maws, which is a very special minnow. The player has the option of calling him insane for this, while a pleased Azuregos claims to be a genius instead.
*** He gets worse in cataclysm, it's implied being farmed so much may have caused permanent damage to his brain, eventually he decided just to stay dead for a while and wound up ''falling in love with a spirit healer''.
* [[CreatorsCreator's Pet]]: Many in the playerbase grew to dislike Garrosh as he rose in prominence during the events of ''Wrath Of The Lich King'', and when it was announced that he would replace well-loved Thrall as the Warchief of The Horde in ''Catacylsm'' fan response was pretty predictable. Now there are many questgiving NPCs who will praise Garrosh for his bellicose manner and warmongering foreign policies. That there are a few NPCs who will express concern about this gives fans a few straws to cling to.
** Thrall basically tells Vol'jin "look, our people ''really'' hate the Alliance and want to kill them right now (and I'm busy), so we need a leader who feels the same." Most of the people who disagree with Garrosh and his policies are off with Thrall, fixing the Cataclysm.
*** Not that players who feel more loyal to Thrall than "The Horde" are given any option...
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*** They might have tried to give him [[Character Development]], but fan dislike of him has caused him to become a straight villain in Mists of Pandaria.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: [ Nightsong] from Cataclysm.
* [[Darkness -Induced Audience Apathy]]: Cataclysm. A nice chunk of the player base thinks that it turned all the major lore characters into a bunch of brooding sociopaths, and anyone untouched is generally pushed into the background. One would believe in the war revolving around this invisible scarcity of resources had it been shown in any zone outside one (Westfall) and if almost all factional settlements hadn't gotten a makeover, contradicting this.
* [[Demonic Spiders]]: The Level 90 [[Elite Mooks|starting zone guards]] for Ammen Vale (which is the Level 1-5 zone for Draenei). They make the "Explore Azuremyst Isle" achievement for the Horde nigh impossible because of bad game design. They can (and will if you're not careful or geared enough) one-shot any maximum level player with ranged or melee damage. Corpse running past them is essential to get the achievement. [[It Got Worse|It gets worse]] from here. Horde Rogues or Mages can't stealth past them. The guards themselves can see through stealth/invisibility and have a really large aggro radius to boot. [[Sarcasm Mode|Have fun!]]
* [[Dork Age]]: A fair few people will say either the first or second expansions were this. The Burning Crusade gets it for the storyline problems already mentioned, a perceived disrespect for the lore and a setting too detached from the rest of the Warcraft world (which has become something of a [[That One Level|scrappy world]] now that vanilla content has been rejigged in Cataclysm, making Outland paradoxically the oldest and grindiest level bracket). Wrath of the Lich King gets it for making heroic dungeons too easy (raid content too at first, but they implemented a lot of optional harder modes with better loot to fix that, not that anyone actually listened), a painful lack of new content for PVPers and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|some really ugly looking gear]].
** It's also worth mentioning that in ''Wrath'', the "too easy" heroics were because more people got geared or would run with geared players and wind up walking through the dungeon so easily and only having trouble with say, Oculus. From 2008-early 2009, most people weren't complaining about heroics being "too easy" unless they were Naxxramas or Ulduar geared. They weren't as hard as the Cataclysm heroics were at launch, however. The Cataclysm heroics also got easier as people with Tier 12 or 13 gear joined the queues, more people learned how to fight the bosses, and as the bosses got a few nerfs.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]:
** Sylvanas. She and the rest of the Forsaken have suffered a great deal. On the other hand, they are also quite ruthless, often beyond the scope of what their circumstances would justify, and fans tend to forget this part.
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** Sassy Hardwrench, the goblin player character's secretary, is often named in hypothetical plans to overthrow Gallywix.
** Boss Mida, a fan made character also involved in Gallywix removal plans.
** John J. Keeshan and Bravo Company, although Keeshan himself borders on [[Memetic Badass]] status.
** Rheastraza, just for the [[Tear Jerker]] quest line she is involved in. Also, {{spoiler|the unhatched black dragon egg she purified, although it's not even born, is one of two player favorite candidates regarding the future leader of the Black Dragonflight}}
** Tichondrius. Well, he was quite charismatic.
** Asric and Jadaar, a male blood elf and a male draenei respectively. The two would trade insults while investigating Griftah's activities in Shattrath during The Burning Crusade expansion. Fan reaction to the two prompted Blizzard to bring them back in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
** Cro Threadstrong, an Orc NPC in Shattrath who yells about waging war with a nearby apple vendor.
** Sabellian, Deathwing's younger son who is a questgiver in Outland. As of late, there have been several calls for Sabellian, who is much less evil and more sane than his father, to take control of the Black Dragonflight after Deathwing's inevitable demise at the hands of players.
* [[Evil Is Cool]]: The Lich King. Honestly, given his backstory, appearance, and powers, this guy rates higher on the Coolness Factor than ''any'' of the good guys.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]:
** It's unlikely Onyxia would have been gotten away with a thousandth of what she got away with if not for people's assumption that she was the returned King's mistress and previously Bolvar's. In all likelihood, she really was the returned Varian's mistress for the short time she had him [[Charm Person|spellbound]].
** High Inquisitor Whitemane, Mother Shahraz, Blood Queen Lana'thel, and many others. Even a few mobs get this, including Succubi and Shivarra.
* [[Fake Difficulty]]: Back in Vanilla and TBC, it was exceptionally difficult to try get gear for entry level dungeons after new tiers were released, due to the playerbase having a tendency to flat out declare themelves "done" with the old dungeons and from that point on. This lead to the [[Can't Catch Up]] phenomenon, where players who ''still'' needed gear from these dungeons and quests were stuck waiting for a group to form since the players focusing on all of the new stuff wouldn't lift a finger to help unless it was for the new things. It's quite frustrating on both ends, to have to run a dungeon for the umpteeth time because people still haven't learned how to play, but also frustrating when you ''want'' to raid but can't because nobody seems interested in what you need to do. Thankfully, this has been fixed as of Wrath and Cataclysm, with each new tier usually coming alongside new 5-men dungeons and badge/justice point gear that give easy access to gear equivalent to that of the previous tier, enabling easy access to the new raids.
** Due to guild advancement/achievements now giving guild perks, it will be considerably easier to do this. The more achievements and guild XP for things like old world raids, the better perks you get, like instantly teleporting the entire raid to your position.
*** The Halls of Reflection was this for some people. (note: for some) It required perfect cooperation with the group to survive the waves. Wiping on a wave before the two bosses (before 5th and 10th) required you to start over from the first and sixth waves, respectively. It was also common for random players to drop group [[Beyond the Impossible|as soon as Halls of Reflection showed up as the random heroic]].
* [[Fandom Nod]]: Besides the countless [[Ascended Meme|Ascended Memes]]s, the massive fan game/forum post [ "You awaken in razor hill] became so well-known that blizzard actually added the main character [ Tednuget] ([[Bowdlerize|Changed to Tednug for copyright reasons]]) got his own NPC.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: The official forums aka the "Bitch Board" is pretty much full of nostalgia-blinded people and highbrow elitists who trash about how there are people who didn't have to do what ''they'' did back in the original game. No matter ''how'' bad of a financial decision it was to not let gamers see higher-level content. (Granted; it wasn't ''all'' Blizzard and Vivendi's fault there, some people were left out because of player created catch-22 situations and they didn't expect people to abandon low-pop servers and get people stuck waiting for a group that almost never forms.)
** And that's only the general forums. Each sub-forum seems to have its own Fan Dumb that does nothing but whine and complain about whatever the subject of the board is. For example, the class forums are often less filled with constructive advice on how to improve the class so much as they become slagging matches between users about how the class developers favor some classes over others. The story forums are more or less the same, just replace 'classes' with 'factions' and 'class developers' with 'creative developers'.
* [[Fan Hater]]: One of the most plagued games by this. Many fanhaters also refuse to acknowledge that the game actually ''isn't'' addictive and it's not causing the players to give up their lives.
** Players of [[EveEVE Online]] seem to have a major superiority complex about [[WoW]]. Mention [[WoW]] in any forum or in the in-game chat in Eve and you'll be buried in people shouting "Eve is a much more complex and difficult game and [[WoW]] is the training wheels of the internet and..." It's rather sad considering Eve itself has enough [[Fan Hater|Fan Haters]]s that its playerbase could be expected to be a little wiser.
** Mentioning [[WoW]] is practically taboo in the Guild Wars community. Anyone suggesting implementation of a feature from or making a comparison to [[WoW]] on a Guild Wars fan forum is quickly shot down by legions of other members insisting "Guild Wars is nothing like that piece of crap" and all but calling the initial poster an idiot for liking [[WoW]]. Invariably at least one person will bring up the Skinner box argument that "you only enjoy it because they're manipulating your psychology." This really is the case with GW fans and any [[P 2 P]]P2P MMO (Aion, Rift, etc... SWTOR is the current punching bag), but [[WoW]] is generally the most loathed.
* [[Foe Yay]]: In ''Wrath of the Lich King'', the Lich King and Tirion Fordring have it in spades.
** Varian/Garrosh is practically the fandom's memetic OTP.
Line 93 ⟶ 118:
** The minor elementals (fire, earth, water and air) deserve a mention. They're extremely irritating and have erratic pathing. Which results in you being forced to fight them (usually thanks to the dazed mechanic). It doesn't help they're immune to their respective element, but they're usually easy to kill.
* [[Good Bad Bugs]]: In an early release of ''Frozen Throne'', Anub'arak's carapace skill stacked over time, giving him enough armor points to make him virtually invincible.
** In Lost city of the Tol'vir, a few ranged players discovered a glitch that allowed them to jump onto a statue during a boss fight and plink away. The adds summoned by the boss never touch them, and for hte most part it's impossible for them to pull aggro. This was removed.
* [[Growing the Beard]]: The game was infamous for its questing: while trying to avert completely depending on [[Level Grinding]], it pretty much invented [[Twenty Bear Asses]], leveling was filled with boring, irrelevant sidequests no one cares about. Now with Cataclysm update many locations were reshaped in such a way so each zone tells a story and most sidequests are directly tied into it. The game is becoming more and more convenient over the years too, with things such as Dungeon Finder that lets you forget about crying "LFG" for hours being drowned out by people selling things.
** You'd actually be very surprised how [[Waste of Time Story|little]] people pay attention to it.
* [[Hate Dumb]]: Many people trash the game because "It's a [[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]] ripoff" or without having ever touched it. Naturally this leads to some sometimes funny comments like how much of a ripoff of ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' it is. (If this game is a ripoff of ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'', then it's safe to say ''every'' form of fantasy is a ripoff!) There are many people who in fact act all [[New Media Are Evil]] and that the game will addict you if you touch it. This is of course ignoring that ''IT'S A GAME'' and not something that chemically addicts you, and how many people act like [[Double Standard|playing any other game for 14 hours a day or doing stuff like reading or watching TV is somehow more productive than playing this one.]]
** There have even been instances of [[Hate Dumb]] for this game on this very wiki in the Headscratchers section.
** The [[Foe Yay]]-type haters deserve a special mention here. If you believe what you read in the trade channels and at the forums, the vast majority of [[WoW]]'s players loathe the game with a passion... and yet they ''pay money'' to play it. [[Alternate Character Interpretation|Thus, Blizzard's probably INTENTIONALLY doing stuff like "Dumbing the game down" or "inventing races out of nowhere" to piss these guys off because they know they'll be constantly coming back and paying them the monthly fee]]
Line 109 ⟶ 134:
* [[Holy Shit Quotient]]: The [ opening cinematic] for ''Cataclysm'' ranks pretty high.
** Stepping through the Dark Portal into the broken world of Outland for the first time (and right into the middle of a battle between the Alliance & Horde and an army of demons) in ''Burning Crusade'' was up there as well.
* [[Hypocritical Hatedom]]: Whenever an article about how [[New Media Are Evil]] shows up, if the New media that's being demonized is [[World of Warcraft]], the comments will often be (stupidly) ''agreeing'' with it or saying "This is proof that WOW is evil". Whereas if an article had said the same thing about any other game would have gamers are up in arms about it and saying "See? Typical scapegoating BS".
* [[Internet Backdraft]]: Where do we even start? Forum MVP Palehoof gives a good rundown [ here] of all of the various changes Blizzard has made to the game that caused the community to revolt. You can see/add more examples on the [[Internet Backdraft]] page itself. It's notable that three of these have actually been successful in getting Blizzard to change its policies: the outcry against the ban of a GLBT guild for forum advertising, the firestorm that came from Blizzard's announcement in July 2010 that the forums would begin requiring users to post with their real names, and the outcry against charging customers a fee to use the [[Real ID]] cross realm dungeon finder.
** Currently, Blizzard is facing the community's backlash against the new "Worgen racial mounts", which are actually a copy and paste job on some Human horse mount models minus the saddles, that were announced to be included in the 4.3 patch. [ This post] explains perfectly why the community is so up in arms over the decision.
** Next expansion is Mists of Pandaria. Fans backlash and this trope kicks in.
** The backdraft has reached critical status after, at blizzcon 2011, Samwise Didler and Greg "Corpsegrinder" made a song towards the alliance that was little more than a string of homophobic insults and telling alliance to commit suicide, this song stirred people into a frenzy that led to people being attacked for showing their alliance pride, Community manager Bashiok tried to pass it off as being "Just a joke, not to be taken seriously", which made matters worse, blizzard has since owed up to this [ and publicly apologized for it].
** Developer statements that, in Mists of Pandaria, {{spoiler|Garrosh will be overthrown as Warchief, with Thrall taking his place,}} have been met with considerable scorn from players. Among others, complaints often came from {{spoiler|fans who are sick of Thrall being, by their view, a [[Spot Light Spotlight-Stealing Squad|Spotlight Stealing]] [[CreatorsCreator's Pet]], and Alliance players who are angry that they were forced to work with Thrall on numerous occasions throughout Cataclysm because Blizzard was trying so hard(to varying degrees of success, depending on who you ask) to make him a neutral character, only for it to be implied that Thrall will immediately be returning to the Warchief seat with absolutely no repercussions for leaving the Horde in Cataclysm. The specific reactions varied between straight-up hatred for Thrall, to numerous discussions over who would be a better option for Warchief, with Vol'jin and Saurfang being popular options.}} However, [ some later posts] indicate that Blizzard may have changed their minds about that decision.
** At the start of the Beta for ''Mists of Pandaria'', Ji Firepaw's first interaction with the player was complimenting their skills and being buddy buddy with them (if male) or flirting with them in a very blunt way (if female). Despite being such a small, one-off comment, this line wound up setting off a long backlash about sexism in video gaming. Eventually blizzard caved and changed it, which shifted the problem towards people who liked Ji's characterization as a Chivalrous lech (the lech being a common character in a lot of asian literature.) and how blizzard was caving in to people being overly sensitive. Eventually blizzard settled for having a line of dialogue where Ji [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] this while observing Aysa meditating, worrying if she would find him creepy if he was too forward, or had no personality if he tried to compliment her skill and just that.
* [[Iron Woobie]]:
Line 122 ⟶ 147:
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]:
** Sylvanas is quite sympathetic, but she also holds the living in contempt and can often be fairly icy and brusque to those with whom she deals.
** Fandral Staghelm. Sure, he's arrogant bastard, but seeing what he's been through, it's really hard to blame him. Seeing how patriotic he is when it comes to night elves, it probably pained him a lot to see what happened to his race, and not to mention how the silithid butchered his beloved son just as a way to [[Revenge Byby Proxy|break him]]. His coin in the Dalaran fountain just adds the woobiedom:
{{quote| '''Fandral Staghelm's Silver Coin''': The War of the Shifting Sands... I wish I could forget it ever happened.}}
** Genn Greymane, due to the events unfolding in Gilneas, including the Worgen curse and the Forsaken invasion which cost him his kingdom and the life of his son Liam.
** Oh, sure, Illidan's not exactly a nice guy, but the poor bastard's been suffering for ''over ten thousand years''. His entire life is a litany of failed attempts at heroism and greatness.
** Leyara, in her first appearance, she's a Druid of the Flame and burns Hamuul Runetotem to death ([[Only Mostly Dead|almost]]), after he points out that she killed several of his students, and is seriously pissed of at Malfurion Stormrage for some reason. Later when Malfurion finally confronts her, she strikes him down, and while [[Evil Gloating|gloating]] over how she killed Hamuul, said Tauren appears and kills her. Shortly after, players are mailed a locket found in the Molten Front that reveals that she was the wife of Fandral Staghelm's son, and they had a daughter before he was killed in Silithus; later her daughter was killed during a Horde attack, and she blamed Malfurion for not doing anything to save them. Not surprising she'd follow her father-in-law to joining Ragnaros for revenge.
** Varian Wrynn has a great deal of responsibility for the escalating Horde-Alliance tensions, and is hot-tempered and impulsive, often with many negative consequences.. As a child, he lost his father to Garona and saw Stormwind overrun, lost his wife to the Defias riots, and now has a strained relationship with his son Anduin, which motivates him to try to work on his temper.
* [[It's Easy, So It Sucks]]: Some people are saying this about Wrath of the Lich King and, to a lesser extent, Cataclysm, claiming that getting gear for raids has become too easy and this enables less competent players who would never have been able to raid before to participate. Others, however, believe that [[Growing the Beard|this is an improvement over the grinding required to raid in vanilla and Burning Crusade]].
* [[Jumping the Shark]]: There has been largely two immediate reactions for the Mists of Pandaria expansion announcement regarding the setting and gameplay changes.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Kil'Jaeden, they don't call him [[Meaningful Name|''The Deceiver'']] for nothing.
* [[Member Berries]]: The game's fifth expansion pack, ''Warlords of Draenor'', involved traveling back in time to before the first game. Players who were familiar with the lore of the first game were excited to meet characters like Orgrim Doomhammer, Kilgore Swordfist, and OrcRage McHugeSmash (or whatever the fuck their names were), while everyone else was just bored and confused. Also, it took place on the same continent as the game's first expansion (except earlier in time. Or in an alternate timeline. Or something).
* [[Memetic Badass]]:
** Saurfang is practically the Warcraft universe's [[Chuck Norris]], having several [ Saurfang Facts] to his name.
{{quote| ''Area-effect target caps were implemented after Saurfang used Cleave on Stormwind and it shattered Draenor.''}}
** Hogger, the boss capable of being [[Death of a Thousand Cuts|brought down by level one gnomes]], also applies. This eventually escalated to where the best guild was pitted against an elite, ''level cap'', '''''nigh unkillable''''' version of Hogger. The Armory website also tracks each character's stats for [[Ascended Meme|"deaths by Hogger."]]
** Darius Crowley, an NPC from the Worgen starting zone, is also shaping up to be this. He, too, [ has his own page of Crowley Facts].
*** "[[Ozzy Osbourne (Music)|MIIISSSTEEER CROWWWLEEEEEYY!!]]"
*** /Fistcleave
** Basic Campfire.
** Theldurin the Lost in ''Cataclysm''. His quest has you chase after, and then procede to land a haymaker on, ''[[Big Bad|Deathwing]], [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|In the face]]''.
** JOHN J. KEESHAN. Yes, he is so awesome his name has to be spelt in all caps at all times.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: So many that they had to be listed on the [[World of Warcraft (Video Game)/Memes|Memes]] page.
* [[Misaimed Fandom]]: You're not supposed to agree with Malygos in ''Wrath of the Lich King'', people. No matter how profoundly ''wrong'' Blizzard make their characters, there will always be someone on the official forums to claim they're right.
* [[Mis BlamedMisblamed]]: The mob respawn rates at the start of ''Cataclysm'' actually weren't entirely Blizzard's fault; they were a programming oversight. The insane respawn rates were due to so many players clogging the zones at once that they respawned almost instantly. This was after Burning crusade's launch the mob respawn rate was too low so people would camp required mobs.
* [[Moe]]: Mylune, a Dryad with [[Puppy Dog Eyes]] that gives you quests to save the critters that roam around a burning forest. She even ''squees.''
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: Potentially, ''you'', if you play a Death Knight. While soulless in the service of Arthas, you're complicit in genocide, butchering civilians under the protection of [[Knight Templar|the Scarlet Crusade]], and torture. Depending on the individual Death Knight, this may or may not be [[More Than Mind Control]].
** Arthas crossed the line long ago and continues to get more evil over time. Most players point to the Culling of Stratholm as his "point of no return", but in truth, it's hard to pinpoint just one action. This is even lampshaded in one of the more awesome Icecrown quest lines.
** {{spoiler|Varimathras and his faction of the Forsaken}} arguably triggered this trope when they {{spoiler|betrayed both the Horde and Alliance at the Wrathgate, resulting in the death of a major Alliance NPC and reigniting the Horde vs. Alliance war}}.
** One particular group of Naga damn well crossed it in The Blasted Lands during ''Cataclysm''. They betrayed and enslaved the entire Murloc population in the zone, even the babies. Hate Murlocs or not, that is just God damn depressing.
Line 155 ⟶ 181:
*** Made even worse that a scripted event following the quest has two of the pygmies killed in a very throwaway manner. [[Blatant Lies|"We will take care of them very well"]] indeed...
** Malygos crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] in a few ways (kidnapping, torturing and brainwashing Keristraza, and {{spoiler|forcing mages to work for him under threat of their families being killed}}), but the realization that he's redirecting leylines to power his dragonflight (which places all of Azeroth in danger) is what causes Alextrasza to reluctantly call for his death.
** Deathwing crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] by betraying the other dragonflights and using the Demon Soul's power to kill off most of the Blue Dragonflight, and now planning Azeroth's destruction. The Red Dragonflight considers the Black Dragonflight beyond redemption in Cataclysm.
** Sylvanas and the forsaken appear to be [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]] nowadays. They're now deliberately creating more undead to swell their ranks, and in the Gilneas starter quests for the Worgen, the invading forsaken (under direct command of Sylvanas) attempt to use Arthas' plague (you know, that one that even ''Garrosh'' thinks is going too far.) Oh, and according to a terrified mother they're freely murdering any children they find.
** Dar'Khan letting Arthas in to have his people getting slaughtered.
** The entire story arc surrounding Keristrasza was designed to make the players hate Malygos enough to kill him. Or at least was supposed to.
** In the Horde's eyes, for the Alliance there's the sacking of Camp Taurajo, a peaceful Tauren village. In the eyes of the Alliance, while the camp was definitely a soft target with civilians that was unnecessarily killed, it was arming and training Horde warriors, was strategically important, and General Hawthorne even took pains to make sure civilians could slip through Alliance lines. The Horde does not gain this information and are right to be pissed about it however.
** In ''Battle for Azeroth'', [[Arc Villain|Lady Waycrest]] crossed this line ''long'' before she turned to witchcraft and became a truly dangerous adversary to the players. {{spoiler|She hired assassins to kill her daughter Lucille's beloved on their wedding day, simply because she didn't like the idea of having a mere merchant for a son-in-law.}}
* [[More Popular Spinoff]]: Compared to the original strategy games.
* [[Most Annoying Sound]]: ''Not enough energy'', ''Not enough rage'', ''Not enough mana'', ''I can't carry anymore'', ''That would be stealing'', ''I need to get closer'', ''That ability isn't ready yet''. Also [[Have a Nice Death|nasty things bosses say]] when they kick your ass (particularly ones who can kill in rapid succession, such as after the tank dies). Certain pet noises, the Piccolo, the train set, Lil' XT... the list goes on. Fortunately, at least the error messages can be turned off in the options menu, and there's a tiny robot you can buy whose only purpose is to smash train sets.
* [[Motive Decay]]: Sorry, Illidan, Kael'thas. We need bosses for Burning Crusade.
** Getting "corrupted" by the Old Gods tends to to this in general. Deathwing was once much more subtle.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: See [[Warcraft (Video Game)/Nightmare Fuel|here]].
* [[Nostalgia Filter]]: Consider how much of the game changed since its release in 2004. Several classes, especially the hybrids, actually are ''playable'' and ''actually'' work the way you would expect them to. Content is actually not being wasted by locking the majority of the playerbase out by attunement chains. (Most of the [[Can't Catch Up]] was caused by other players, though, so it's not Bizzard and Vivendi's fault since they didn't intend for selfish players to refuse to help their friends in need.)
** And the Elemental Invasion. Wait around the cities and someone's going to say how the Zombie Invasion was better and that the fandom rejoiced. This is ignoring how, during the zombie invasion, there was just as much complaining about how many people were interrupted by zombies or how much they event sucked and should have been optional.
** Attunement in ''general''. This supposedly weeded out the "Bad players" back in the day, when all it took to get attuned was to be lucky enough to ''find'' a group that formed for it, especially on some servers like most Wasteland EST PvP Servers. This lead to a [[Can't Catch Up]] in which perfectly good players were stuck waiting for an attunement group to form while everyone else was busy trying to get the bosses down.
*** And evidently people used to "need a brain" to get to end-game. Evidently, "Needing a brain" meant "being able to be lucky to have a group that would do convoluted attunement chains" and "having the free time to run dungeons enough to get gear so the guilds would even look at you."
* [[Old Shame]]: There are quite a few things Blizzard would like players to forget. In no particular order:
** The BlizzCon lesbian. Back during BlzzCon 2011, a fan who called herself "Brei" asked why there were no openly LGBT characters in the game. As often happens with controversial issues where opinions are required, the community completely blew up and a [[Flame War]] started. Eventually, Blizzard simply said it was because too many kids play the game, and swept it under the rug.
** Cyric, the mod often called the Troller of Trolls. Now, Trolls are a fact of life on game forums, but the Vanilla and Crusade eras were out of control. Cyric was a moderator who just couldn't take it anymore, and started [[He Who Fights Monsters|insulting the trolls with horrible profanity]], replying to each and every troll who replied to him as such. He actually got rid of a few, but was eventually fired for encouraging such behavior.
** Dear lord, the Pet Pit. Another problem they had in 2011 was gold sellers, and were cracking down on it. Then they released Guardian Cubs, collectible Battle Pets which you could buy with actual money and then sell in-game for inflated prices. This was seen as hypocrisy. Which it was. They even admitted that this is what it was for, admitting, "we're okay with it, if some players choose to use the Guardian Cub as a safe and secure way to acquire a little extra in-game gold without turning to third-party gold-selling services. However, please keep in mind that there's never any guarantee that someone will purchase what you put up for sale at the auction house." (That's a direct quote, by the way.) This was removed from the game quickly, due to the controversy, but the pets are still available (as Soulbound, meaning unsellable in-game).
** The Real ID forum was a case of [[Didn't Think This Through]]. During 2011 (seeing a trend here?) they had a policy that said you could only post if you used your real name, address, and email, making that info public. [["Not Making This Up" Disclaimer|Yeah, uh-huh.]] They assumed [[Even Evil Has Standards|trolls would be hesitant]] to insult someone they knew was a 12-year-old. Well, they underestimated how vile some of them were, and to say it didn't work was a ''very'' big understatement.
** As controversial as the BlizzCon lesbian was, Corpse Grinder George, a guest of Blizzard at again, 2011. The original interview (edited when released, thank goodness) was seven solid minutes of homophobic hate speech and endorsement of violence with ample use [[Cluster F-Bomb|of the F-word]] directed at Alliance players. Why they promoted George in the first place (rather than kicked him out on his rear) caused outcry unlike Blizzard had ''ever'' seen before or since, causing them to make a public apology.
* [[Older Than They Think]]:
** Lor'themar actually wasn't invented for WoW and first showed up in a Korean-drawn comic.
** Goblins have been called "Gnome wannabes", ignoring that goblins and gnomes both showed up at the same time in ''[[War CraftWarcraft]] II'' and the former had a much larger role. In the next game gnomes were [[Put Onon a Bus]] and goblins had a major role as a neutral force and were almost their own faction according to concept on Sons of the Storm. [ Even in World Of Warcraft, goblins were considered to be the fourth Alliance race until they decided to bring gnomes back].
** With the Mists Of Panderia leak, some of the playerbase has accused the Pandaren concept of (among other things) ripping off [[Kung Fu Panda]]. The Pandaren started out as an April Fool's joke by artist Samwise Didier that proved so popular that it led to their debut in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, years before Kung Fu Panda even came out.
** When Cataclysm was announced, there was outcry from the fanbase declaring that Deathwing is a [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]], while in reality he has been a fixture in Warcraft lore since ''Warcraft II''
* [[Play the Game, Skip Thethe Story]]: Most players ignore what NPCs actually ''say'' and just look at the quest requirements. Story? Plotting? To the majority of players, it may as well not exist. Interestingly, Blizzard is aware of this and [[Word of God]] says that quest designers are explicitly limited in the amount of text they can put into a quest description to avoid "Too Long Didn't Read" syndrome.
* [[Replacement Scrappy]]:
** Garrosh Hellscream replaced Thrall as leader of the Horde. Considering that Thrall is well-loved both by the player base and in-universe, some of this is bound to happen. Even if Garrosh's character was becoming [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap|more likable and competent]], he would [[Never Live It Down|still get some scrappism ]] for the act of displacing Thrall alone.
*** Though, since Thrall has become more and more of a blatant [[CreatorsCreator's Pet]] throughout Cataclysm, more and more players are changing their minds about this, and now there is a new outcry starting {{spoiler|now that the creators have stated their intent to reinstate Thrall as Warchief at the end of [[Mo P]].}}
** Some fans see Lor'tbemar as this to Kael'thas as leader of the Blood Elves. It didn't help when Kael got [[Killed Off for Real]].
** Anduin seems to have the undeserved reputation as a wimp, mostly because [[Tough Act to Follow|his dad was so goddam awesome.]] His reluctance to lead and more pragmatic approach to doing so (as in, he resolves most conflicts without fighting) is seen as a weakness. While some characters claim he is [[Wise Beyond His Years]], players often regard him as a weak leader who has done ''nothing'' for the Alliance. Of course, [[Fan Dumb|most fans forget]] about how close the Alliance came to a bloody civil war that Varian would likely have caused (during ''Cataclysm'', no less) [[What Measure Is a Non-Badass?|had his son not stopped him]] from killing Magni... His upcoming role in ''Battle for Azeroth'' does seem to have helped his reputation a little.
* [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]]: Arguably happens to Garrosh in Cataclysm. Then he is a villain in the next expansion.
* [[Ruined FOREVER]]: Former forum user Palehoof gives a good rundown [ of all of the various changes Blizzard has made to the game that supposedly ruined World of Warcraft forever] (up to and including paid-for vanity pets). He was a [[Ascended Fanboy|Forum MVP]] for good reason.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Fandral Staghelm is the game's original [[Jerkass]], albeit with some justification -- seeingjustification—seeing your son ripped apart by the Qiraji can't have been good for his morale. {{spoiler|The players hatred of him likely played part in him turning evil in the latest novel, and eventually, becoming a boss in the Firelands.}} Later, Garrosh Hellscream takes the title from him in unequivocal fashion, being introduced in Outland as a barely competent leader who nevertheless comes to stand by [[The Messiah|Thrall's]] right hand in Northrend while being unremittingly hostile to the Alliance and sabotaging his Warchief's attempts to make peace at every opportunity. And he <s> may get to be</s> is the leader of the Horde in ''Cataclysm''.
** Put it this way: {{spoiler|Cairne "Nice-grandfatherly-type-who-wants-to-teach-and-nurture-all-of-you" Bloodhoof ''tries to kill him!''}}
** And ''Cataclysm'' gives us an even bigger Scrappy in the form of Trade Prince Gallywix, leader of the playable Bilgewater Goblins. Even Garrosh has some defenders in the fanbase, and Fandral at least has some people who sort of feel sorry for him, but Gallywix is pretty much universally loathed, and for good reason. {{spoiler|When Kezan's volcano explodes, he extorts your goblin character's life savings in an apparent deal to save you and your friends from certain death, only to reveal that the rescue boat is a slave ship and you're the new cargo. Thrall [[What an Idiot!|reappointing him for]] [[Easily Forgiven|no real reason only makes thing much worse]].}} The only players that like him freely admit that it's ''because'' he's an [[Faux Affably Evil]] [[Jerkass]] or rather accuse his haters of of [[Values Dissonance]]. See below.
*** To be fair it's not that he is hated, a lot of fans actually [[Love to Hate|like him]]. It is more of how he is [[Easily Forgiven|forced as the leader of the goblins]] despite what he has done that gives him his Hatedom.
*** He was a good goblin (by goblin values), and a good villain... but why did Thrall give him leadership of the goblins? This plot point has not yet been explained.
*** Actually, no. It has been officially stated that Gallywix is a [[Complete Monster]] ''[[Even Evil Has Standards|even by goblin standards.]]''
*** He was called a "monster" at least twice by goblin characters, and is certainly evil, but the goal of the goblins is primarily to make money by any means necessary. The player was just on the losing end, until he is defeated... and appointed leader of his Cartel again.
** Almost every character created by Richard Knaak gets this treatment from the playerbase, especially Rhonin (in Knaak's later works). It goes so far that he even [[Mis BlamedMisblamed|gets blamed]] for characters he had nothing to do with (like Med'an).
** Among the Horde Koltira is very unpopular, to start with he's has a very inconsistent backstory (he died as a High Elf yet is treated like a Blood elf for no reason), he almost joined the Alliance in his backstory, and treats the player poorly throughout his quests. Though he's [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff|better thought of among players of the Alliance.]]
** Aggra seems to be getting this lately, fans are flaunting that her introduction in supplimental materials and her relationship with Thrall {{spoiler|which ends in the two becoming married}} seemed far too rushed and poorly fleshed out.
*** Well...that, and "[[Tsundere]]" is pretty much her ''only'' personality trait. [[Shallow Love Interest|At all]].
** For the people who read the [[Expanded Universe]], Med'an is this, as he is amongst the most triumphant examples of the [[Canon Sue]]. He is a son of two popular characters (Garona and Medivh), making him a unique hybridization of races. He has been chosen as the new guardian of Tirisfal. But he is not just any guardian of Tirisfal, but a more powerful version, getting not just mage powers, but also paladin, shaman and druid powers. Despite the fact that in the comics, he was empowered to become one of the most powerful beings on the planet, he hasn'thas not yet appeared in [[World ofthe Warcraft]] itself yetgame, possibly due to thehis [[Fanreputation Backlash]]among fans as, well, a Scrappy.
** Some players dislike Thrall simply he seems so infallible, almost to the point of being a [[Mary Sue]]. The [[Fan Nickname]] "Green Jesus" is often used sarcastically.
* [[Scrappy Level]]: Vashj'ir, for its mob density causing mobs to have a completely three dimensional attack range as well as how many bugs it had and respawn rates up the wazoo.
** Yrel, from ''Warlords'' is an NPC that starts out as a slave rescued from the Iron Horde who quickly becomes one of the players' most valued allies. Heroes who go [[From Nobody to Nightmare]] are common, but Yrel seems to do so a little too quickly for [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]] to handle, and players find her annoying.
** Gnomeregan.
* [[Scrappy Level]]:
** The Oculus
* [[Scrappy Level]]:* Vashj'ir, for its mob density causing mobs to have a completely three dimensional attack range as well as how many bugs it had and respawn rates up the wazoo. Players rarely come here anymore unless they need to mine Obsidian, which is kind of a shame, [[The One Thing I Don't Hate About You|as the place ''is'' rather beautiful.]]
** Uldaman. It's actually something of a [[My Greatest Failure]] amongst the developers, since they wanted it to be a winged dungeon yet wound up with a rather tedious dungeon with a pretty unique boss mechanic. The main downfall of Uldaman was that the level range was ''too high''. Normally you're good if you're within a couple levels of thei dungeon mobs, but in Uldaman, you'd start off at the mid 30s, but later on would get to 40+ meaning low level players would [[Surprise Difficulty|get ambushed by mobs in their 40s]]. For awhile the recommended level range ended at ''51''. It has been nerfed a ''boatload'' of times and [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|became a much better dungeon since]]. Oh, and Enchanters had to run this because there was a trainer in there.
** Gnomeregan. First off, you need a parachute to get from one area to the next, and the NPC you get it from is ''not'' all-that obvious unless you're there for the first time and doing the Dungeon Quest. Second, if you're a class that depends on pets - like Warlocks and Rangers - using them is a good way to aggro every mob in the place and overwhelm the entire party.
** The Oculus; vehicle combat is something of a [[Scrappy Mechanic]] in this game, and the Oculus is ''a whole dungeon'' that depends on it. Not all too fun or enjoyable.
** Uldaman. It's actually something of a [[My Greatest Failure]] amongst the developers, since they wanted it to be a winged dungeon yet wound up with a rather tedious dungeon with a pretty unique boss mechanic. The main downfall of Uldaman was that the level range was ''too high''. Normally you're good if you're within a couple levels of theitheir dungeon mobs, but in Uldaman, you'd start off at the mid 30s, but later on would get to 40+ meaning low level players would [[Surprise Difficulty|get ambushed by mobs in their 40s]]. For awhile the recommended level range ended at ''51''. It has been nerfed a ''boatload'' of times and [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap|became a much better dungeon since]]. Oh, and Enchanters had to run this because there was a trainer in there.
** Tol Barad is the most disliked battleground, because the attacker must capture all three bases to win and gain control of Baradin Hold and the Tol Barad dailies, whereas if the defender has one base under their control or not completely taken by end of the time limit, they keep Tol Barad for another two hours.
** Sithicus is this because for some reason, [[Obvious Beta|it was unfinished.]] It was this little corner in Kalimdor that, for some reason, wasn't covered in the guide, but there were actually a few quest chains in there. When you entered, you found this wall that you couldn't get past; literally half the map of Silithus was unfinished. It also became an [[Obvious Beta]] (along with Eastern Plaguelands) for an attempt at creating world PvP. It was later finished in patch 1.8, but was still plagued with mob-density problems. Eventually, Blizzard decided to nuke the entire zone - literally - as part of the storyline leading up to ''Battle For Azeroth'', giving it some purpose in-story, but very little for gameplay.
* [[Scrappy Mechanic]] : '''Daze''', a debuff that's present on everything in the game within minimal level range that dismounts and slows you if you're attacked from behind, it can make "Short jaunt through this area" into "Will you stop knocking me off my horse?!"
* [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny]]: Prior to Cataclysm, the old world and well, a lot of this game in general has had elements copied by others. Would you believe that this game had given enough content to justify an expansion pack, yet they chose to wait off until they had much more content for a single one?
* [[Sequel Displacement]]: What are these "classic trend setting strategy games" of which you speak?
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: Dear god, Aggra. The only reason she seems to exist is to be with {{spoiler|and get knocked up by}} Thrall. Magnified by the fact that she sunk the Thrall x Jaina Ship.
* [[Stoic Woobie]]: Baine Bloodhoof.
* [[Surprisingly Improved Sequel]]: Burning Crusade was alright in the gameplay department, but a lot of people lamented the story it put forth, the scattershot villains, the feel of the setting and the fact that very little was improved on base game mechanics. Wrath of the Lich King, on the other hand, was praised for how it allowed the player to actually affect the status quo of the world (at least for themselves), the much more "Warcraft-ish" feel of Northrend, the much tighter plotting and far more engaging villain groups (ranging from Arthas Menethil to a new villain who finally tips his hand in Storm Peaks and rockets to near the top of most fans' [[Magnificent Bastard]] list). It did have its own problems (see [[Dork Age]] above) but Blizzard has shown an admirable ability to learn from their mistakes with expansions and Cataclysm seems to be a successful attempt to combine the best of Burning Crusade, Wrath and vanilla [[WoW]].
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** By that corollary, many of the parts of the dungeons that involve mandatory escorting, especially The Escape from Durnholde and Halls of Stone, become Scrappy Levels.
** Mankrik's goddamn wife. Takes ''forever'' to find her, even if you use a guide, not least because you think you're looking for a person instead of a poorly-marked corpse. This has led to quite a bit of [[Memetic Mutation]]. In Cataclysm, Mankrik is still alive and has a quest chain a good bit of [[Lampshading]].
* [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot]]: One part of the Suramar storyline involves persuading the city nobility to approve of Ly'leth for the role of adviser, done mostly by informing the other nobility of her opponent's atrocities and spreading rumors of fake ones, along with killing the worst of the loyalists among them. (This, in effect, plants a mole for the resistance ''much'' closer to Elisande than she believes.) Now, this had the potential to be an enjoyable [[Stealth Based Mission]], but unfortunately, the areas you have to go through to spread the rumors have the most mobs in the city able to uncover your disguise. This makes it turn into a slaughter (or worse, a "corpse run" where you have to die multiple times) rather quickly, and ruins the overall mood of the intent.
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]:
** BALANCE! Also, many old-school players tend to complain that the game has gotten too easy, while others note that there are challenges available to those who seek them out, and Blizzard is trying to make more content for the majority of players instead of just the hardcore. In general though, people have been saying this pretty much since the first patch, but mysteriously still play.
*** Shamans v Paladins, unique to the Horde and Alliance, respectively, until Burning Crusade. The devs admitted there's no way to balance them while still making their mechanics and abilities unique.
** Sylvanas' voice since patch 3.2.
** Theralion's voice, going from a [[Camp Gay]] voice to a generic deep and evil voice.
Line 227 ⟶ 266:
** In the Goblin starting area, the player takes part in a game of footbomb, a sport involving heavy machinery and high explosives. The coach wants to win the game [[Rule of Cool|with style]], so he tells you to kick the bomb through two smoke stacks off in the distance. In the beta, the bomb falls into the nearby volcano, which causes it to erupt, which would've highlighted the Goblin's seftdestructive behaviour of decadence, lack of fore-thought and addiction to high explosives. In the final version, the quest does nothing more than have the player look up into the sky just as [[Big Bad|Deathwing]] appears.
** There was a lot of [[Foreshadowing]] throughout Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King in regards to the Infinite Dragonflight and who their leader is. One quest in Dragonblight heavily implies Nozdormu, leader of the Bronze Dragonflight, has/will perform a [[Face Heel Turn]], but Chromie hand waves this saying he must be fighting the Infinites. As of Patch 4.2 he's back with no explanation given (his return was shown in a novel released ''after'' he appeared).
*** {{spoiler|Although it turns out he ''did'' go crazy in the distant future.}} - making this a bit of an aversion.
** There's a questline (leading to the Twilight Highlands) that in Cata beta eventually reveals Archbishop Benedictus as a servant of the Old Gods. Upon release however the traitor has been discovered to be Major Samuelson, a royal guardian and essentially some noname. {{spoiler|Leading to a surprising subversion in 4.3 where Archbishop Benedictus is in fact a traitor and a dungeon boss}}.
*** Though this is, in itself a bit of an example. {{spoiler|Rather than Benedictus being confronted by someone canonically close to him, or even anyone from the Alliance, he's confronted by Thrall, a Horde character who had never even ''met'' Benedictus prior to that point}}.
Line 234 ⟶ 273:
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: Quite a lot to choose from, but the Taunka are probably the worst. Bison-people doesn't sound like it'd cause this, but their flat, wide noses and lips and seemingly large eyes make them look more than a little... off.
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: The "sand pygmies" in Uldum. While almost certainly an attempt to provide generic comic relief mooks, it does carry some, well, unfortunate implications.
* [[Villain Decay]]: After ''Burning Crusade'', Blizzard felt that it was necessary to give the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s more on-screen time and involvement during the leveling phase as a means of making them more familiar and recognized to the player. However, because it would be annoying to have multiple scripted events in which the villain kicks your ass, most of these encounters involve you either thwarting the villain or being spared by them. This leads to having the player constantly witness the villain failing to do anything right, and being belittled or fooled every time they show up. The Lich King had this the worst, from retreating the battlefield while coughing as a result of gas exposure to having his heart destroyed and collapsing to the ground.
** Except actually not... the Lich King implies he can kill you at ''any'' time. In fact, if you go too close to him in one part of the world, he ''does'' kill you. But he [[I Need You Stronger|keeps you alive, specifically so you can get stronger]] and lets you kill all his lieutenants and undead armies so he can raise you as his new lieutenants, a lot stronger than the previous ones. In fact, if you fight him, he does ''just that''.
** However, if he could kill you at any time, and had an army that could overrun the planet without him keeping then in check, why did he need the players as new champions? Him getting duped into becoming the Lich King by Ner'zhul and the dreadlords was still nagging at him. He wanted to prove to himself that he was not weak, and that heroes getting corrupted was just the way of things... that can seem a little weak, especially with all the theatrics. His pride and self-doubt were holding this evil overlord back.
* [[Vocal Minority]] / [[Silent Majority]]: Did you know there are people who actually ''don't'' play this game for 14 hours a day? Did you know that there are plenty of people who actually play ''other games'' too? Or that there are people in the military playing it, college students, or people with 40-hour-a-week jobs and a family? The way the [[Hate Dumb]] carries on about it, you probably wouldn't believe so.
** Likewise there are often just as many if not more people who are ''glad'' for patch changes than those screaming on the bitch board.
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Garrosh is universally hated by faction leaders(and also by many players, through he has gotten better), due to his utter lack of diplomatic tact and reactions to events that border on the psychotic. After ceding the post of Warchief to him, Thrall counsels Garrosh to trust his advisors (the other racial leaders, Vol'Jin, Cairne, and Sylvanas) and rely on their counsel. Garrosh then turns around and makes personal enemies of two of them; the normally placid Vol'jin threatens to kill Garrosh ''to his face,'' while Sylvanas openly flouts Garrosh's authority and insults him behind his back. Garrosh then ''kills Cairne,'' an almost universally beloved figure among the tauren (and players too), leaving the chieftanship to Cairne's now [[You Killed My Father|extremely pissed son Baine]]. And this is within a couple of months of taking over. Time will tell what other [[Sarcasm Mode|feats of leadership Garrosh will achieve]].
* [[The Woobie]]: All races have their moments be it in-game or in the lore, but Forsaken possibly take the cake. They were killed by either Kel'Thuzad's Plague of Undeath, the Scourge, or Arthas himself after he became a Death Knight, and then reanimated as mindless slaves to the Lich King. After they regained their consciousness and free will, they were driven away from their old homes, lost everything they knew and loved, and left with no place to call home until Sylvanas claimed the Undercity as their home.
** A quote from Forsaken writings sums this up.
{{quote| "When I clawed my way out of the grave, I thought my family would welcome me with open arms. Instead, they drove me out of the village, screaming in a language I could no longer understand."}}
** The draenei have been running for their lives for 25,000 years, have seen the destruction of countless planets, were almost killed off entirely, and when it seems they finally catch a break in retaking the Exodar, the blood elves crash it. And most of them were alive for all of it.
** Also, voidwalkers, if you listen to their quotes. For instance, upon being summoned: "I don't like this place...", or being dismissed: "Release... at last..."
** Garona. Literally her entire life sucks from beginning to present.
** Jaina. Just look at how much she lost: Homeland, lovers ( {{spoiler|two of whom spectacularly [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|went]] [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|insane]], [[Face Heel Turn|turned evil]], and died}}), mentor, father, any hope of peace... {{spoiler|And now new homeland too, if the new expansion is to be believed. Goddammit Garrosh.}} Not to mention that it potentially gets worse, as seen in {{spoiler|the [[Bad Future]] that is End Time - her immortal soul is trapped forever in the incinerated ruins of the world, and is only freed when killed by the protagonist's party.}} Mercifully [[Averted Trope|averted]] if you complete the final boss of Cataclysm (which, canonicly speaking, happens), so thank goodness for small favours.
** Kael'thas. He and his people were pretty much Azeroth's [[Chew Toy]] in ''Frozen Throne''... And then ''Burning Crusade'' took away pretty much everything that made him sympathetic.
** How often do you pity a dragon? Kalecgos loses the girl he loves, and he watches his ruler go batshit.
** Anveena. She's abducted by almost every villain with a lust for power, she finds out that her parents were never real, and she has to sacrifice herself (and give up her love for Kalecgos) to help the party defeat Kil'jaeden. The poor girl never seems to catch a break.
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: Malygos is clearly intended to be this.
* [[Woolseyism]]: In the Chinese version, [ Lord Marrowgar] gets a [ different look] because bones aren't allowed to be shown in video games there.
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