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Due to the nature of this trope: '''[[No Real Life Examples Please|NO REAL LIFE EXAMPLES, PLEASE]]'''.
== [[Anime and Manga]] ==
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* Ladd Russo in ''[[Baccano (Light Novel)|Baccano]]'' shoots a kid in the face with a shotgun for the hell of it. Vino also tortures said child, though since he ''had'' just watched Ladd shoot him in the face, he knew [[Immortality|it wouldn't stick]]. {{spoiler|And Czes had tried to get Ladd to kill everyone, so in Vino's mind he deserved it.}}
* The villains of ''[[Dragonball]]'' in all its incarnations, though the kids in question [[Cute Bruiser|can dish it back out as well]].
* If ''[[Dragonball]]'' counts, so do the [[Anti -Villain|Anti Villains]] of the second season of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha As]]'', who ripped a (non-vital) organ out of a nine-year old girl's chest while she was still conscious, and later had no qualms about fighting her and her just as young friends at full power. They had a good reason to do that (at least, they couldn't see a better way to save an [[Ill Girl]] who is around the same age of the kind they attacked) and the children in question could dish it out just as well as DB heroes.
** And then we have ''Striker S'' aka the third season, where the villains {{spoiler|strap the six-year-old Vivio to an [[Artifact of Doom]] and torture her [[Powered By a Forsaken Child|to power it up]].}} Some didn't seem pleased, but they didn't do a lot to stop it either.
*** In [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Vi Vid]], after Nove's fight with [[Dark Magical Girl]] Einhart.
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** Shion also brutally beats up Satoko for being too clingy to Satoshi, until Rika and Rena pull a [[Go Through Me]], and then she gets [[Punched Across the Room]] by a ''very'' pissed off Satoshi. While Satoko ''was'' extremely dependent on Satoshi, it's still no excuse for Shion almost killing a little girl in the middle of a Yandere tantrum.
* ''[[Black Butler (Manga)|Black Butler]]'': The villains of the [[Circus of Fear]] arc. This is especially yurk because the actual folks are pretty nice, but they ''know'' what their 'father' is doing with the kids they kidnap for him.
* A rare occasion that isn't a [[Kick the Dog]] moment: Maki's death in ''[[Darker Than Black]]''. He may be a kid, but he [[Troubling Unchildlike Behaviour|doesn't act it]] and is also a jealous [[Yandere]] and a [[Differently -Powered Individual|Contractor]] with no qualms about blowing up relative innocents ({{spoiler|let alone the guy his boss/crush needs to keep alive to prevent a genocide}}), so it's actually rather satisfying to see the arrogant brat underestimate {{spoiler|[[An Ice Person|November 11]], [[ItsIt's Personal|whose partner he'd hospitalized]]}} and wind up [[Impaled With Extreme Prejudice]] for his trouble.
* In ''[[Naruto]]'', Nagato kills every person associated with Hanzo, including Hanzo's children and the children of Hanzo's loyalists, after Nagato wrestles control of Amegakure from Hanzo. Nagato, however, seemed indifferent to their deaths, as they were his precaution to quell any possible rebellion over his leadership in the future.
** {{spoiler|Tobi}} took a baby {{spoiler|Naruto}} hostage, nearly spearing him with a kunai and ''blowing him up'' in the process.
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** Revy herself is not above hurting kids either, though she usually has to be provoked into it. As Dutch says when he orders Rock to take over watching Garcia from a pissed-off Revy, "not a lot of maternal instinct there."
* No one in the manga and second anime of ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' seems to have a problem hitting [[Enfante Terrible|Pride]] {{spoiler|aka Selim Bradley}}. Then again, [[Eldritch Abomination|given]] [[The Dragon|what the]] [[Smug Snake|little]] [[Lack of Empathy|bastard]] [[Artificial Human|is]]...Pride of course is still able to use this to his advantage, as evidenced by townspeople running to his rescue when he's attacked by [[Panthera Awesome|Heinkel]].
** Shou Tucker {{spoiler|[[Fate Worse Than Death|fuses his own young daughter, Nina, and her pet dog into a chimaera]]}} in order to show off another talking chimaera (the first one was made from {{spoiler|his wife}}) and keep his license as a State Alchemist. Then [[Anti -Hero|Scar]] {{spoiler|[[Mercy Kill|mercy kills]] her}}.
** {{spoiler|Envy disguised as}} an officer {{spoiler|deliberately}} killed an Ishbalan child, starting the Ishbalan Massacre.
** In the first anime, {{spoiler|Bradley/Pride kills his own son by breaking his neck. In ''this'' continuity, Selim is actually a normal kid and his real son}}.
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* ''[[Inuyasha]]'' has a few of these:
** [[Big Bad|Naraku]] has no concerns about attacking anyone and anything in his quest ({{spoiler|which has nothing to do with material power or world domination, [[For the Evulz|he's simply miserable and wants everyone else share in that misery]]).}} He attacks and tries to kill [[Morality Pet|Rin]]; he [[Killed Off for Real|kills]], [[Back From the Dead|resurrects]], [[Brainwashed|enslaves]] and [[Mind Screw|manipulates]] [[Designated Victim|Kohaku]]; some of his detachments have the look of children (such as [[The Starscream|Hakudoushi]], [[Creepy Child|Kanna]] and [[Enfante Terrible|the baby]]) and he has no hesitation in [[Complete Monster|using and discarding them]]. This is before we get to the [[A Million Is a Statistic|collateral damage]] his activities have on random villages and low-level youkai populations.
** Kouga, although we only see one direct example of this. He's introduced to the story having destroyed several human villages and in the process of destroying another village - [[Children Are Innocent|Rin's]] home, which is also [[Plucky Girl|Rin's]] introduction to the storyline. On his [[Kill 'Em All|orders]], the wolves wipe out the entire village, including [[Killed Off for Real|Rin]]. After that, he's more interested in [[ItsIt's Personal|fighting Naraku]] and [[The Rival|winning Kagome's heart]] to target humans again. When [[Youkai|his people]] are revisited later on in the manga, the subject of them being human-killers is briefly mentioned although [[Would Be Rude to Say Genocide|not specifically in relation to Kouga's past]].
** [[Dark Action Girl|Kagura]] tries to be this, [[Anti -Villain|but fails.]] She kidnaps [[Children Are Innocent|Rin]] on Naraku's order but never lifts a finger against her otherwise, and even when Rin's in her presence again without [[Papa Wolf|Sesshoumaru]] around, she has [[I Was Just Passing Through|no interest in hurting her]]. She's ordered to protect Naraku's [[Enfante Terrible|baby]] and, despite [[Creepy Child|loathing it]], she does reluctantly look after it. [[The Starscream|Hakudoushi]] is far [[Complete Monster|crueller]] towards her than she ever is to him, and the detachment she appears to be closest to is [[Soul Power|Kanna]] [[Soul Jar|of all things]]. In the end, {{spoiler|she meets her death when [[Sadistic Choice|ordered]] to kill Kohaku - she [[Heroic Sacrifice|sacrifices]] herself to save his life}}.
* Quite a common thing in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (Manga)|Yu-Gi-Oh]]'', the most frequent victims being Yugi himself, and to a lesser extent, Jonouchi.
* In ''[[Sailor Moon]] S'', Chibiusa has her heart ripped out by Mistress 9. This is also played with later when Uranus and Neptune try to kill Mistress 9 as she inhabits the body of 12-year-old Hotaru, only for Usagi to defend her. This sort of works.
** Also, many of the victims of the villains are children. In a memorable episode of the ''R'' season, ''babies'' were either drained of their life energy (with [[Gender Blender Name|Manami]] being the only one unharmed due to Mom's intervention) or used as hostages by the monster of the week. Too bad it didn't count on Mercury getting a [[Mid -Season Upgrade]] [[Mama Bear|out of pure anger]].
** And we shouldn't forget that, with the exception of the Outers (Pluto since the beginning, Stars!Haruka and Stars!Michiru), the scouts are all teenage girls who fall in the 14-16 year old range.
* At first, [[Monster (Anime)|Johan Liebert]] appears to be an aversion of this. [[Mind Rape|But then you find out that he just manipulates them into killing themselves.]] [[Sadistic Choice|And then he threatens to shoot an 8-10 year old boy in the head if Dr. Tenma doesn't shoot him first.]] [[Complete Monster|And he would definitely do it.]]
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* In the [[Axis Powers Hetalia (Manga)|Axis Powers Hetalia]] movie, ''Paint it white'', one of the victims of {{spoiler|the Pict aliens}} is Sealand, a micro-nation who for all effects has the looks and the mindset of a 12-year-old boy. Subverted in the [[Hetalia Blood Bath 2010]], where {{spoiler|it ''looks'' like he'll be kidnapped... but he shows his [[Badass Adorable]] ID and applies [[Defeat Means Friendship]] to his attacker}}.
* The Homunculi of ''[[Busou Renkin]]'' liked to ''eat'' children, as their meat was more tender than adults. Tokiko was the ''only'' survivor of a homunculus attack on her grade school when she was 10.
* 12-year-old Chris Thorndyke from [[Sonic X]] is a [[CreatorsCreator's Pet]], yeah... but it still does NOT mean that he deserves to be beaten up by Shadow {{spoiler|and later kidnapped and brutally tortured, alongside Cosmo, by Black Narcissus.}}
* From [[Itsuwaribito]], there is {{spoiler|Iriya}} and his group of bandits, who slaughter a group of orphan children during a raid because they dislike [[You Killed My Father|leaving malice behind.]] {{spoiler|Iriya}} even gloats about [[Complete Monster|how they begged for their lives.]]
* ''[[One Piece]]'' has Captain Morgan ordering a little girl be executed for seeing Zoro. Arlong and his treatment towards Nami, which started when she was as much 10; In a flashback he also {{spoiler|hits the slave girl Koala for smiling too much.}} Mr 1 and Miss Double Finger also attacks a young boy when he discovers that the king was framed by Baroque Works.
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** {{spoiler|Caesar Clown has no problem experimenting on little kids or getting them addicted to drugs so they won't run away.}}
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|Maria]] from [[Witchblade (Anime)|Witchblade]] has no problem with killing her teammates or the science institute trainees, due mostly to [[Ax Crazy|her own messed up childhood]] and not being much older herself. (They begin training at 12) She even attempts to kill [[Morality Pet|Rihoko]] out of jealousy for receiving more of her (biological) mother's love even though they'd never met. (Her mother treated Maria completely as an experiment her whole life instead)
* In [[Cowboy Bebop]] where the [[Manipulative Bastard|evil little prick]] was [[Really 700 Years Old|rendered immortal during an accident involving a warp gate struck by a meteor]] and it was the only thing that could hurt him. He had been crippling or taking crippled older men who all looked similar and forcibly inserting himself as their son to keep his cover, passing his 'fathers' off as the terrorist Zebra. Spike knows full well by the time he guns him down what he really was.
* Accidentally occurs AND played straight in [[Outlaw Star]] due to both of the children being [[Child Soldier|space pirates]]. The first is when Hilda, who is falling out of control towards the sun in episode 4, latches onto the [[Creepy Child]] magician girl as she is levitating towards the OLS and pulls the pin on a grenade, taking them both out. The second occurrence is when Gene and company destroy a pirate ship outside a space station that was hunting them, which was piloted by the little girl and her two cats Jim had recently befriended. He returns to the fountain to wait for them [[Tear Jerker|but doesn't realise why they never showed up]], presuming her parents had taken her with them early.
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* Jacinto in ''[[The Devils Backbone]]'' threatens and harms the children of the orphanage. He threatens Carlos by cutting his cheek with a knife, and that's the least of his offenses. {{spoiler|He drowned an injured boy because he feared he will be blamed, and ultimately blows up the orphanage, killing some and injuring many children just to get to open a safe}}.
* In the movie ''[[Richie Rich]]'', the villains are more than willing to shoot children, turn them into bedpans and blast them with lasers.
* The movie ''Eyewitness'' (or ''[[Market -Based Title|Sudden Terror]]'' in the US) is about a young boy (Mark "[[Oliver Twist]]" Lester) who witnesses an assassination, and the assassins will kill ''anyone'' in their path to get him - including our hero's friend Ann-Marie, a little girl around his age.
* In ''[[The Raid (Film)|The Raid]]'', one of the SWAT troopers shoots a young lookout in an attempt to stop him blowing their cover. Unfortunately, it fails.
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* This seems to be the mark of a bad guy in ''[[Maddigans Quest|Maddigan's Quest]]'', in which it's asserted that [[Big Bad|the Nennog]] would kill Timon, Eden and baby Jewel without a second thought if they returned to their own time, and in ''Greentown'', henchman Maska threatens to 'break' Jewel if Boomer doesn't return his bag. In ''Laketown'', {{spoiler|Timon tries to kill Jewel whilst under the Nennog's influence, but can't bring himself to do it (whether or not he would have done it if the Fantasia had failed is a moot point, though he certainly seems to think he would).}}
* [[Complete Monster|Certain criminals]] like Carl Buford in "Profiler Profiled" and Karl Ahnold in "The Fox" in ''[[Criminal Minds (TV)|Criminal Minds]]'' have no trouble hurting and even killing children. Some even specifically target kids!
* ''[[Heroes (TV)|Heroes]]'' has an [[Anti -Hero]] example in Noah "HRG" Bennet, who is willing to shoot {{spoiler|Molly Walker, whom the Company is using as a human superhero-tracking system, in order to keep them from finding his own daughter Claire. He is only stopped by Mohinder holding him at gunpoint}}.
* ''[[Fringe (TV)|Fringe]]'''s dear, loveable [[Mad Scientist]] Walter Bishop... experimented on children, occasionally frightening them to obtain results, and with often devastating consequences for them in adulthood; he also kidnapped his alternate-universe son and lied to him (for his own good, admittedly). Meanwhile, [[Wouldn't Hurt a Child|his ruthless alternate-universe counterpart, Walternate, absolutely refuses to experiment on children]] (though he apparently has few qualms about potentially lethal adult trials).
* Children are rarely the [[Monster of the Week]] in Supernatural, but that doesn't mean never. When it does happen, it's always a debate about what to do. One episode had Castiel try to stab a child to death before the boy realized he could [[Reality Warper|warp reality]] as he what was basically [[The Antichrist]].
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* The ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]'' series draws the line at [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]] here - there are no children ever walking the streets of Liberty City, Vice City or San Andreas.
** Ditto [[Postal]], at least until you pop in some unofficial mods for either series.
* An entire side mission of ''[[Drakengard]]'' features [[Anti -Hero]] Caim slaughtering child-soldiers with about as much gusto as he slaughters everything else, i.e. [[Blood Knight|a lot]]. The children run away and scream for their mothers as you cut them down, while Leonard and Red [[You Bastard|calls you a monster for it]]. And then there's that [[Eats Babies|child-eating]] Elf cannibal he travels around with, not to mention that Leonard was originally a ''pedophile'' in the Japanese version... Yeah, ''Drakengard'' doesn't like children a whole lot.
** And in [[Alternate Continuity]] sequel ''[[Nie R]]'', {{spoiler|some of the shades that Nier slaughters are actually sentient children who cannot communicate with the "humans", particularly Kalil, the "boss" of the Junk Heap area.}}
* The plot behind ''[[Heavy Rain]]'' centers around a serial killer that targets boys from the ages of 8-13. {{spoiler|It makes replaying the Suicide Baby chapter much worse once you know who the killer is...}}
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** The Boulder once felt conflicted about attacking a young, blind girl. The Boulder soon overcame his conflicted feelings and tried to bury her in a Rockalanche! The Boulder [[Curb Stomp Battle|got completely trashed in the ensuing fight]].
** Katara's mom Kya knew that Fire Nation soldiers would harm and capture whoever the last waterbender in their tribe was, regardless of age, which is why she [[Heroic Sacrifice|gave herself in]], and not her daughter. 'Harm' in this case actually meant 'kill'.
** This definitely be applied to Sozin. He ordered the deaths of Airbending children. Who were raised to be pacifists. ''[[What Do You Mean ItsIt's for Kids?|All of them.]]''
* ''[[Futurama (Animation)|Futurama]]'': "Parents, have you ever just tried turning the TV off, sitting down with your kids, and hitting them?"
** [[Richard Nixon]]'s Head fails a [[Lie Detector|truthoscope]] after saying "I wouldn't hurt the child".
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* Shows like ''[[Ben 10 (Animation)|Ben 10]]'' and ''[[The Powerpuff Girls (Animation)|The Powerpuff Girls]]'' that star child superheroes would be pretty boring if this trope wasn't in effect.
* Roger of ''[[American Dad (Animation)|American Dad]]'' would ''kill'' a child (an ''infant'', actually). [[Disproportionate Retribution|For accidentally breaking a leg off of one of his collection of crystal spiders]].
* In ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', the adult green dragon in "Owl's Well That Ends Well" tries to ''kill'' Spike after the latter enters his cave uninvited (not realizing it belonged to another dragon) and eats some of his gems.
* The Villians in ''[[Codename Kids Next Door (Animation)|Codename Kids Next Door]]'' can be considered obvious examples, considering most of them are [[Child Hater|Child Haters]]
* Both villain groups in ''[[Mon Suno]]'' are constantly stalking Chase Suno and his friends to the point of this.
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