Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow: Difference between revisions

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* [[Auction of Evil]]: In the Ghastly Market, {{spoiler|knacks are auctioned off to the highest bidder and stripped away from their original owner.}}
* [[Black Market]]: The Ghastly Market, which Morrigan stumbles into when she goes too far down a Tricksy Lane. Many illegal substances like body parts and teeth are avaliable for purchase. A major plot point is about the authorities, including Jupiter North trying to shut down the market.
* [[Blackmail]]: Unit 919 is sent these, with requests to deliberately fail a fight or bake a lavish cake, with the threat of revealing "the secret of Unit 919". {{spoiler|Morrigan thought it was her status as a Wundersmith, but it turns out that it's actually Lambeth being sent to Nevermoor to further study her abilities. It all turns out to be a test of loyalty for the Unit, set up by the elders of Wunsoc.}}
* [[Brought Down to Normal]]: {{spoiler|Alfie, whose knack of breathing underwater is taken and sold at the Ghastly Market. Once this happens, he is never seen again in the Wunderous Society.}}
* [[Decided by One Vote]]: Type three. Thaddea, Anah, Mahir, and Arch decides to ignore the blackmail orders and to let the cat out of the bag. Cadence, Francis, Lambeth, and Hawthrone decide to follow the orders, meaning Morrigan will decide how the vote turns out. Morrigan decides to follow the orders.
* [[The Dog Was the Mastermind]]: {{spoiler|Professor Mildmay is the only tutor who makes Morrigan feel safe and accepted at the Wundeorus Society, and in the Society is constantly supportative of her. However, he turns out to be the twist villain and the mastermind behind the Ghastly Market.}}
* [[Gilligan Cut]]: A rare example where it is used in literature. Jupiter North repeatedly says that Morrigan's birthday celebration will not be glamourous or large, instead it will just be humble. Unfortunately, The Hotel Deucalieon employs Frank, one of the most talented party members around. {{quote|'''Jupiter North''': "Frank knows who the boss is, [[Affectionate Nickname|Mog]]. He knows who signs his pay cheque. If I tell him to go low-key, he's going to go --"