Xenoblade Chronicles: Difference between revisions

Excluding the trope because Zanza and Meyneth don't feed on prayers but on the life-force of the people who live on their bodies..
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(Excluding the trope because Zanza and Meyneth don't feed on prayers but on the life-force of the people who live on their bodies..)
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** After defeating Xord, he gives the first hints about {{spoiler|his past as a Homs}}. The information is vague enough so the player doesn't know [[Wham! Episode|what this will lead into]].
*** Speaking to Desiree in Colony 9 following this event will make her provide some considerably less vague information.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Miqol describes the Bionis's attack on Mechonis as this. Apparently the giant in front of them decided he didn't want them around.
* [[Fur Bikini]]: The jungle-themed armors look like this when worn by the women.
* [[Gainax Ending]]: Starts off like this, but it's ultimately subverted.
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* [[God Is Evil]] - {{spoiler|Zanza, the god of Bionis, is most certainly a complete and utter bastard...}}
** [[God Is Good]] - {{spoiler|... The Mechonis god Meyneth, on the other hand, is an incredibly [[Team Mom|motherly]] and compassionate deity who even pulls a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to save the party.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Gods Need Prayer Badly]] - Variation. Zanza and Meyneth would wither and die if their creations, which are made from their life forces, leave their bodies and expand to the stars.}}
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]] - Sharla wears a pair hanging of her neck in her default costume. However, she never puts them on nor does anything with them, for that matter.
* [[Going Cosmic]] - Not that we [[Xenogears|haven't seen this before from this studio]].
* [[Gratuitous English]] - Used in the Japanese dub by every single party member other then Riki and Dunban (Their art names are in Japanese) when [[Calling Your Attacks|calling their attacks]].
* [[Gravity Barrier]] - Well, those huge environments have to end somewhere...
* [[Grey and Grey Morality]]: - {{spoiler|Egil had good reasons for wanting to destroy Bionis}}.
* [[Guest Star Party Member]]:
** Dickson and Mumkhar at the beginning of the game. Afterwards, Dickson comes back for a reprise at the end of the Ether Mine chapter.
** Alvis, who only appears in the party during your first fight with a Telethia.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: -High {{spoiler|Melia.Entias Thiscan becomesbreed crucialwith ashumans onlywithout fullany Highobstacle. Melia Entiais arethe vulnerablemost toproeminent Zanza'sof Telethiathose regressionhybrids.}}
* [[Handicapped Badass]] - As a result of using the Monado, Dunban has lost the use of his right arm. It doesn't stop him from kicking ass with a katana however.
* [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]] - There are around half a dozen of these throughout the game, specially during the first third. They're normally against a Faced Mechon. You have to survive their auto-attacks and arts until they use that one art that may not actually kill your party but ends the battle and advances the plot.
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** A while later {{spoiler|you go through a similar dance with Gadolt in his Jade Faced Mechon}}.
* [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]: {{spoiler|Zanza}}.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]] - Mechon in general appear to be this during the initial attack on Colony 9, and {{spoiler|Xord}} plays this up later on. {{spoiler|You later discover this isn't actually the case. The Mechon are actually harvesting Homs to create new Face Mechon. Xord however WAS eating Homs.}}
* [[Implied Love Interest]] -: Shulk and Fiora start like this.
* [[Impossibly Cool Weapon]] - The Monado. An [[Awesome Yet Practical]] [[Cool Sword|Cool]] [[Laser Blade|Laser Bladed]] [[BFS]] [[Combat Clairvoyance|Of Combat Clairvoyance]] [[Sword of Plot Advancement|And Plot Advancement]]. [[Beyond the Impossible|How in hell do you top THAT?!]]
** {{spoiler|[[Sealed Evil in a Can|By having a God in it?]]}}
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** If we take the [[Ship Tease]] seriously, {{spoiler|Sharla, Reyn and Gadolt}} would also count.
** There are also some [[Love Triangle|love triangles]] scattered throughout the [[Match Maker Quest|side quests]] for good measure.
* [[Lucky Seven]] - You unlock an achievement for performing a single attack for 777 damage. {{spoiler|Also, at the end of the game, you have 7 party members.}}
* [[Mad Scientist]]: The High Entia Naroth. Not only is he called one on the affinity chart but he also expresses a desire to experiment on Riki if he is in the party before you accept one of his quests. ''Especially'' after he finds out that Riki has a wife and kids.
** {{spoiler|One upon a time, Zanza was merely one of these before ascending to godhood. Thanks to his impatience and arrogance, ''the entire universe was annhilatedannihilated'' and replaced by the one the game takes place in}}.
* [[May-December Romance]] -: In one side quest in Colony 9 you can be [[The Matchmaker]] for one 66-year-old man and one 22-year-old female soldier. That's right. [[Squick|The man's age triples the girl's]]. Oh, Monolith...
* [[Mayfly-December Romance]] - Any relationship between a [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|High Entia]] and a Homs. You help such a pair in a particular questline.
* [[Mechanical Evolution]] - Implied to be the case of the Mechonis life forms.
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* [[Noodle Incident]] - How Shulk came to live in Colony 9 starts like this.
* [[No Sidepaths, No Exploration, No Freedom]]: Defied in every possible way imaginable, after JRPG's started moving towards this.
* [[Not Growing Up Sucks]]: A {{spoiler|Machina quest with you fixing a child whose growing algorithms have been malfunctioning for ''a thousand years''. It's left him mentally and physically as a kid when he's in the equivalent of a Machina's twenties.}}
* [[Now Where Was I Going Again?]] - The game tells where the player is supposed to go next with a note that can be read whenever the player wants.
* [[NPC Schedule]] - AND HOW! Every named NPC has a different schedule, and all non-named NPCs have at least a selected time of the day when they're active. And to top it off the game has tons of NPCs, and many of them either give a quest, or are involved in one somehow. Needless to say, this makes keeping track of where that one NPC is going to be when rather hard.
* [[Number of the Beast]] - You even get an achievement if you perform a single attack doing this amount of damage.
* [[Obviously Evil]] - [[Dirty Coward|Mumkhar]]. The guy is a complete [[Gonk]] with a [[Guttural Growl]] who runs away from battle to save his own skin ''within the first two minutes of play time''. Dunban may be [[Genre Blind]], but the player needs only to look at [[Norio Wakamoto|his Japanese voice actor]] to get a clue that he's a bad egg. {{spoiler|The only surprise is in ''how bad'' he turns out to be.}}
** Then there's Lorithia, who speaks in a creepy and menacing tone of voice, wears sexy red armor, and is even shown conspiring with Yumea at the start of the High Entia Tomb arc. Is it ''any'' surprise when she {{spoiler|turns out to be in league with Zanza}}?
* [[Official Couple]] - {{spoiler|Shulk and Fiora}}.
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* [[Older Than They Look]] - Riki. Would you believe he's really 40 years old, happily married with a beautiful wife (by Nopon standards) and has 7 children?
* [[Ominous Latin Chanting]] - The {{spoiler|[[Final Battle]]}} themes "The God-Slaying Sword" and "Zanza".
* [[One-Handed Zweihander]] - Shulk and Dunban wield the Monado with one hand pretty often. Dunban knocks it up a notch with his late choice of weapons, some of which include axes, polearms and zanmato, which he wields with his left hand.
* [[One-Hit Kill|One Hit Kill...Or Something]]
* [[One-Time Dungeon]] - The entire freaking {{spoiler|Mechonis!}}
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* [[Only the Chosen May Wield]]: Played with. Anyone can activate the Monado, and any strong enough person can control it, albeit with a high price for the health. But only the Monado's heir can wield it properly without any repercussions. {{spoiler|[[It Sucks to Be the Chosen One|Too bad that's not exactly a good thing]], since that means [[Demonic Possession|Zanza is inside of you]]}}.
* [[Organic Technology]] - The Mechonis life forms are a variation.
* [[Perplexing Plurals]] - Almost every major race in the game uses the same word for its name's singular or plural form: the singular for Homs is still Homs, while the plurals for the other races are still Nopon, Mechon, High Entia, or {{spoiler|Machina}}.
** Averted with Giants, for whom the singular is "Giant."
* [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse]] - Riki sure can take up lots of beating despite his size.
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* [[Power Walk]] - Shulk and {{spoiler|Fiora}} get one hell of a [[Power Walk]] during the battle against {{spoiler|Disciple Dickson}}.
* [[Purely Aesthetic Glasses]] - The entire party can wear these, [[Commonplace Rare|assuming you're able]] [[Randomly Drops|to find some]]. They generally have stat boosting gems in them, and oddly, can provide as much defense as actual armor does.
* [[Puzzle Boss]]: The {{spoiler|Lorithia/Kallian hybrid Telethia}} barely receives any damage until its flunkies are beat. And the latter are numbered, as killing one makes the next more vulnerable.
* [[The Power of Friendship]] - In the gameplay itself. Not only you can combine your party members' attacks [[For Massive Damage]], but you can also link their Skills if you develop their Affinity.
* [[The Power of Love]] - Both {{spoiler|Fiora}} and {{spoiler|Gadolt}} remember their pasts as {{spoiler|Homs}} by talking to {{spoiler|Shulk}} and {{spoiler|Sharla}}, respectively.
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** Taken even further with the {{spoiler|Machina}}, who're all at least 1000 years old, and ultimately taken [[Up to Eleven]] with the Nopon Sage and {{spoiler|Machina Neonik}}, whose ages are listed as 9999 and 9892. Some of the characters are implied to be even older than that, although you don't get them on your Affinity Chart.
* [[Reconstruction]]: Of the JRPG genre.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: - {{spoiler|Fiora (Red) and Shulk (Blue). Color coordinated in a cutscene just to drive the point home.}}
* [[Regenerating Health]] - Outside battles. Although the second a new enemy spots you, it's over.
* [[Regional Bonus]] - The cap on the play time was increased to the triple digits in the European release.
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* [[Respawn Point]] - The landmarks.
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]] - The race of Nopon.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] -: Several of them, although {{spoiler|Shulk}} would be the worst offender.
* [[Robot Girl]] - {{spoiler|Fiora}}
* [[Robosexual]] - Paired with [[If It's You It's Okay]]. {{spoiler|Shulk really doesn't seem to mind seeing Fiora turned into a [[Robot Girl]]}}.
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* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: {{spoiler|Subverted. Shulk is horrified once he discovers the Mechon are sapient [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Well Intentioned Extremists]], many of whom are Homs cyborgs, and later the [[Tragic Monster|Telethia]] are played for all the horror they deserve}}.
** Played straight with some of the species of monster. They use tools, have goals and, the side quest with the Nopon kidnapped by the Igna in Satorl Marsh clearly implies can speak (she was taken because they wanted information from her). Kill as many as you want, no one ever questions the morality.
*** Not even the Monado itself, which is said to be unable to hurt sentient Bionis life {{spoiler|at first}} yet cuts through these creatures just fine.
** Melia even goes into speculation about who built the ruins in Valak Mountain in a sidequest and thinks the Chilkin birdfoik might have built them.
* [[Wham! Episode]] - This is a Monolith Soft game. Which means [[Up to Eleven|we will need a freaking LIST]]:
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Shulk:"Do you really think this is a good idea?" }}
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]] / [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]] - Alvis and Melia respectively. In fact, every High Entia under the age of fifty qualifies.
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]] - The focus of a sidequest, where an {{spoiler|elderly Machina}} is about to die: you can either go get her some {{spoiler|Machina Energy from the wreckages near Colony 9}} to allow her to live another 20 years or so, or go hunt for some rare revitalizing eggs which instead cause her to {{spoiler|outlive everyone in Colony 6 and be left all alone.}} Strange that the lazy option has better end result even if it makes sense in context.
* [[Wide Open Sandbox]]: One of the game's main selling points is the positively vast overworld, and the game pretty much gives you free reign to stray from the main quest to do plenty of other sidequests. And considering Monolith Soft has said that [[Beyond the Impossible|its about the same size of the Japanese archipelago,]] better get exploring.
** Thankfully, the game allows for teleportation to important locations around the overworld, meaning you can stray off the path to complete a sidequest or two and teleport back to the main path.
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* [[X Meets Y]] - [[JRPG|Japanese RPG]] meets [[Western RPG]] meets (off-line) [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMO RPG]].
** Plot wise it feels like a Cyberpunk [[Game of Thrones]] meets [[Transformers]] (conventional JRPG archetypes included for good measure)
* [[Xtreme Kool Letterz]] - Almost every {{spoiler|Machina}} has a name with Z, X or Q in it.
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] - Fiora and Melia have traits of this.
* [[Yasunori Mitsuda]] - Although he only composed the Ending Song, ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iPQP7aDe_Y Beyond the Sky]''. Takahashi asked him to do it [[Xenogears|for old times sake]].