Xenogears/Characters: Difference between revisions

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(Moved to Trivia)
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* [[Eyes Always Shut]]: Kelvena, with good reason—her Ether level is so high that she must keep her eyes clothes to keep her powers in control. This is in contrast to former fellow Element Elly, whose Ether level is off the charts but doesn't have to do anything exceptional to control her powers.
* [[Little Bit Beastly]]: Seraphita, with rabbit ears and tail.
* [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]]: You have to fight them several times. Each time, they engage in a bit of funny dialogue before the fight.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Tolone and Seraphita.
* [[Theme Naming]]: Named after the Choir of Angels: Dominion, Cherubs, Thrones and Seraphs.
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* [[Body Snatcher]]: Can take over the body of any woman with her DNA when her current body fails. Considering she's this planet's [[Adam and Eve Plot|Eve character]], that's pretty much any woman, period—which woman is at random, however. Miang's real form is that of the mitochondrial DNA of the planet's human population, which is called the Ouroboros. When one Miang dies, she just awakens in another convenient woman. Near the end of the game, ''Elly'' becomes the 999th Miang, immediately on the death of the 998th (Ramsus's assistant) who appeared in most of the game.
* [[Body Surf]]: As mentioned above, there have been 999 Miangs over the span of 10,000 years. That averages out to any particular Miang having roughly a ten-year lifespan.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Before Krelian came along, Miang was tugging practically all the strings to her plan. The only reason he took this spot was because of their similar goals. Miang wanted to resurrect Deus, but Krelian wanted to take it [[Assimilation Plot|a step further.]].
* [[Dragon with an Agenda]]: To Ramsus, Grahf, and Krelian. Also to the Gazel Ministry in the past, most notably Cain.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: More like an ''[[Incredibly Lame Pun|Eldridge]]'' [[Lampshade Hanging|Abomination.]].
** [[Humanoid Abomination]]
* [[God in Human Form]]: Being the Will of Deus, she basically acts as its physical avatar. In spite of that, she's not really a [[Physical God]], as apart from the ability to [[Body Surf]] and vaguely-defined mind control powers, she doesn't seem to be especially powerful.
** [[Humanoid Abomination]]
* [[I Cannot Self-Terminate]]: Her mental programing by Deus leaves her unable to take her own life. [[Thanatos Gambit|So she usually sets things up so that she can be murdered]] to keep [[Body Surf]]ing.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]] [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: She [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing|piss you off]]? Make you reeeally wanna kill her? Makes you wish you can [[Smug Snake|stomp her smug face in]]? Here's some good news. The pathetic final boss Urobolus [[Catharsis Factor|IS Miang]].
* [[Locked Into Strangeness]]: Usually, whenever Miang takes over a new body, whatever color that woman's hair was instantly turns purple, like the Original Miang's hair was.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father|Luke I Am Your]] [[Playing With Tropes|Distant Ancestor]]: She is technically this to everyone except Abel, who had been on board the Eldridge and [[No One Could Survive That|survived its crashing]] thanks to his power as a Contact.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Sacrificing herself (as Karen Wong) for Fei. This is debated; the characters tend to think that Karen regained control and did it [[The Power of Love|out of love for her child]]—a: a theory the [[Mind Control Eyes|cutscene animation]] seems to support—but it's also possible that she was just tossing aside a disposable body to protect a valuable investment.
* [[Smug Snake]]: She's pretty callous towards both her victims and the people she's manipulating into helping her.
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Tin Tyrant]]: Though at first Miang as Executioner doesn't take the metallic look quite as far as Grahf does, when she rejoins with Deus there is no question that she is ''literally'' this trope.
* [[Tsundere]]: To Ramsus again; sometimes treating him like crap and other times giving him the best sex of his life. Justified; she's [[Mind Game Ship|doing it to mess up his mind]] so he'll go nuts and kill Cain.
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=== Deus ===
* [[A.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: The game starts with him destroying the spaceship he's in, and ends with him trying to exterminate humanity.
* [[A.I. Is a Crapshoot]]
* [[Bigger Bad]]: Orchestrated the evolution of man through "Mother" in an eon-wide gambit to revive itself. Deus is, in all practicality, God himself.
* [[Deus Est Machina]]: It is "God" in the sense that it is the creator of the human race on the world on which ''Xenogears'' takes place.
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* [[Living Weapon]]: It was originally created to be an interplanetary invasion system.
* [[The Man Behind the Man|The Machine Behind The Woman]]: Depending on how distinct they were intended to be viewed as, it may be this to Miang.
* [[Turned Against Their Masters]]: Before the beginning of the game, Deus destroyed the spaceship he was being kept in.
* [[The Villain Makes the Plot]]
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* [[Evil Twin]]: His old identity as Lacan.
** It's more accurate to say he is a splinter of Lacan, the evil nature of him that came about from losing Sophia. Or, if you want it in simpler terms: Grahf is to Lacan what Id is to Fei.
* [[Implacable Man]]: After fighting against your party of three [[Humongous Mecha|Humongous Mechas]] ''without'' using his mecha and ''barely'' losing, he still keeps going after you.
* [[Implacable Man]]
* [[I Need You Stronger]]: His primary motivation for tormenting Fei.
* [[Large Ham]]: Every time he appears to help a boss you just defeated, he feels the need to repeat his "dost thou desire the power'' speech. The listener usually has no idea what he's talking about.
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Literal Split Personality]]: He somehow splintered off from Lacan either before or after he died.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]
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* [[Power Gives You Wings]]: Weltall Alpha doesn't has wings when Khan pilot it.
* [[Super Prototype]]: The Weltall Alpha.
* [[Tin Tyrant]]: Well, he ''does'' have to keep his identity hidden.
* [[Wild Card]]: A major villain who sometimes works with Krelian and Miang, but is not under their control.
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: After you see his [[Start of Darkness]] and how things went bad for him and Krelian.
[[File:xenogears krelian 3922.jpg|frame|Krelian]]
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* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]
* [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]: His ultimate goal, which he actually manages to reach.
* [[Badass Abnormal]]: In a world chock full of [[The Chosen One|destined heroes]], [[Sealed Evil in a Can|immortal forces of evil]] and [[Ancient Conspiracy|ancient conspiracies]], most defined by near-magical superpowers and the [[Because Destiny Says So|power of fate]], Krelian managed to become the de-facto leader of the world's strongest nation and the nearest thing to a lord over the fate of the universe, with nothing but the [[Mad Scientist|power of science]], his wits and [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulation]]. He lost any claim to "normal" status when he became immortal, though.
** [[Badass Bookworm]].
* [[Big Bad]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]: He orchestrates most of the events of the plot.
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: When Sophia died.
* [[Expy]]: Krelian shares a lot of similarities in personality to Karellen of Arthur C. Clark's [[Childhood's End]]. He was even named Karellen in Japanese.
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** To be fair, he admits that they have won a moral victory over him; he wants to "go to walk with god" simply because no one else could love him, while Fei and Elly have finally achieved happiness together after 10,000 years of searching for each other. In short, his story is over, while Fei and Elly have lifetimes ahead of them as the [[Badass|BadAsses]] who defeated God with [[The Power of Love]].
* [[Locked Into Strangeness]]: His hair turned white as the result of nanomachines prolonging his life.
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: His [[Start of Darkness]] was because of his love for Sophia.
* [[Mad Scientist]]: He controls Solaris, which is basically a [[Mad Scientist]] nation.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: He and Miang take turns at manipulating others in horrible ways.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: At the end of the game, Krelian admits that he has done so many horrible things that he can't even call himself ''human'' anymore. A shot of Ramsus' fetal form appears behind him as he says this, pointing out one last time that he grew a [[Designer Babies|Designer Baby]] ''just so he could mind fuck the kid beyond insanity.''.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Krelian gives an epic one to the Gazel Ministry as he erases them. One. By. One.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Krelian, Krellian, and Karellen. Krelian is the official English romanization, probably because "Karellen" is still under copyright.
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* [[The Atoner]]: Everything he does to help Fei is because he still feels guilty for killing Abel all those years ago.
* [[Big Bad]]: Until Krelian came along, Cain essentially was the one in charge of Solaris for all those millennia.
* [[Good All Along]]: You think he's on the Gazel Ministry's side, but he's actually doing whatever he can to get in their way.
* [[Good All Along]]
* [[Heel Realization]]: It isn't stated when exactly this happened, but Emperor Cain eventually turned against his original destiny and seeks to do everything possible to prevent Deus' resurrection.
* [[Kicked Upstairs]]: Krelian is actually the one who controls Solaris, so this is basically what Cain has been reduced to for the last 500 years.
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Bart's right hand man on the Yggdrasil, and also his [[Long Lost Sibling]]. He also has a past in Solaris, and is old friends with Citan, Jessie and Ramsus.
* [[Royal Blood]]: He's actually Bart's half-brother.
* [[Stripperiffic]]/[[Bare Your Midriff]]/[[Mr. Fanservice]]: Whether in Gebler, in the Elements or aboard the Yggdrasil, Sigurd always modifies his outfits to expose his abdomen above his waist and below his chest. This actually resembles the traditional clothes of his mother's people from the Ignas desert, but it also makes him fanservice. But most of this is [[All There in the Manual]]—it: it's not quite as obvious ''in game'' that he dresses this way.
[[File:xenogears margie 2199.jpg|frame|Margie]]
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Bart's sixteen year old cousin and current Holy Mother of Nisan.
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: Despite being Bart's cousin, they'll probably have to marry someday.
* [[Kissing Cousins]]: Margie and Bart are not only first cousins, but [[Arranged Marriage|arranged to be married]].
* [[Plucky Girl]]: She's often the most optimistic member of the group.
[[File:xenogears hammer 7343.jpg|frame|Hammer]]
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* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Has a few vaguely [[Homoerotic Subtext]] moments (with Fei or Rico) and one vaguely [[Pet Homosexual]] moment (with Elly). And he still has such moments after being lost, through Rico's fond reminiscing.
* [[Dead Sidekick]]: Mostly for Fei, Elly and Rico after Hammer forces them to kill him.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]
* [[Homoerotic Subtext]]: It's true that Hammer is chiefly interested in [[I Just Want to Be Special|finding his way in the world]], but the particular gleeful ''eagerness'' with which he tries to court the favor of Fei or Rico goes beyond that of a mere [[Hero Worshipper]] and well into [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]] territory, if not even further.
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* [[Megane]]/[[Meganekko]]: Hammer's glasses are most certainly a significant distinguishing feature. He is certainly Megane, but his Meganekko status is less certain, at least because his pince-nez glasses sit further away from his eyes and partially rob the classical "moe glasses" effect.
* [[Morality Pet]]: Surprisingly, Hammer was this for Rico, but we only learn about it after Hammer is gone.
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: He feels becoming this is the only way to get the heroes to take him seriously.
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: He's an half-human mutant.
* [[Sympathetic Murderer]]: Elly and Rico still loved Hammer, even after he killed Medena. Rico continually emphatically insists that it wasn't Hammer's fault. If this is so, then Hammer may have been manipulated into doing it. The seeds of Hammer's betrayal were sewn during his time of captivity in [[The Chessmaster|Krelian]]'s lab, and it was never certain just ''what'' was done to him ''before'' the party escaped.
** [[Sympathetic Murder Backstory]]: Hammer was introduced and developed as a beloved [[True Companions]] before his act of murder.
* [[Tragic Monster]]: What he becomes after his [[Face Heel Turn]].
* [[Unfazed Everyman]]/[[Muggle]]: Hammer follows the heroes everywhere, even without fighting skills.
* [[Was Once a Man]]: Before becoming a giant cyborg.
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Billy Lee Black's father. Former agent of Solaris.
* [[The Alcoholic]]: One of the reasons why Billy doesn't like him.
* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: Disappears from the game at Disc 2.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]
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Citan's wife.
* [[The Ace]]: She was once ([[Informed Ability|allegedly]]) the best swordswoman in Shevat prior to meeting Citan. Yeah, that's right,: the two [[The Ace|Aces]] are married to one another.
* [[Feminine Women Can Cook]]: Fei repeatedly proclaims his love of Yui's cooking. Citan is less appreciative.
* [[Hot Mom]]
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