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* On ''[[Lost]]'', Locke finally found purpose in the end of season 4, after spending the entire series in a constant battle with faith. Shortly after, {{spoiler|He started traveling through time, which he could only stop by leaving the island, and dying. But when he does die, we don't feel much because the episode showing it happen has already revealed that the character comes back to life. What made it really cruel was that he never came back to life at all, and instead was just an [[Unwitting Pawn]]}}.
* ''[[Chuck]]''. Every time the poor boy meets someone, it somehow gets yanked away. It can't help having his 'ex' around all the time.
* The first season of ''[[M*A*S*H (television)|Mash]]'' has an episode where everyone comes to believe that there's been a ceasefire and the war is over. During their "farewell" party they learn the sad news: the war isn't over, and the wounded are arriving.
** Another early episode has Trapper thinking he'll get to go home due to a stomach ulcer, and even getting a farewell party, before being told by HQ that he'll have to stay in Korea and be operated on there.
*** Trapper gets put through the wringer again in "Kim", deciding to adopt a seemingly-orphaned Korean boy with his wife back in the States, then having to rescue the kid after he wanders into a minefield...''then'' having to watch as the kid's mother turns up and whisks him away.