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Some secret about Character A is mentioned, either by the character himself, or by somebody else. When queried, someone replies "You ''don't'' want to know. [[Take Our Word for It|Just trust me on this]]." Or words to that effect. Whether ''we'' actually find out what it is varies - if we don't, it can turn into a [[Noodle Incident]], and might be set up for one or more [[The Un -Reveal|un-reveals]]. The characters who ''do'' know will usually try to avoid talking about it. More often than not, this phrase can just end up as [[Schmuck Bait]].
In other cases, we do find out. If played for comedy, the secret will turn out to be relatively innocuous - or at least, not nearly as far-out as what the other characters - and probably the audience - have ''imagined'' it might be. If played for drama (as in horror movies) it'll turn out that the secret is, indeed, [[Squick|quite bad]], and that the others would, in fact, have been better off not knowing.
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See also [[Take Our Word for It]], [[I Have My Ways]].
== Fanfiction ==
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** The [[Lemony Narrator]] does this to the ''reader'' in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]'', when Famine talks about his love of salad cream sandwiches. A [[Footnote Fever|footnote]] advises readers from societies where the traditional condiment for salad is mayonnaise not to even ask.
* Subverted and inverted early on in [[The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy]], when Arthur takes the precaution of asking Ford, "if I were to ask you where the hell we were, would I regret it?" Ford cuts to the chase and tells him where they are. Arthur was probably happier when he didn't know.
* Used in a decidedly non-comedic fashion in ''[[Memory Sorrowand Thorn]]'', when [[Shell Shocked Senior]] Camaris refuses to tell the protagonists about his mysterious past that led to a [[Heroic BSOD]], on the grounds that it's too shameful. He does confess it twice, once to a priest and once to [[The Wise Prince|Prince Josua]], and both emerge from the experience wishing they hadn't been told. At the end, it's revealed that he's {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father|Josua's father]]}}, and lived his life afterwards in misery over his weakness and the subsequent [[Death By Childbirth]] of the woman in question.
* During a ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' short story, a skeleton grabs the Tenth Doctor by the ankle as it claws its way out of the earth. The Doctor, not taking his eyes off Rose, asks if he should look. She shakes her head.
* In the ''[[Gaunts Ghosts (Literature)|Gaunts Ghosts]]'' novel ''His Last Command'', Vortenhus is told that he does not want to know what a glyf - a Chaos tripwire-like ''thing'', the sight of which can drive a man insane - is.
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* In ''[[Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]'', [[The Comically Serious|Worf]] is asked at a party what [[Proud Warrior Race|Klingons]] dream about.
{{quote| '''Worf''' (in [[Sincerity Mode]]): "Things that would send cold chills down your spine, and wake you in the middle of the night. No, it is better that you do not know. Excuse me." ''*shambles away*''}}
** In "Sacrifice of Angels", O'Brien and Bashir have been quoting [[Kill 'Em All|"The Charge of the Light Brigade"]] in the runup to a battle where they're seriously outnumbered. Garak, eventually, asks how it ends. O'Brien tells him he doesn't want to know...which pretty much answers the question.
* Speaking of [[Big Creepy Crawlies|insectoids]], on an episode of ''[[Star Trek Enterprise]]'', Captain Archer is in VERY tense negotiations with the Xindi; his linguist Lt. Sato performs simultaneous translation -- except at one point, where the insectoid goes on a long chittering rant, and Sato simply says "You don't want to know."
** This is the second time she uses the line. In the pilot episode, a Klingon says ''something'' to Captain Archer, who takes it as a thank you. When Sato comments that she doesn't think they have a word for thank you, and Archer asks her what the Klingon ''did'' say, she responds with the line verbatim.
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'''Hermes''' (sobbing): I didn't want to know! }}
** And you really don't want to know whose behind {{spoiler|Slurm}} comes out of. Same episode, the same is said of where toothpaste comes from.
* In ''[[Transformers Animated]]'' when {{spoiler|Starscream finds out that [[MesMe's a Crowd|each of his clones represent a different part of his personality]] and he asks which part an ''[[Opposite Sex Clone]]'' represents}}, her response is "Don't ask!"
** Funnily enough, [[Word of God]] [[Shrug of God|states]] [ pretty much the same thing].
*** The smell of [[Unfortunate Implications]] is really strong here.
** In an earlier episode, [[Ninja|Prowl]], [[Kid Appeal Character|Bumblebee]] and [[Tagalong Kid|Sari]] go on a camping trip, and the latter two bring all manner of gadgets. Prowl, unimpressed, asks Bee where he found room for all of it in his vehicle mode. "[[Shy Finger -Twiddling|I'd...rather not say]]".
* In an episode of ''[[Justice League]]'', having just captured an assassin who tried to kill Aquaman, several members of the League threaten him with physical violence, which he shrugs off. Batman then takes him aside and whispers something to him, he practically ''begs'' to tell everything he knows. When Wonder Woman asks Superman what was said (Supes, of course, possesses acute hearing) ''he'' tells her that she doesn't want to know. Made even better by the expression on his face. According to Kevin Conroy, the actor who played Batman, he said "{{spoiler|I know where you live, Floyd}}".
** Also, in the [[Forced Prize Fight]] episode "Grudge Match", Hawkgirl's reaction after being snapped out of mind control;
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'''Mr. Barkin:''' No beach. Just jellyfish... ''[shudders]'' Don't ask. }}
* In the ''[[Strawberry Shortcake]] Berryfest Princess Movie'', Blueberry Muffin walks in on Strawberry Shortcake [[It Makes Sense in Context|doing a bunnyhop and sorting mixed nuts]] with Plum Pudding at Orange Blossom's general store and comments, "Do I wanna know?" A little while later, after reading a map has been added to Strawberry's tasks, Orange returns, also commenting, "Do I wanna know?" "That's what I said," Blueberry tells her.
* In ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', it turns out that the [[Kaiju|three story tall]] [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears|celestial bear]] that attacked Ponyville was an Ursa Minor--a baby. When asked what an Ursa Major is like, Twilight gives this response.
** Also Rainbow Dash says it after Twilight wonders what Dash meant by "At least I haven't been replaced by turnips"
* In ''The Simpsons'' episode "I Love Lisa," Ralph Wiggum has tickets to Krusty's anniversary show, and he invites Lisa. Bart really wants to go, and he suggests disguising himself as Lisa.