You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: Difference between revisions

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* People have often said this about ''[[The Punisher]]''. He himself has said it only twice in [[Garth Ennis]]' run:
** In "In The Beginning", Frank has to fight Pittsy the mob enforcer for over a dozen pages. The nutcase manages to blow off one of Frank's ribs, then attempts to tear a lung out through the hole. Frank retaliates by throwing him out a fifth-story window onto a metal picket fence. Then jumping out after him and ''[[Goomba Stomp|Goomba Stomping]]'' him, driving three fence spokes three inches through his torso. Two pages later, Pittsy not only manages to tear the fence loose, '''but goes looking for Frank with it sticking out of him.'''
{{quote| '''Frank Castle''': ''You have to be fucking kidding me.''<br />
(Gives Pittsy a [[Boom! Headshot!]]. With a shotgun. At arm's reach.)<br />
''Next step's a reflex action. So's the next one. Got to be.''<br />
([[Gross Up Close-Up]] of Pittsy's shotgunned face) }}
*** Pittsy of course dies, but the reader doesn't get to see if Frank had to shoot him '''''again.'''''
** In "The Long, Cold Dark", after Frank had captured his nemesis [[Scary Black Man|Barracuda]], shot, beaten and electrocuted him<ref> His balls, specifically, wired to a car battery. For around 45 minutes. Frank ''did not'' like him</ref> and left him wrapped in iron chains in the boot of his truck while he attended to other matters. It's all too much for 'Cuda, who just snaps, [[Breaking the Bonds|breaks the chains through sheer strength]] and barrels out.
{{quote| '''The Punisher''': ''"You have got to be fucking kidding me."''<br />
(Barracuda arms himself)<br />
''...was the thought that came to mind.'' }}
== [[Film]] ==
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* ''[[The Blair Witch Project]]''
* ''[[The Thing (film)|The Thing]]'': Also doubles as a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] in an otherwise horrific scene, in which {{spoiler|the Thing-mimic of Norris detaches its head}}..
{{quote| "You have got to be [[Precision F-Strike|fucking]] kidding!"}}
** Made even funnier when you realise later that Palmer, the man who uttered the line {{spoiler|is also a thing!}}
* In ''[[From Dusk till Dawn]]: Texas Blood Money'' Robert Patrick managed to cram even more profanity into the phrase when a ''total eclipse of the sun'' makes containment of vampires in a bank during the day impossible.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* In the ''[[Star Wars]]'' [[Expanded Universe]] book ''[[New Jedi Order|Enemy Lines 2: Rebel Stand]]'', Han and Leia are trapped in prison, awaiting what looks to be their final meal before they're shipped off-system to [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|the Yuuzhan Vong]]. Instead of breakfast, Han's blaster, Leia's lightsaber, and an assortment of other useful items pour through the food tray slot courtesy of a complex plan by R2-D2, and the obligatory line is Han's reaction.
{{quote| '''Leia''': "This is my favorite prison ''ever''."}}
* ''[[Harry Potter]] and the Goblet of Fire'', when Dumbledore announces that the Triwizard Tournament is being held at Hogwarts.
{{quote| '''Fred Weasley:''' You're ''joking''. (crowd laughs)<br />
'''Dumbledore:''' I am not joking, Mr Weasley, though now that you mention it, I did hear an excellent one over the summer about a troll, a hag and a leprechaun who all go into a bar -<br />
'''McGonagall:''' *clears throat* }}
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* In 2011 at Vengeance, [[Mark Henry| Mark Henry]] delivered a superplex to [[The Big Show| The Big Show]] that got Booker T to shout out the name of the trope {{spoiler| when the ring collapsed as the result}}.
** This isn't the first a superplex delivered to the Big Show resulted in disaster as [[Brock Lesnar| Brock Lesnar]] did the same thing in 2003 on an episode of Smackdown prompting this response from [[Tazz (Wrestling)| Tazz]].
{{quote| '''Tazz:''' Holy [[Precision F-Strike| (bleep)]]}}.
* In 2014, [[Paul Heyman]] demanded that Brock Lensar be part of history at [[Wrestlemania]] because he had it with[[Triple H| Triple H]] playing mind games. Heyman had a contact signing in hopes of getting either [[Randy Orton| Orton]] or [[Batista]] since Triple H gave option of an open challenge … Somebody accepted the offer, guess [[The Undertaker| who did]]? Cue this reaction…
* When someone steals a finisher of another wrestler, this ends up being the response from watching including the wrestler whose move is done by another.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[Blood]] 2: The Chosen'':
{{quote| '''Telemarketer:''' Uhm, good morning, afternoon, evening, Mister Cal-Eeb. I'm with a market research firm and we're doing a survey on computer games, [[Blatant Lies|this call is not an attempt to sell you anything]]. First question: [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|are you currently or have you ever been a character in a computer game?]]<br />
'''Caleb:''' You've gotta be kidding. }}
** Caleb utters the line again at the beginning of the second chapter, when Gideon once again crashes the subway train Caleb was riding on into another one.
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*** "{{spoiler|Core Transfer}}? Oh, you are kidding me."
* ''[[Final Fantasy XIII]]'': Lightning summoning Odin for the first time cues the following quote just before he tries to bisect [[Tagalong Kid|Hope]]. Bonus points for snarking her sudden role as the [[Badly-Battered Babysitter]] after they were separated from Sazh and Vanille prior to the summoning.
{{quote| ''This cannot be happening.''}}
* Variations happen twice in ''[[Modern Warfare]]''. First, when Gaz hears that [[The Squad]]'s extraction point has just become compromised and they have to fight through a virtual army downhill to the secondary one ''before the chopper leaves without them'', he lets out the anguished: "Oh, he's gotta be taking the piss!" A few levels later, Price, Soap, and Griggs fight their way to the final bunker door [[Race Against the Clock|under extreme time pressure]] and the door begins to open veeeeerryyyy slooowlyyy. Griggs: "Oh, you gotta be shittin' me!" Cue [[Deadpan Snarker|snarks]] from Price and Gaz on the comms. In ''Black Ops'' Hudson says the quote verbatim when told the only way to escape a pursing Spetznaz hit-squad that wants him, his partner and their prisoner dead is to jump off the roof of the building they're all standing on.
* In the very beginning of ''[[Beyond Good & Evil (video game)|Beyond Good and Evil]]'' the main heroine Jade finds out that the power company cut off power feed to her house for nonpayment. Oh, yeah, she finds it out ''when the defensive force field over her house dies in the middle of an alien invasion''. Jade is apparently a very polite and temperate girl so the worst she has to say over the situation is [[You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!]].
* Shepard utters this exact line in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'''s Overlord DLC when the huge satellite dish they just disabled starts collapsing. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|While they're still standing on it]].
** In ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', the Reapers are going to ground, whiping the floor with their [[Wave Motion Guns|giant laser beams]].
{{quote| '''Garrus:''' ''"Did we just get shot at by a Reaper?!"''}}
* The ''[[Uncharted]]'' series uses this at least once per scene. Often said by rogueish protagonist Nathan Drake as he suddenly finds himself face-to-face with a tank, or a helicopter, or a slimy zombie-like thing, or a dude with a humongous gun. Or even just another wall that must be scaled.
* Zidane of ''[[Final Fantasy IX]]'' says this almost word-for-word when the Armodullahan appears out of nowhere in an enclosed space. To his credit, he does start running ''before'' saying the line.
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* [[Tsundere|Sheena]] in ''[[Tales of Symphonia]]'' is very fond of this line when she gets flustered, such as if Lloyd catches her playing with children and Luin and comments [[Capulet Counterpart|how cute this makes her look]].
* * The reaction of [[Gears of War/Characters| Marcus Fenix]] in the third game after shooting a chicken he finds at random once said chicken turns into a giant golden one.
{{quote| '''Marcus''': ARE YOU KIDDING ME? <br />}}
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* This is Ginger's reaction in ''[[Collar 6]]'' when {{spoiler|Linda Knight}} shows up as her "training partner".
* ''[[Quentyn Quinn, Space Ranger]]'' used this when after thoroughly mocking insane engineering of a ''[[Star Trek]]'' Federation it turned to ''[[The Cold Equations]]''. On page 126 a former crewmember of Enterprise ''[[Expy]]'' (reproduced in all the "best" details - ludicrous layout, force field airlocks, nonexistent computer security, handling of antimatter, and so on) was shown schematics of a shuttle involved in such a case, and ''[[Beyond the Impossible|even he]]'' gets... rather surprised by the [[Too_Dumb_to_Live|unusual approach to reliability]] demonstrated therein.
{{quote| '''Dweebley''': Okay, I... What the? Oh, for - BWAHAHAHAHAH!! '''''Oh you can't be serious--'''''}}
== [[Web Original]] ==
* The phrase is stated by Charlie in [[Charlie the Unicorn]] 2, when he finds out the journey to save the world from 1000 years of darkness was actually a trap to steal his television.
* The ''[[How It Should Have Ended]]'' version of [[Sherlock Holmes a Game of Shadows]] has Moriarty [[Crowning Moment of Funny|utter this phrase]] when [[Iron Man]] [[It Makes Sense in Context|shoots a tank missile at him]]. Made funnier if you've seen their version of [[Self-Referential Humor|Iron Man]]. Watch it [ here].
{{quote| '''Iron Man:''' Tank missile!<br />
'''Moriarty:''' You've got to be kidding me.<br />
''[[Stuff Blowing Up|*Balcony explodes*]]''. }}
* Yami in [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series]] in episode 30, "Sore", when his opponent appears to be none other than [[Saw|Jigsaw]].
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== [[Real Life]] ==
* Notably, the unofficial catchphrase for [[Wild Weasel]] crews was "YGBSM", for "You Gotta Be Shittin' Me". To clarify, the Wild Weasels were Vietnam-era USAF fighter aircraft whose job was to act as bait for North Vietnamese air defenses, in hopes of [[High-Speed Missile Dodge|drawing their fire]], [[Dodge the Bullet|evading it]], and then [[Death From Above|destroying the antiair site]]. The phrase was supposedly coined as
{{quote| "...the [[Oh Crap|natural]] [[This Is Gonna Suck|response]] of an educated man, a veteran [[Guy in Back|EWO]] on B-52s and the like, upon learning that he was to fly back seat to a [[The Ace|self-absorbed fighter pilot]] while acting as flypaper for enemy SAMs."}}
** This is, by the way, ''still'' US Air Force doctrine when they cannot locate the SAM or AAA site through other means. It's called SEAD duty (Suppression of Enemy Air Defense), and pilots are typically ''not'' happy to draw the short straw on it.
*** The original [[Catch-22]] revolved around this: any airman who tries to get out of flying dangerous bombing missions by claiming insanity is clearly sane enough to fly them, because he's trying to avoid doing so.