You Monster!: Difference between revisions

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'''Raven:''' There are many ''unusual beings'' in this school, but none among them are ''monsters''. Except, perhaps, the man who now stands before me. }}
* ''[[Kevin and Kell]]'' While Rudy and Wendell are delivering Easter Eggs they find find that the quality control isn't what it should be and some are hatching. [ Rudy decides to eat the chick] leading to Wendell cry this out.
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' had Schlock occasionaly referred to as a monster - partly due to his habit of devouring enemies - in the "face" as often as not; some even do it in a friendly way ("our [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath|pet monster]] ate their [[Torture Technician|pet monster]]").
** Sometimes it goes both ways:
{{quote|'''Schlock''': Pau {{spoiler|shot my friend Shep. [...]}} Just to be mean to ME. [...] He's still a monster. Can't I [[BFG|THOOM]] him just a little? He's a doctor. He can probably grow his legs back.<br />
'''Dr. Pau''': You're calling ''me'' a monster?}}
** {{spoiler|Max Haluska}} caught it twice in a row soon after being called [[Complete Monster]] in absence (he's that sort of a guy).
{{quote|'''Para''': {{spoiler| Max}}, you're a monster. You mind-wiped [[Just a Machine|poor Tarfeather]]. Her consciousness is gone. You left her a lifeless automaton.
'''{{spoiler| Max}}''': Hypocritical ''child''. You hacked {{spoiler|''all'' of the Sanctum Adroit's tarbots! [...]}} I suppose they follow you because they love you?
'''Tarvalon''': [[Charm Person|Actually, we ''do'' love her]]. You monster.}}
== Western Animation ==