You Only Live Twice/Headscratchers

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  • Blofeld just might be insane enough to destroy the world and no one would call him on it. You'd think Red China would have figured out that World War 3 would leave nothing left of the Earth to rule.
    • Not so strange if you recall that in the 60s and 70s many people believed people could survive WWIII. Much Gallows Humor could be found in those days listening to these guys sincerely saying how if you just start walking away from a city for a few hours you would be safe from the nuclear blast.
    • Mao famously argued with his Soviet (at the time) allies in favor of launching WW 3, stating that 90% of humanity would die, but the remaining 10% would be communists.
  • Who was filming the helicopter snagging the bad guys' car for Aki's car's monitor to play - or the SPECTRE spaceship swallowing up the capsule for that matter?
    • Spy satellites? If SPECTRE can build its own space shuttles it should easily be able to have an unmanned launch capacity too.