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* [[Instant Expert]]: How can these people be so good at piloting advanced combat mechs with absolutely zero training, anyway?
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Anyone who gets romantically involved with Mark, since he's from another planet.
* [[ItsIt's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It]]: Though she wanted no part of it at first, {{spoiler|Kagura}} eventually started to get into it when {{spoiler|Nyamo}} decided to have her way with her.
** Unfortunately for everyone involved, {{spoiler|Sakaki}} managed to walk in right as she was starting to enjoy it. Hilarity did not ensue.
* [[Jerkass]]: Tomo, Ai Tanagawa, and Ren Tsutenpi all qualify.
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** Li Wei Yang seems to be giving her a run for her money in the bitch department.
* [[Kansai Regional Accent]]: Risu and Ayumu Kasuga, Kasumi Chiba, and the Greene sisters.
* [[Kill 'Em All]]: Yukari's homicidal rampage at the start of Season 1.
* [[Knife Nut]]: Gang Member 122's Knife is one of his prized possessions, this also counts as a [[Berserk Button]] for him. As Yukari finds out during their third encounter, and second fight.
* [[The Ladette]]: Sergeant Greene and Ai Tanagawa.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: ''Constantly.''
* [[Laser -Guided Karma]]: Fedt-geszhine called a random space pirate "filth," and then dumped garbage over her head. She then stole the [[MacGuffin]] he was there to collect, [[Nausea Fuel|vomited all over him]], and got away after destroying several of his fleet's warships.
* [[Last -Name Basis]]: Not even Koiwai's girlfriend or his children (one of whom hasn't been born yet...long story) seem to know what his first name is.
* [[Letter Motif]]: All the Takinos have a name starting with T and ending with O: Tomo, Torako, Tsuguhiko, and Tsuruko.
** Strangely enough, Kokoro only half fulfills this.
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* [[Made of Explodium]]: Turtles, apparently.
* [[Magical Girl]]: Padudu would easily qualify. Kokoro seems to be this, as much as she [[A Mind Is a Terrible Thing To Read|doesn't want to]].
* [[May -December Romance]]: Ryusuke is at least twelve years older than Nyamo.
** Saburo Motani, age 32, and his quasi-girlfriend Yoko Tsumura, age 21, also qualify.
** And as a particularly creepy example, Yukari's relationship with Kyoto; she's 29, and he was ''15.''
* [[Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy]]: Tardboy and Torako.
* [[Mega Crossover]]: With [[Yotsubato]], [[Code Geass]], [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]], [[Full Metal Panic]], [[Touhou]], and [[Ghost in The Shell Stand Alone Complex]], just to name a few.
* [[Men Are the Expendable Gender]]: If only one of a character's parents are revealed to have survived the [[Zombie Apocalypse]], odds are overwhelmingly in favor of it being the mother. With the exception of Ryusuke, fathers seem to survive as a set with their wives or not at all.
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* [[Shout Out]]: To [[Achewood]], [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica]], [[Firefly]], and far too many others to list.
* [[Sibling Seniority Squabble]]: A bit of a one-sided example with Tomo and Torako. Tomo is constantly reminding everyone that she is a full ''four minutes'' older than Torako, to compensate for the fact that her sister is otherwise taller, more mature, arguably smarter, and can easily trounce her in a fight. Torako just goes along with it, since she doesn't like being at the top of the totem pole anyway.
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]]: Again, Tomo and Torako Takino.
** Roberta and Amber Greene could also apply, as the former is usually very outgoing and friendly while the latter is shy, reserved, and would usually just rather be left alone.
* [[Sickeningly Sweethearts]]: Mark and Fuuka. Kagura and Sakaki can fall into this at times as well, and Tardboy tries to be this with Torako.
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* [[Tempting Fate]]: At one point in the second season, Tomo was scolded by Torako for declaring that they were perfectly safe and that nothing was going to happen, for precisely this reason. Moments later the military convoy transporting them to safety was attacked by furries and Nyamo was kidnapped.
* [[Thinking Out Loud]]: Virtually all characters written by Passerby were guilty of this, but by far the biggest offenders were Kyoto and Moto.
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU, BITCH!"
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Most of the cast fall into this trope at some point or another. Surpisingly, most of them haven't kicked the can yet.
** Shimauu is a prime example, running away from the safety of a military base to wander aimlessly through a ruined city populated mainly by gangsters, thieves, murderers, and rapists. Alone. In the middle of the night. To find someone who, for all she knew, would just tell her to get lost. Great thinking kid, that couldn't ''possibly'' go wrong!
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* [[We Can Rebuild Him]]: Yukari does this to Kyoto and ''herself'' by possessing a factory.
* [[Weirdness Magnet]]: Lampshaded by Chihiro and Shimauu.
* [[What Does She See in Him?]]: Virtually every relationship in Yukari is Free falls under this, possibly the only exception being Sakaki and Kagura's. Ena doesn't see what Fuuka sees in Mark, Miura initially protests Chihiro being with Sakakuro, Jumbo and Koiwai don't understand Yanda's desire for Asagi, Kagura wondered once why Chiyosuke would want Osaka, and some of the Yotsuba Gang Members wondered why Ryougi/Gang Member 122 had crushes on the strange, reclusive Ran (Gang Member 114), and the vulgar, abrasive Ai (Gang Member 37), just to name a few.
* [[What Happened to Mommy]]: At the start of the [[Zombie Apocalypse]] Ran and Rei Kakizaki's mother became infected with the zombie virus, killed and partially devoured their father, and then attacked Ran, forcing Rei to [[Shoot the Dog|beat her brains in with a baseball bat to save her sister.]]
* [[The Woobie]]: Kagura and Sakaki have both spent their share of time in the Woobie seat.