Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Bermuda Triangle]]: You simply fly here whenever you want to get abducted by the aliens. This is actually very convenient.
* [[But Thou Must!]]: the mind-bending machine has a big switch with two positions that are both labeled "on"...
* [[Call It Karma]]: The Guru will not help you if you killed Sushi or the Squirrel. [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|Unless you bribe him.]].
* [[Catch Phrase]]: See Ya.
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: You find a can of gas ("For chainsaw use only!") in a locker on Mars as an in-joke, with the player character refusing to pick it up because "It's for [[Maniac Mansion|another game]]."
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** This was removed for the 1991 FM Towns port of the game.
* [[Elvis Has Left the Planet]]: Parodied, the Caponians are led by an Elvis impersonator named "The King".
* [[Fan Sequel]]: At least three sets of fans have set about creating a sequel: 1) ''Zak McKracken: Between Time and Space'' and 2) ''Zak McKracken and the Alien Rockstars'', and 3) ''The New Adventures of Zak McKracken''.
* [[Feelies]]: The game came with a free issue of ''The Daily Inquisitor'', the tabloid the protagonist works for. Several of the articles provide vital hints, such as how lightning can mend crystals
* [[Homemade Inventions]]: Zak makes a space suit out of a wetsuit, a fish bowl (leaving his fish in the kitchen) and [[Duct Tape for Everything|copious amounts of duct tape]]. However, he'll also need an air tank or he will suffocate.
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* [[The Pennyfarthing Effect]]: You won't get an item's name when you mouse over it unless you're using the "What Is" verb. This makes it very hard to distinguish that some of the background objects are usable.
* [[Phlebotinum-Induced Stupidity]]: The plot revolves around aliens who took over the phone company and are sending out a signal that makes people stupid.
* [[Shout-Out]]: [[National Lampoon's Vacation|Miami is closed for Repairs]].
* [[Space Suits Are Scuba Gear]]: Zak literally builds a space suit of a set of SCUBA gear (and a fishbowl).
* [[Unwinnable by Design]] / [[Unwinnable By Mistake]]: There were only certain courses one could take to save the world, so if a previous action made them impossible... [[The Quisling|I for one will welcome our new Caponian overlords]].
** Mind you, this game was released early in [[LucasArts]] history, when they were still in the process of figuring out their design philosophy.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: Leaving aside what Zak ''has'' to do to the stewardess, he can also kill animals in inventive ways (''e.g.'', bludgeoning the two-headed squirrel, running his goldfish Sushi through the garbage disposal). '
** To elaborate, during a regular flight, Zak floods the toilet, uses the distraction to explode an egg in the microwave, then uses ''that'' as a distraction to steal a seat cushion and an oxygen tank. The stewardess has to clean up both messes.