"Hell Yes!" Moment: Difference between revisions

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The effectiveness of this moment can be affected by their change in confidence. An [[Magnificent Bastard|arrogant, so far unbeatable supervillain]] suddenly realizing he's got the ace in the hole he'd been hoping for is difficult to make this trope work with, but a downtrodden hero or [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]] who has faced hellish adversity at every turn can usually pull it off with little difficulty.
Basically the [[Inverted Trope]] of [[Oh Crap]]. It can often be an [[Oh Crap]] moment for the opponents of the character having a [["Hell Yes!" Moment]].
Some situations where this commonly occurs:
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* [[Villainous Rescue]]
Not to be confused with [[Big Yes]], [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]] or [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], although a [["Hell Yes!" Moment]] can and often does precede the latter. Do not be surprised if [[Theme Song Power Up|the series theme song begins to play.]]
When this is subverted, it is a [[Hope Spot]].
