"The Reason You Suck" Speech: Difference between revisions

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Alternatively, the speech is given by someone who's just frustrated with the other person. This is not an attempt bring down or break an opponent. This is not an exchange between heroes and villains (heck, they might even be friends). This is someone, tired of everything they have to deal with, giving a frank and [[Brutal Honesty|brutally honest]] assessment of the person they're dealing with, often in a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] moment. This can be [[Insult Backfire|prone to backfire]] with a suitably shallow, self-obsessed, and/or [[Genre Savvy]] target; who typically responds with [[Red Dwarf|"You've just listed all of my best features!"]] Will often provoke an attempted refutation or justification from the target; which, depending on the source, can be played for comedy, drama, or [[Wangst]].
Compare to [[Calling the Old Man Out]]. Could also be a [[Take That, Scrappy!]] where someone tells a hated character what the audience feels about them.
Compare and contrast the [[World of Cardboard Speech]]. See also [[Did You Actually Believe?]] Contrast [[Minor Insult Meltdown]], where just the tip of the "you suck" iceberg can sink a character to tears.
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* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech/Music|Music]]
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech/Video Games|Video Games]]
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech/WebcomicsWeb Comics|Webcomics]]
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech/Western Animation|Western Animation]]
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech/Real Life|Real Life]]
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'''The Joker:''' The biggest one ever! The mother of all jokes! And the best part is, you're the ''butt'' of it! Oh, I hate to break it to ya, pallie, but I'm afraid the only reality you know ''is'' the world of fiction!
'''Darkseid:''' Ah, so it's madness. Not an uncommon reaction to one's impending doom. Still-
'''The Joker:''' Oh, I was mad long before you came along, oh Lord of Pain and Suffering and... [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Blue Shorts.]] And even I have a better grip on reality than you. Those other realities that Stan's Place links to? They're all comic book universes- just like this one! All the heroes meet up at that bar so they can shoot the breeze about who's getting a movie next. And no wonder you're so interested in Stan- he's the one person there who's ''not'' a comic book character. If there's anyone dominating reality, its ''him'', not you. In fact, what was it you said about comic books before? Ah yes, they're "insignificant endeavours in entertainment on a pathetic planet"- of which ''YOU are one!'' (Laughs hysterically before Darkseid vapourises him.)
'''Darkseid:''' ''[White hot fury]'' [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|That's. Not. Funny.]] }}
** In the first season of "After Hours," Lex Luthor gave one to Superman in an attempt to recruit him in joining him in his plan to [[Ret-Gone]] the Marvel Universe: