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{{quote|''A second floodFlood, a simple famine,''
''Plagues of locusts everywhere,''
''Or a cataclysmic earthquake''
''I'd accept with some despair,''
''But no! You sent us Congress!''
''Good God, sirSir, was that fair?'' }}
''[['''1776]]''''' is the name of both a 1969 Broadway play and its 1972 film adaptation, featuring [[William Daniels]] of later ''[[Knight Rider]]'', ''[[St. Elsewhere]]'' and ''[[Boy Meets World]]'' fame in the role that made him a star. It's a mostly accurate depiction of the hurdles and loopholes that the Founding Fathers went through in order to separate from Great Britain... well, once you take out the all-singing, all-dancing part, it is, anyway.
Daniels plays [[John Adams]] (later the first-ever Vice President), a Boston revolutionary who spearheads the American effort to turn from a British Crown Colony into its own nation. All sorts of reasons are brought up for this, including taxation sans representation and the alienation that the Atlantic Ocean brings. With the help of Yoda-esque [[Ben Franklin]] and a reluctant [[Thomas Jefferson]], who is so homesick he can barely write the Declaration of Independence, he puts forth these reasons... which are almost immediately savaged. It takes a minor miracle just to get the whole thing to a point where it can be voted on, much less ratified -- ''that'' would require unanimity.
Though light-hearted in many parts (it's almost impossible to get through the number about who will write the Declaration without laughing), it also contains poignant looks at how difficult decisions had to be made (the South viewed slavery as an economic necessity and walked out en masse upon hearing Jefferson, a fellow Southerner, condemn it). In addition, a report from a soldier on the front (the haunting "Momma Look Sharp" number) drives home just how much (and yet how little) the piece of paper will mean.
Not to be confused with a ''[[300]]'' [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTcVNuNX8yY parody] made by ''[[Robot Chicken]]''.
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* [[Absentee Actor]]: On the original Broadway cast recording, thanks to Howard da Silva's heart attack just before opening night. That's his understudy, Rex Everhart, singing Franklin.
* [[AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle]]: "The Lees of Old Virginia."
** The period-correct pronunciation of "Maryland" as "Mary-Land" to the modern ear.
** Deliberate-LEE done throughout "The Lees of Old Virginia."
* [[Acting for Two]]: Standard practice in the straw hat circuit tours during the 1970s. Livingston and Morris, the delegates from New York, were frequently played by the same actor. And in a production number cut after the initial tryout, most of the cast doubled as (mostly incompetent) soldiers.
* [[Aluminum Christmas Trees]]: The show is filled with odd or bizarre details that are ''true'', discovered because its authors [[Shown Their Work|did an amazing amount of research]]. For instance, Benjamin Franklin is carried into Congress in a sedan chair, but it's not because he's [[Too Important to Walk]] -- it's because his gout is acting up and he ''can't'' walk (and the servants carrying him were prisoners from the local jail). Sometimes the details were so hard to believe, the writers had to ignore or change them [[Reality Is Unrealistic|because they were afraid the audience would think they had made it up.]] The most significant example of this would be a line taken from something [[John Adams]] wrote in one of his letters -- that if the Founding Fathers did not ban slavery, "there will be trouble a hundred years hence." The writers had to modify the line because if they quoted it word-for-word no one would believe they hadn't put those words in Adams' mouth with the clarity of a century of hindsight.
** It didn't always help. Ill-informed critics -- like [[Roger Ebert]] -- mistook the genuine details used to show that the Founding Fathers were real people as flights of fancy and complained the musical did them a disservice in presenting them so.
* [[Altum Videtur]]: Edward Rutledge celebrates the entrance of the bickering Delaware delegation by making a loud proclamation in Latin about their "eternal peace and harmony".
* [[American Accents]]: Ranging from the Deep South to New England, naturally enough.
* [[American Political System]]: In its infancy, at least.
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** As admitted in the [[DVD Commentary]], Martha Jefferson never visited her husband in Philadelphia.
** There was no vote mandating that a motion for independence had to be unanimous ... but, as Hancock acknowledges in the play, there was an understanding that acting on anything less than unanimity risked a fatal split in the colonies.
* [[As the Good Book Says...]]: Dickinson, mocking the Independence faction (and Adams specifically) after the South walks out of Congress:
{{quote|After all, what is a man profited if he shall gain Mary-land and lose the entire South? <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[beat]], then brightly:] [[The Bible/Source/Matthew#16|Matthew 16:26]].}}
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Franklin asking John Hancock to poll the Pennsylvania delegation.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: The arrival of Reverend John Witherspoon (and the rest of the New Jersey delegation) in Congress before the resolution on independence is struck down.
** Caesar Rodney riding eighty miles in failing health to show up just in time for the vote (a real event, famous enough that it's on the Delaware quarter).
* [[Big "Never!"]]: Adams does a few of these.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: The film ends with the Declaration signed and an independence declared -- and years of a turbulent and desperate war that did not look winnable ahead of them. As Washington had mentioned, his army was in terrible shape, his money and credit were all gone, and the British had the strongest navy in the world. That bit in the Declaration about pledging "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" wasn't just emotionalism.
* [[Blood on the Debate Floor]]: Adams and Dickinson calmly talking out their differences. With [[Cane Fu|canes]].
* [[Bowdlerise]]: Up until recently, the only version of the movie to reach TV was a severely-edited copy that obscured or completely removed many of the raunchier bits, including the whole "New Brunswick" sequence and the latter half of Franklin's "it's like calling an ox a bull" exchange with Dickinson. Even the version that hit the theatres was badly chopped, among other things excluding lines that made it clear Rutledge's opposition to the slavery clause was not due to mindless evil, but because he saw it as a betrayal of a promise that the independence faction would allow states to govern themselves as they saw fit.
* [[Catch Phrase]]
** MacNairMcNair: "Suh-weet Jesus!", echoed at least once by Franklin
** Adams: "Oh good ''God''" and "''In''credible."
** Lewis Morris: New York abstains... courteously.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The absence of the delegation from New Jersey is repeatedly brought up, which keeps their arrival from being a deus ex machina.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Franklin. The director's commentary points out that Franklin is often staged in the background of the big debate scenes, observing.
* [[Composite Character]]: The John Adams in this musical is something of an amalgam of the real John Adams and his cousin Samuel Adams.
* [[Cool Horse]]: Lee's horse, especially during "The Lees of Old Virginia". It begins when Lee remarks "may my horses turn to glue..." -- at which point the horse nudges Lee in the chest. And it ends when Lee rides away -- because any horse capable of standing still whilst someone runs up behind him (in his ''blind spot'', no less) and leaps onto his back without bucking, rearing, or bolting automatically qualifies for the description.
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* [[Darkest Hour]]: This musical does ''not'' end on the triumphant note you'd expect. The British have landed at New York, the newly formed U.S. of A. is facing the British Imperial Navy at a time when it was the biggest, best, most dominant navy in the world, over a quarter of the ''colonists'' are on the British side, and every man in that room is at risk of being hanged for treason. Nobody expected to win that war. "Darkest Hour" indeed...
* [[David Versus Goliath]]: A comical version in "But, Mr. Adams," seeing as how Ken Howard (Jefferson) stands a full eleven inches taller than William Daniels.
* [[The Presidents of the United States of America (politics)|Dead Presidents]]
** [[George Washington]] doesn't actually appear, just writes [[The Eeyore|despondent dispatches]].
** [[John Adams]]
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* [[The Ghost]]: [[George Washington]].
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Adams. So, so much.
* [[Grammar Nazi]]: John Adams. It's "''un''alienable," not "''in''alienable" -- but he'll speak about it with the printer later. Funny thing is, he did! "Unalienable" is the [http://www.ushistory.org/DECLARATION/unalienable.htm word used on printed copies of the declarationDeclaration], while Jefferson's drafts and the handwritten final copies have "inalienable".
* [[Happily Married]]: John and Abigail Adams, Thomas and Martha Jefferson. Both of them, incidentally, are [[Truth in Television]]; the Adamses in particular were quite happily married for ''fifty-four years.'' Sadly, despite how much in love they were, Jefferson and his wife didn't have nearly as much time together, as Martha died tragically young. (The Martha Jefferson listed as Jefferson's First Lady is actually his daughter.)
* [[Hate Sink]]: John Dickinson, who isn't at all evil, but takes point for the anti-Independence side.
* [[Historical Domain Character]]: With the exception of the courier and MacNairMcNair's assistant -- called only "Leather Apron" -- every single person who appears in the Congressional chambers, speaking role or not, is a historically documented personage. Yes, even Thomson and MacNairMcNair were real people.
* [[Hollywood NightDarkness]]: Both averted and not. The "Piddle, Twiddle and Resolve" number is clearly shot at night in front of the Independence Hall facadefaçade, but the later duet where John and Abigail walk across their farm at "night" is obviously a blue-filtered daytime shot. Then again, it ''is'' an [[Distant Duet|imaginary/dream sequence]], and the filter use may have been an intentional stylistic decision to emphasize that.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: "Two [useless men] are called a law firm." John Adams was a lawyer -- in particular, he was famous for defending the British soldiers after the Boston Massacre.
** Adams could have been aiming a bit of self deprecating humor at himself and/or a [[Take That]] at his lazy contemporaries, much like when he decries the congress he's a part of.
* [[I Want My Mommy]]: doneDone heartbreakingly with "MamaMomma Look Sharp".
* [[Incoming Ham]]: Richard Henry Lee.
{{quote|'''Lee:''' YOU SENT FOR ME, BENJAMIN?
'''Adams''' [to Franklin]: ''Never!''!
* [[It's Personal]]: Lewis Morris of New York abstains ("Courteously!") from every vote since the New York legislature never told him whathow to vote for. Then when it comes time to sign the Declaration of Independence he finds out the British have seized and destroyed his home, his family has fled their state and his eldest sons have joined the Continental Army to fight the invaders. "To hell with New York. I'll sign it anyway!"
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Adams. He does have a heart of gold. Somewhere. For instance, he really does love his wife, and he really does want the best for his country and its people. He's just... [[Good Is Not Nice|not that nice about it]].
* [[Large Ham]]: Richard Henry Lee, Jefferson's fellow Virginian.
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** Ben Franklin cannot sit down without doing so in a noteworthy manner.
{{quote|'''Franklin''': What are you staring at? Haven't you ever seen a great man before?}}
* [[Lower Deck Episode]]: Well, scene: MacNairMcNair, his assistant and the courier sitting in the chamber by themselves, including the song "Momma Look Sharp".
* [[Minor Character, Major Song]]: Ron Holgate as Richard Henry Lee, who has just one major scene and a minor one, but carries some great big wonderful slabs of roast pork while he's singing "The Lees of Old Virginia."
* [[Not So Different]]: "Molasses to Rum" has Rutledge spotlighting the North's complicity in the slave trade.
* [[Nothing Exciting Ever Happens Here]]: The members of the Congress are so bored that everybody rushes to the window when MacNairMcNair announces that the fire wagon has arrived nearby.
* [[Oh Crap]]
{{quote|'''Edward Rutledge''': "I was wondering if you could repeat a small passage: The one beginning [[Slavery|'He has waged Cruel War']]" *Jefferson stands up abruptly*}}
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* [[Phrase Catcher]]: Adams, "obnoxious and disliked"
* [[Place Worse Than Death]]: John Adams: "At a time in life when other men prosper, I am reduced to living in Philadelphia!"
* [[Politically-Correct History]]: See [[Executive Meddling]] on the [[1776 (musical)/Trivia|Trivia page]]; even so, the film is a remarkable paragon of historical accuracy and thus counts as an aversion.
* [[Pungeon Master]]: Lee uses his name in place of "-ly" extensive-Lee.
* [[Reality Is Unrealistic]]: In the [[DVD Commentary]] recorded many, many years later, the play's writer revealed that he originally intended Adams to note that if they leave in the slavery clause war would break out in about a century, in yet another example of lifting dialogue directly from the founders' writings. He used only the second half of the quote, "posterity will never forgive us," because he was afraid people would think it was him speaking in hindsight, rather than an ''actual historic observation'' by Adams.
** In something of a meta-example (and another use of Adams' own writings), Adams' comment to Franklin about history forgetting him and focusing exclusively on Franklin and Washington (and Washington's horse) is dead-on -- until well into the twentieth century, Adams' pivotal role in getting the Declaration passed and signed was almost systematically overlooked by historians besotted with the more traditionally heroic Washington and the polycompetent Franklin. The horse was an embellishment of the writers', however.
** [[Roger Ebert]] (and probably others) blasted the film version in [https://web.archive.org/web/20120925222956/http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19721226/REVIEWS/212260301/1023%2F19721226%2FREVIEWS%2F212260301%2F1023 his review] calling it "an insult to the real men who were Adams Jefferson, Franklin and the rest" for being an unrealistic portrayal, [[Did Not Do the Research|unaware just how much of the conflict was true]].
* [[Redheaded Hero]]/[[Heroes Want Redheads]]: Abigail Adams. Her insight and willingness to support her husband when he's at a loss even for words, spur him into action in the Continental Congress.
** And of course, there's also Thomas Jefferson.
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{{quote|'''Adams:''' I've got better things to do than listen to you quote yourself!
'''Franklin:''' No, that was a new one!}}
* [[Shown Their Work]]: AWhen bookthe onscript of the play noteswas published in paperback form, an essay by the playwrights noted what parts were accurate, what parts were left out, and what parts were admittedly fudged for the sake of the narrative.
* [[Smart People Know Latin]]: Edward Rutledge, although in this context it's more a marker of social class. Col. McKean mistakes it for French.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Justified; these are, after all, the Founding ''Fathers''.
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* [[Take That]]: To the New York Legislature. New York only ever [[Stiff Upper Lip|abstains ("Courteously!")]] when called upon to vote, because the New York Legislature had never bothered to ''give'' the New York delegation any instructions, as "they all talk very loud, and very fast, and nobody listens to anybody else, with the result that nothing ever gets done." This was just as true in 1972 as it was in 1776, and as any New Yorker will tell you, it's ''still'' true today.
** In the show's Broadway debut, this line got the biggest laugh out of all of them.
* [[Toilet HumorHumour]]: "Rhode Island passes"; also the "calling an ox a bull" exchange.
* [[Too Important to Walk]]: Subverted. Benjamin Franklin is carried in a sedan chair right to his seat in Congress -- but it's not because he's vain or thinks he's better than the other representatives, it's because his gout is acting up and he actually can't walk. A minute later he jokes [[Self-Deprecation|self-deprecatingly]] about being a "great man".
* [[Truth in Television]]: Vast amounts of dialogue and even song lyrics were lifted ''intact'' from the writings of the various Founding Fathers. In particular, "obnoxious and disliked" was ''John Adams' own description'' many decades after the fact of how he felt he was viewed by the Founders and the nation in general (although many historians feel he was an [[Unreliable Narrator]] in this respect), and his duets and discussions with the mental image of his wife Abigail are composed of passages from their letters to each other -- including the "Saltpeter!"/"Pins!" [[Running Gag]].
** Similarly, every motion made on the floor of Congress, and every modification proposed or made to the Declaration (including the briefly heard objection about it not mentioning deep-sea fishing rights!) come directly from either the Congressional minutes or Jefferson's own notes from the revision of the Declaration into its final form.
** And even though the passage of the Declaration did not in actuality work out to a nail-biting final vote the way the movie portrays, Judge Wilson did in fact switch sides at the very last minute, changing Pennsylvania's vote from "nay" to "yea"; his reason for this has beenwas debated by historians for decades. (The reason used in the play was plausible at the time it was written; the actual reason was uncovered decades later and is somewhat less dramatic.)
* [[Victorian Novel Disease]]: Played very straight with Delaware delegate Caesar Rodney, who had skin cancer that was killing him at the time of the Continental Congress, although it's dramatically ''underplayed'' with the small patch covering his cheek -- in truth, Rodney was missing literally ''half of his face'' due to primitive surgery/cauterization treatments and kept the afflicted area hidden under a green kerchief wrapped around his head. [[Truth in Television]] here as well, including how he rode eighty miles to break a deadlock in the final vote on independence for his home state -- a feat celebrated on the commemorative Delaware quarter.
** Not so much [[Truth in Television]]... at least not in regards to his reason for being away from Congress. While Caesar Rodney did die of skin cancer, he was in no ways the "dying man" Colonel McKean describes him as in ''1776'', and had not returned to Delaware to take to his deathbed; in fact, he lived another eight years after the signing of the Declaration before the cancer killed him. In actuality, he had gone home to make a speaking tour to try to stiffen the spines of his fellow Delawarians, who were wavering on Independence and the Revolution. To be fair, though, he ''did'' still make what then amounted to a two-day-plus trip overnight -- ''through a thunderstorm'' -- while suffering from the effects of both his cancer ''and'' asthma.
* [[Villain Song]]: "Cool, Considerate Men" fits, "Molasses to Rum" defines.
* [[Volleying Insults]]: "Coward!" "Madman!" [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|"Landlord!"]] [[Berserk Button|"Lawyer!"]]
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** It's a sign of a good production of this musical if one's [[Suspension of Disbelief|disbelief is suspended enough]] that one forgets the (in hindsight) [[Foregone Conclusion]].
* [[Welcome Episode]]: Dr. Lyman Hall's arrival at Congress allows the audience to meet all the remaining (important) members of the cast.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: All the damn time to Adams. And he always deserves it, too. "Molasses to Rum" is this for the entire North.
** "Molasses to Rum" is this for the entire North.
* [[Written by the Winners]]: Alluded to by Franklin in one of his witticisms:
{{quote|Rebellion is ''always'' legal in the first person -- "''Our'' Rebellion". It's only in the third person -- "''Their'' rebellion" -- that it becomes illegal.}}
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