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{{quote| '''Hart:''' I'm not such a bad guy!<br />
'''Judy:''' You're a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.<br />
'''Hart:''' So I have a few faults; who doesn't? }}
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* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]. Hart, big time.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]. Violet.
{{quote| '''Violet:''' We're going to need a locker for the hat.<br />
'''Violet:''' Thank you, Roz. I know just where to '''''stick it'''''. }}
* [[Disney Creatures of the Farce]]: Violet's [[Imagine Spot]] (complete with [[Disney Villain Death]])
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** Judy imagines her and their co-workers [[Hunting the Most Dangerous Game|hunting him]]. She says the line.
** Doralee wants to [[Rape Is Ok When It Is Female On Male|turn the tables on him]]. It ends with her hog-tying him as a rodeo announcer says the line.
{{quote| '''Rodeo announcer''': Let's see how long it takes her to rope this sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot!}}
** Violet is in a [[Disneyesque]] scene and is Snow White-turned-psycho (see above) and poisons his coffee. This time, ''Mr. Hart'' says the line.
{{quote| '''Mr. Hart''': But why? Why?<br />
'''Violet''': Why do ''you'' think?<br />
'''Mr. Hart''': 'Cause I'm a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot?<br />
'''Violet''': Bingo! ''([[Disney Villain Death|ejects him out his office window]])'' }}
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: Misogynist Hart captured by Amazons.
* [[Metaphorgotten]]: [[Lampshaded]].
{{quote| '''Violet:''' What are you, a man or a mouse? ''([[Beat]])'' Or a woman or a wouse? ''(giggles)''}}
* [[Nerd Glasses]]: Judy's eyeglasses are octagonal and ''huge''.
* [[Noodle Incident]]:
{{quote| '''Janitor:''' Hey, Vera. We've got another stiff in the john.}}
* [[Office]]
* [[Oh Crap]]: Hart after Doralee's [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]].
{{quote| '''Hart:''' ... ''shit''.}}
** When each of the girls realizes the corpse in the trunk ''is not Mr. Hart''.
** Later, Hart gets off another good one:
{{quote| '''Hart:''' ... ''Brazil?!''}}
** Finally, the last lines of the film, by Roz, [[Bilingual Bonus|literally means in French]] "Holy ''shit!''"
* [[Pointy-Haired Boss]]: Evil variety.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Sweet-as-sugar Doralee's suggestion what to do with Hart:
{{quote| I say we get us a couple wranglers to go upstairs and beat the shit out of him.}}
** The final words of the film, spoken by Roz: "Ho-ly ''merde''!"
* [[Reassigned to Antarctica]]: The rare unwanted reassignment that's actually supposed to be a reward. Mr. Hart so impresses his superiors that he's given a promotion, to the Brazilian branch of the company in the Amazon jungle.
{{quote| '''Hart:''' [[Oh Crap|Brazil?]]}}
* [[Recycled: the Series]]: The TV show.
* [[Roger Rabbit Effect]]: The forest animals that appear in Violet's [[Imagine Spot|fantasy vision]] of doing in Mr. Hart (where she is dressed like Snow White).