A Certain Scientific Railgun: Difference between revisions

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** And the Dorm Supervisor of Tokiwadai Dormitories.
*** Just so you know, there's a couple of reason why she is very scary. She's in charge of a Girls Dormitory who students are mostly Level 3 or 4 psychics {{spoiler|including two Level 5's}}, is quick enough to {{spoiler|[[Oh Crap|break Kuroko's neck before she can teleport]]}}, defeat {{spoiler|the [[Elite Mooks|Hound Dogs, a Black Ops team]] [[Badass|all by herself without any weapons]]}} and has [[Scary Shiny Glasses]] too. (Did i forget to mention she also voiced by [[Hitomi Nabatame]] too?) With the things she does, it's no wonder why Mikoto, Kuroko and the rest of Tokidwai are scared of her and [[Mugging the Monster|haven't been abusing their powers or breaking the rules]] in the first place. But what's more scary is the fact there's [http://i.imagehost.org/view/0127/snapshotRailgun_Supervisor not one] [http://i.imagehost.org/view/0482/snapshotIndex_Supervisor but two of them!] God help us if the other one is scary like her too.
*** In a special Railgun Light novel, Dorm Supervisor stopped a fight between Mikoto to and Gunha Sogiita(7th Lv5) by snapping Mikoto's neck before she could even respond. Gunha retreated immediately!!
* [[Bait the Dog]]: In the manga, two scientists are around when 9982 cleans up. They joke and laugh and 9982 criticizes the tea. All very friendly and affable. Oh, by the way 9982, don't forget to clean up the ''half dozen bloody corpses of your sisters'' before you change into the uniform, or you're just going to have to do it again. Toodles!
* [[Balloon Belly]]: Tsuduri
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* [[Breather Episode]]: The [[Beach Episode]] provides a much-needed break after the close of the Level Upper arc.
* [[Brown Note]]: The main plot in the first half of the anime centers around {{spoiler|a "[[Upgrade Artifact|Level Upper]]", which turns out to be}} an audio file. It works by {{spoiler|synaesthesia, using sound alone to manipulate all of the senses at once}}--not, sadly, [[The Power of Rock]]--in order to {{spoiler|effect an increase in power by networking the users together and sharing their powers with each other.}}. Unfortunately, its users inevitably fall into comas...
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9Rp6_GzQLk Here's the audiofile itself].
** The real file is on the second soundtrack of Railgun as the 12th track. It is not as harsh as the one on [[YouTube]].
** In the second half of the anime, there's some importance given to another [[Brown Note]] {{spoiler|"Capacity Down", which causes any power users to experience great pain and be incapable of calculating the necessary things to use their abilities. Good thing the resident level 0 brought a baseball bat to the last battle...}}
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* [[Continuity Nod]]: Railgun is filled with nods to the To Aru series if you look closely.
** Episode 20 shows Mii on the computer, and next to it is a bin, overflowing with milk cartons. Remember that?
** Episode 19 helps explain why the Tokiwadai Dorm supervisor in Index is different from the one in Railgun, explaining there are in fact 2 Tokiwadai dorms.
** Remember episode 18 when Uiharu's & Saten's teacher wanted to propose {{spoiler|to the teacher from Cypress Park?}} Guess what's on his hand in episode 20.
** In episode 15, everyone except Kuroko still haven't forgotten that {{spoiler|Saten used Level Upper.}}
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** A minor one. The Judgement member who saved a girl from the Graviton Bomb by knocking her down and protecting her with his own body was an instant hit with the fans. We later found out in the manga that he's dating her. Good job Hero!
** Chapter 43 references Misaka's experiences during the ''Someone's Watching'' incident of the OVA.
** The railgun manga has recently added many nods towards the side stories. In chapter 43 Mikoto is mentioned to have experience doing demonstations in Russia (Shopping Mall Demonstration SS), in chapter 44.5 a disguised Xochitl runs into and remember Saten from the Liberal Arts City SS, and even more subtly, in chapter 42 Saten makes an offhand comment about how the jeans she ordered from England haven't arrived yet (Norse Mythology SS).
* [[Cool Airship]]: The Mixcoatls in Railgun SS, made of obsidian, wood, and cloth, that can out fly fighter planes.
* [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe]]: Esper powers affect reality based on their users' internal reality. According to the pseudoscience of the series, if a [[wikipedia:Schrodingers cat|Schrödinger's cat]] experiment was set up, espers would find the cat in the state that they believed it to be, because they believed strongly enough that the cat was that way. Hypnosis, brainwashing and drugs are used to throw the subjects internal reality out of whack. So, it might be argued that the strongest espers like Mikoto and Accelerator are the most stubbornly out of touch with the reality normal people live in.
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* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: Episode 17 is about the teacher and Anti-skill officer Tsuzuri Tessou.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: When it comes to orphans and love, {{spoiler|the Dorm Supervisor shows a nicer and kinder side}}. Too bad the love part didn't last.
* [[Delinquents]]: They sure like to [[Too Dumb to Live|hit on Misaka]].
* [[Designated Girl Fight]]: When the scientist in charge of the {{spoiler|Sisters project}} learns that {{spoiler|Mikoto is [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|destroying their labs]]}}, he decides to sent in a team of mercenaries. Said team is [[Four-Girl Ensemble|Team ITEM]], but it's a subversion as they hired not because they were girls, but because the team is composed of professional mercenaries and their leader is a Level 5.
* [[Eagle Land]]: definitely flavor 2 in the Railgun SS: Liberal Arts City, almost to the point of being anvilicious; the author sees America (in a very stereotypically Japanese way) as the movie-obsessed land of women with huge breasts, overly large vehicles and people toting guns everywhere.
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: The Railgun manga and it's anime adaptation has characters from the later novels appearing much earlier.
** In manga Chapter 1, Aiho Yomikawa makes a cameo appearance after the crime scene.
** In Chapter 8, you can see Stiyl passing by Uiharu.
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*** {{spoiler|The [[Ominous Floating Castle|Aztec's flying Fortress]] versus Xochitl, the Aztec magician who first appeared in volume 15 of the Index's light novels, flying on her [[Amplifier Artifact|surfboard]] and teaming up with Mikoto who's is flying. Yes, Mikoto is flying and fighting a flying fortress!}} Get the Limited Edition DVDs now!
** For the Railgun DVDs, the limited editions contains an 8-part Index side story mini novel staring Kaori Kanzaki, written by the author of the novels, Kazuma Kamachi and art drawn by Kiyotaka Haimura of Toaru Majutsu no Index light novels in each DVD. So what's it's about?:
*** {{spoiler|Kaori meeting Elves and facing one of Odin's Valkyrie in Europe.}}
*** {{spoiler|Yeah you read that right, [[Cool Versus Awesome|A Saint versus a Valkyrie!]][http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/3483/index2503.jpg Epic!.]}}
*** [http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/4582/index1663.jpg And also don't forget the BeachEpisode too!]
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* [[Love At First Punch]]: Inverted. Mikoto first met and took an interest in Touma after he blocked her electric attack.
* [[Love Potion]]: Kuroko laces this in the sports drinks she gives Mikoto... which backfires on her...
* [[Luminescent Blush]]: [[Tsundere|Misaka]] in some situations involving Touma where she isn't trying to kill him, and some where she is.
* [[Mama Bear]]: ''' {{spoiler|Professor Kiyama Harumi}} : ''' "I will do ''anything'' to save those children! '' '''[[Tear Jerker|Even if it involves making this entire city my enemy, I WON'T STOP!!]]''' ''"
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Shirai Kuroko's name literally translates as "White-Well Black-Girl", a nice contrast that reflects her outwardly cute but inwardly perverted persona. Mikoto even [[Lampshade Hanging|points this out]] in Episode 2 before beating her senseless, shouting ''"I'm gonna fry you as black as your name!!"''
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* [[More Dakka]]: Episode 24 is filled with this trope.
** {{spoiler|Kongo shoots down two armed helicopters by blasting a truck into them!}}
** {{spoiler|Kuroko arms herself with an ammo belt of Needles and spams them into the MAR mechs Grenade launchers!}}
** {{spoiler|Mikoto fights against Telestina [[Humongous Mecha|Giant Mech]]. When coins can't penetrate the mech's armor, she summons Kuroko to send one of the mech's fist to her and use it to blow the mech to smithereens!}}
** {{spoiler|Mikoto's Railgun versus Telestina's portable Railgun. When both blast their railguns which are equal in power, Mikoto overcomes Telestina by firing in full power and blasting Telestian to a wall!}}
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* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|Mikoto led Telestina '''Kihara''' Lifeline straight to Harumi's lab and the Child Errors who are indirectly responsible for the Poltergeist incidents. As luck would have it, she takes after her grandfather just like his son did.}}
* [[Not So Different]]: {{spoiler|Kiyama and Mikoto. Both of them are good people who became cynical due to the fact those they care and loved were screwed by the corrupt Academy City administration (for Kiyama is was her students, for Mikoto her clone sisters) and both of them could not fight them as they were powerless against the administration. Though as shown in the "sequel" ''Index'', Mikoto eventually grows out of said-bitterness. And thankfully both of them [[Earn Your Happy Ending|got their Happy Ending]]}}.
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]]: Yoshikawa berates her fellow scientists over wasting their time figuring out what type of panties Mikoto wear so they could make {{spoiler|the Sister clones}} wear the same panties when they only need the cheap discount panties she bought for them. Even the Supercomputer Tree Diagram thought their idea was stupid too.
** On a similar note chapter 43 of the Railgun manga [[Lampshades]] Mikoto as "the only sane level 5".
* [[Ojou]]: Most, if not all, of the Tokiwadai students are Ojous.
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** Played with when we are shown Kuroko's collection of erm...[[Blatant Lies|tasteful underwear]]. Does it still count if no one is wearing them?.
*** Earlier in that episode it blurs this line by showing Kuroko ''putting on panties''.
* [[Pettanko]]: Mikoto is ''very'' self conscious of the fact she is not as... "developed" as other girls her age, if not younger. Meanwhile, Kuroko on the other hand is "less-developed" than Mikoto and is not ashamed of it.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: Kuroko has used her ability to spy on, take pictures of, cop a feel of, and even strip Misaka of her underwear. Yeah, the potential for teleportation's misuse has been touched upon.
** There is also Kuroko's reaction to being electrocuted by Misaka, but that is more to do with [[Too Kinky to Torture|Kuroko]] than [[Power Perversion Potential|some of the uses]] of electricity.
* [[Psycho Lesbian]]: Fondling Mikoto in the shower? Yup. Taking stalker picture albums of her? Sure. Lacing her drinks with <s> [[Love Potion|aphrodisiacs]]</s> "[[Unusual Euphemism|Computer parts]]?" You bet!
* [[Rape Is Love]]: Kuroko's idea of her "first meeting of fate with her beloved Onee-sama" is forcing herself into her room and onto her...
* [[Relationship Voice Actor]]: Definitely NOT easy to spot unless you've been doing your research. [[Kanae Ito]], who is the seiyuu of Amu in [[Shugo Chara]] is the skirt flipping Ruiko Saten. [[Aki Toyosaki]], who is [[Shugo Chara|Su,]] is Kazari Uiharu.
** They also play [[To Love Ru|Nana and Momo]] respectively, twin sisters.
** Also Atsushi Abe(Touma's seiyuu) is Amu's friend, Kuukai in [[Shugo Chara]].
** Speaking of [[Aki Toyosaki]], her fellow seiyuus, Satomi Satou and Minako Kotobuki who played as Ritsu and Mugi respectively in [[K-On!]]! (which Aki also voiced in), with the former voiced Edasaki Anri, {{spoiler|one of Kiyama's students}} in Railgun, who looks like a mini Ritsu and the later voiced Mitsuko Kongo;, who is not like Mugi in anyway except being rich.
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* [[Running Gag]]: Several including:
** Kuroko trying to get kinky with Mikoto and getting a beating by her.
** Saten flipping Uiharu's skirt to show her panties.
** Kuroko's punishments from the Dorm supervisor.
** Mitsuko trying to be serious only to get [[Butt Monkey|Butt Monkeyed]].
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* [[School Festival]]: Episode 19.
* [[Schoolgirl Lesbians]]: Kuroko, who gets concerned at how much [[Foe Yay|fun]] [[Tsundere|Mikoto]] seems to be having in her [[Unknown Rival|rivalry]] with Touma. [[Clingy Jealous Girl]], too.
* [[SchrodingerSchrödinger's Cat|Schrodingers Cat]]: Used to explain why Espers are able to use their abilities.
** [[Your Mind Makes It Real]]: Or a variation of it.
** [[Reality Warper]]
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* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: Misaka chases Touma around the city, once for a whole night.
* [[Slapstick Knows No Gender]]: Misaka to Kuroko.
* [[Stock Footage]]: Averted, making it difficult to determine when events are occurring compared to [[To Aru Majutsu no Index|Index]].
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: During episode 13, most of the girls are just talking or bickering before posing for photos. Then comes Mii in her swimsuit. ''All the girls immediately shut up and just stare in awe at her''. Hell, ''even a'' female ''snake''! This is history in the making, when a trope surpasses the boundaries of species!
* [[Technopath]]: Mikoto can directly control security computers, cameras, robots and read the circuitry of computers directly as an extension of her electricity powers. Truly a Level 5 indeed.
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* [[We Have Reserves]]: The Sisters. See For Science for details.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: {{spoiler|Kiyama-sensei and her Level Upper plot. A little less extreme than most, since she does have a way to reverse the effects of the Level Upper-induced comas once she's done.}}
* [[Wisdom from the Gutter]]: Subverted horribly. Mikoto gives some advice to {{spoiler|Saten}} telling her Level's aren't important in life yet she is quietly offended by this since Mikoto's a Level 5 while she's a Level 0. Mikoto realizes the consequence of what she said when she learns {{spoiler|Saten fell into a coma using Level Upper and the AIM Burst begins broadcasting the collective thoughts of all 10,000 Level Upper users: [[I Just Want to Be Special]].}}
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: This was the fan's immediate reaction to Uiharu's power. Then a little bit of [[Fridge Logic]] kicks in - she is only a Level 1, her power was never going to be very impressive. Give it time to grow though, [[Wild Mass Guessing|and depending on how it works]], it could be a very useful power indeed.
** Episode 20 {{spoiler|reveals that her power lets her [[Blessed with Suck|keep things at a constant temperature]]. [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Cool.]]}}
*** {{spoiler|Negating one of the most basic and important laws of thermodynamics at will is "blessed with suck?" Wow. I'd hate to see the uber powerful in THAT handbook.}}
*** {{spoiler|That's the point. Right now it only has one, minor use, but if she ever powers up...}}
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?]]: Episode 3 is about a culprit who sneaks up on girls, stuns them with a taser and while they are unconscious performs on them the depraved, heinous act of {{spoiler|drawing them huge eyebrows}}.
** Because tasing someone to the point of unconsciousness is totally not bad on its own.
* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[Nancy Drew]]'' meets ''[[X-Men]]''.