Ace Attorney/Characters/Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Officers: Difference between revisions

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*** After he's found all the necessary information, "I already checked this place, but it never hurts to take another look."
** AAI2 gives him "Checkmate."
* [[Chaste Hero]]: [[Ho Yay]] aside, Miles'his libido is about as strong as the classic Sherlock Holmes'.
* [[Chick Magnet]]:
** Lampshaded by Gumshoe in the third game, to Edgeworth's shock: "D-Do I really inspire this sort of frothing desire from the female masses?"
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* [[Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter|Mad Prosecutor's Handsome Adoptive Son]]
* [[Never Live It Down]]: In-universe example. In ''Ace Attorney Investigations'', upon learning that Edgeworth is a Steel Samurai [[Fan Boy]], Franziska views him less as a [[Worthy Opponent]] and more as a grown man who likes children's shows.
** His past of being Manfred Von Karma's disciple continues to haunt him, [[The Atoner|no matter how much he tries to distance himself from it]]. Throughout ''Investigations'', people frequently suspect him of "forging evidence" because that's what his mentor had a reputation for.
* [[Not Distracted by the Sexy]]: He's managed to resist the charms of every attractive female witness, even Dahlia Hawthorne, to the point of probable [[Asexuality]].
** Justified, as [[Word of God]] states he doesn't like women. The judges are still out on whether or not that makes it [[Word of Gay]].
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* [[Pet the Dog]]: Case 4 of ''Investigations'' could be seen as one big moment for him, considering it was ''long'' before his [[Heel Face Turn]]. He shows empathy toward Kay, and helps to defend the innocent Gumshoe.
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]: "Edgeworth" and "Mitsurugi" ("honorable blade") are both references to his [[Incredibly Lame Pun|sharp]] wit. "Miles" means "soldier" and "Reiji" means "clever samurai".
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: {{spoiler|Calisto Yew's client being obviously guilty and she herself being a criminal}} certainly reinforces his negative views abouttowards defense attorneys.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink|Real Men Sport A Maroon Suit And Cravat Combo]]: And make it look GOOD.
* [[Red Baron]]: Demon Prosecutor. It's never mentioned after his [[Heel Face Turn]].
* [[The Rival]]
* [[Running Gag]]: Edgeworth has a ''lot'' of trouble getting witnesses to state their name and occupation.
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* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: [ Dammit, Edgeworth!]
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]: Well, he's surrounded by Gumshoe in any case.
** You'll get this vibe often during ''Investigations''. Miles often seems like the only clever person in a room full of [[Cloudcuckoolander|Cloudcuckoolanders.]]
** In general, since the courtroom in the series usually consists of comedic, over-the-top lawyers and witnesses, Miles appears to be the [[Only Sane Man]] there. [[The Comically Serious|This only makes it funnier, of course.]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]: His hair is lighter than the usual, but boy is he tall and snarky.
* [[That Was Objectionable]]: The [[Trope Namer]].
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* [[Red Baron]]: Sure, he's a complete pushover, but you have to admit that "Rookie Killer" has a nice ring to it.
* [[Scary Shiny Glasses]]: Subversion. He has shiny glasses, but in truth, he is NOT scary.
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]: Downplayed. Payne in Apollo Justice is a lot more formidable as a prosecutor than he was in previous games. Perhaps all these years did teach him a thing or two.
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Mind you, we never see his wife but both he and the judge claim she is quite attractive.
* [[Warmup Boss]]: He's always the prosecutor of the tutorial case, in every game. He even makes a cameo appearance in the tutorial case of ''Investigations''. Even in the manga, when Phoenix is not a rookie {{spoiler|or amnesiac}}, he appears as the prosecutor in "Turnabout With the Wind" before Edgeworth prosecutes later cases.
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{{quote|"I set my ATM card's number to "0001" because I'm number one!"}}
A legendary prosecutor, Manfred von Karma is obsessed with 'perfection' in all aspects of his life, and went forty years without a single defeat in court prior to the beginning of the series. Manfred appears as prosecutor in only one case in the first game, but his influence is felt long after he is gone. He is the father of Franziska, and was Edgeworth's guardian for most of his life. {{spoiler|He is also the murderer of the DL-6 case, killing the (first) man that blemished his perfect record, Gregory Edgeworth.}}
* [[Abusive Parents]]: {{spoiler|His plans for Edgeworth aside}}, his dialogue towards Franziska in Investigations suggests he was at least emotionally abusive.
* [[Amoral Attorney]]: The ''embodiment'' of this trope.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy|Arrogant Legal Professional]]: While every prosecutor (with the possible exception of Klavier) leans towards this, Manfred stands above all others with zero tolerance for even the slightest sign of imperfection in himself or his proteges.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]}}: Arguably of the entire series. Him {{spoiler|killing Gregory Edgeworth}} not only traumatized the young Miles, but it began a chain reaction of events: in the DL-6 case Misty Fey was called a fraud, which caused the Fey family's reputation to crumble. And therefore, {{spoiler|Morgan Fey's husband left her, which led to Dahlia growing up with her father. Manfred indirectly created the monster that is Dahlia.}} He's got ''a lot'' of blood on his hands, [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom|albeit much of it inadvertently]].
* [[But for Me It Was Tuesday]]: When Phoenix and Maya run into him outside of court, he doesn't recognize them, despite spending half of the past two days in the same room as them. At least, he says that; he could simply be lying to demean them.
* [[Clock King]]: Predicts on the third day of 1-4 that it will end in three minutes, and checks his watch until he's proven wrong. [[Failure Is the Only Option|It's impossible for him to be proven right, as the time is up before Phoenix begins cross-examining the witness]].