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* If you don't want everyone to know how often you screw up, swear as much as possible when you do. This will keep it off [[Blooper]] reels. Or make you look really naughty, which might be a way to up your street-cred.
* If your show/movie releases bloopers reels, remember that people will see them, and will want to be entertained. When you mess up, mess up ''big'', be funny if you can, be nice to your costars when they screw up (although snarking at them is all good if you can snark well), and above all, ''laugh at yourself''. No one likes a humorless arrogant drudge who takes himself too seriously, no matter how good an actor you may be. Additionally, this will not only make your bloopers good, but will probably make Act 7 Scene 6 Take 12 a lot easier on yourself and everyone you're working with.
* Try not to get [[Typecasting|typecast]] into a particular role, but don't take it so far that you're afraid to audition for a given part. Take the typecasted role, [[Money, Dear Boy|count those shiny coins]], and consider doing off-Broadway for your artistic needs.
* The camera doesn't actually add [[American Customary Measurements|ten pounds]]. The lighting and camera angles , on the other hand, can do anything from 'take off ten pounds' to 'add twenty'. Don't worry about it. Keep yourself in shape and at a healthy weight.
* Don't [[Fake Nationality|affect an accent]] that you can't handle. It's a ticket straight to [[Narm]]ville.
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* If you're playing a cute character... ''Don't. Squeak.'' (see [[Final Fantasy XIII|Oerba de Vanille]].) And playing a [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] does not require an annoying breathy voice.
* Just because you get the lead does ''not'' mean that you can do whatever you want and be a total ass about it. You are not irreplaceable. Treat your fellow cast, crew, directors, and character with respect and work hard. If two people can play a role just as well as the other, they will choose the nicer one. Even if you're the best actor in the world, if they hate working with you, chances are slim that you'll be hired often.
* Just because you're an extra does not mean that nobody's looking at you. Therefore try not to do anything that you would regret like picking your nose or something. Either be serious about walking that dog through the shot over and over or do something awesome/hilarious so that you'll be forever remembered as a really cool extra. Especially do this when the movie isn't all that great. ([[Futurama|"And you extras, wave your arms and make faces. What is this, a morgue?"]]) However...
* Extraing. It is a valuable part of acting and can be a decent path into larger roles if you are good enough., Butbut extras are not ''supposed to'' draw focus, they are meant to be human set. If you try and make an impression the only impression you will make is that you are unprofessional. This is true to a lesser extent with all acting, just because you are in shot does not mean you have to be the centre of attention. The best actors can often be identified by the way they can elevate other actor's scenes to great ones.
* Doing any of the following will ensure that the public will get really sick of you and will only see ''you'' onscreen, not the character you are supposed to be playing. It will also ensure that no one ever takes you seriously. So knock it off:
** Calling the paparazzi every time you leave the house.
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** Commodifying your personal life. We don't need to know every detail of your relationship with your SO, and at least let the doctors clean off your new baby before you let ''People'''s photographers start snapping away. If you've got a cutesy [[Portmanteau Couple Name]], it's [[Alien (franchise)|game over, man. Game over.]]
** Leaking [[Home Porn Movie|a sex tape]]. C'mon, folks, no one believes your laptop was stolen anymore.
*** On that note, while the security of various network databases is a matter of debate now, "my [[Cellphone/Twitter|Twitter]] [[Account/Facebook|Facebook]] page was hacked" won't hold up as an excuse forever when nudie photos of yourself show up on TMZ, either. Especially if the release of said photos happens to coincide with a project you're promoting at the time.
** Blaming anyone and everyone but yourself when you screw up. Similarly, "apologizing" by saying you're sorry everyone was offended by what what you did or said.
* When you're on a talk show or radio interview and the host asks you to describe the movie you just did, don't tell us all the parts that didn't make it into the movie. Tell us what's ''in'' the movie.
* Extraing. It is a valuable part of acting and can be a decent path into larger roles if you are good enough. But extras are not supposed to draw focus, they are meant to be human set. If you try and make an impression the only impression you will make is that you are unprofessional. This is true to a lesser extent with all acting, just because you are in shot does not mean you have to be the centre of attention. The best actors can often be identified by the way they can elevate other actor's scenes to great ones.