Advance Wars Role Play/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Deep South]]: Suzi is from Ozark, the RP's rough equivalent to Texas. She usually modifies her accent to hide the fact and to be understood.
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: Not that she cares.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]
* [[Hair Decorations]]
* [[Expy]]: Subverted - see Incredibly Lame Pun
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* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Despite her name, she doesn't seem to have godlike powers. Not without a bunch of helicopters anyway.]]
* [[The Lancer]] or [[The Dragon]] (depending on your view on OS): If anyone was going to clash with Dart, it was her or Madison. While Suzi did ultimately respect him, she's hardly open about it.
* [[Mini -Dress of Power]]: She owns about three, [[Little Black Dress|including a black one]]. Not that she gets to wear them much these days.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]
* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]]: In-universe, generally when Suzi's in deredere mode.
* [[Tsundere]]: Type A.
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* [[Ensign Newbie]]
* [[Nerd]]
* [[Shout -Out]] to [[Half Life Opposing Forces]]
* [[The Smart Guy]]
* [[Stone Wall]]
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* [[Glass Cannon]] and [[Stone Wall]]: Her abilities let her switch between the two. This makes her something of a [[Mighty Glacier]].
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]
* [[Not Quite Dead]]
* [[The Ojou]]
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* [[The Hero]] from Yellow Comet's point of view
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]
* [[Rags to Royalty]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]
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A far-right political pundit and evangelist, Roosevelt sparked the ire of Orange Star's command staff by claiming that COs aren't human beings and calling for their removal.
* [[As the Good Book Says...]]: Though he twists the meanings of said passages.
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: His argument boils down to The Bible saying that people with "anything superfluous" not being accepted into Heaven. Only humans get into Heaven. CO Powers are superfluous. Ergo, COs aren't human.
* [[Sinister Minister]]: Though he's more widely known for his punditry.
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A former special forces operative, Grey Fox is a serious person with a tendency to view the bigger picture than deal with the immediate threat. Recently, however, he's begun to lighten up, but also grown more bitter and resentful.
He was a former member of [[Shout -Out|FOXHOUND]] before his promotion to CO. He is fiercely patriotic to Orange Star to the point of turning the recently defected Madison back to Green Earth. He fled the country for a time before returning captured. He currently has his position back on pain of death.
Grey Fox's ground units do well against expensive units, but struggle against cheaper units. His air and sea units fight on a level on par with everyone else.
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* [[Put On a Bus]] - After ratting out Maddie, he drove off into the sunset.
** And again recently.
* [[Shout -Out]] to [[Metal Gear]]
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]
* [[Stroke the Beard]] - 10% patriotism, 15% coffee, 75% beard stroking.
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* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]
* [[Pirate]]
* [[Shout -Out]] to [[Fire Emblem]]
* [[The Captain]]
* [[The Hero]] from Orange Star's perspective.
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* [[Asian and Nerdy]]
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: She really does have like soft furniture just a little too much, despite being one of Blue Moon's top scientists.
* [[Shout -Out]] to ''[[Code Geass (Anime)|Code Geass]]''.
* [[The Smart Guy|The Smart Girl]]
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]
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* [[Divided We Fall]]
* [[Face Heel Turn]] - For Procella-supporters.
* [[Four -Star Badass]]
* [[The Lancer]]
* [[Patriotic Fervor]]
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* [[The Ojou]]
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Girly Girl with Blitz
* [[Shout -Out]]: To [[Tekken]] and [[Ar Tonelico]].
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Grade B or C
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* [[Put On a Bus]]: Twice.
* [[Required Secondary Powers]]: Due to the nature of her powers, she's immune to toxins and all units she controls or are allied to her are protected from her powers. Usually.
* [[Tag -Team Twins]]: She and Rosabella used to do this all the time.
* [[Theme Naming]]: Flowers, as with PanicAttack's other characters.
** [[Theme Twin Naming]]: Viola and Rosabella's names and middle names are all Shakespearian.
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* [[Badass Normal]]: Unlike the other COs, whose powers stem from their genetic buildup, Caligari's powers come from a machine called the Chronitron Rejuvinator
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Beware his serious face.
* [[Expy]]: His appearance, personality and mannerisms are based of the [[Doctor Who (TV)|the Fifth Doctor]].
* [[For Science!]]: Caligari is loyal to nobody, just scientific progress.
* [[Put On a Bus]]
* [[Shout -Out]] to [[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]], specifically [[The Nth Doctor|the Fifth Doctor]].
* [[The Smart Guy]]
* [[Technical Pacifist]]
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** [[Good Thing You Can Heal]] - It saved his life in his backstory.
* [[Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy]] - With Hanako
* [[Shout -Out]] - His appearance was based on Reita, bassist of Japanese rock band the GazettE - right down to the noseband.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]
* [[Supreme Chef]]
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The only as-yet-unseen member of the Circle. His actions, goals and, well, anything about him are currently unknown.
* [[Lady Not -Appearing in -In-This -Game]] - Male example. Although he was alluded to in the RP heavily, he never actually showed up.
== Adric "Flak" Fedorov ==
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* [[Bad Dreams]] - Not just when he's asleep, either. Haunted by a hallucination of his dead comrade.
* [[Butt Monkey]]
* [[Expy]] of [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Gaius Baltar]] - The past tragedies he's been a hand in were never his fault, although his head!Hanako likes to let him know otherwise.
* [[Stone Wall]] - It's even his name damnit.
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* [[Above Good and Evil]]
* [[Expy]] of [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Kendra Shaw]]
== Alexandr Molotov ==
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* [[Mad Scientist]]
* [[Mooks]]: The biogeckos
* [[Out -Gambitted]]: By her own daughter!
* [[Shout -Out]] to [[Nikola Tesla]]
== Ada ==