Advanced Ancient Acropolis: Difference between revisions

(Relevant trope)
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* The deserts of Saudi Arabia and the Sahara contain lost cities that are only now being discovered. One city in the deep desert, [[wikipedia:Iram of the Pillars|Iram of the Pillars]] was assumed to be just a fanciful myth but was in fact a major metropolis with [[Aluminum Christmas Trees|multi-story high-rises]] completely buried in sand. Another in Yemen is still inhabited.
* Just about every continent contains lost civilizations we know little about because the remains got scattered. Most of ancient Persian architecture and civilization is lost, for instance.
* Specifically some Native American peoples were quite technologically advanced. Keeping with the spirit of the trope the Cohokia and their neighbors along the Mississippi River had perfected technologies that rivaled the Egyptians while many European countries had their people [[The Dung Ages|living in their own refuse.]] (As reflected by [[Monty Python and the Holy Grail]], "bring out your dead" and all that.) Justified in this case because there was a whole ocean separating the two civilizations so they developed along completely different lines.
** On that note, the Olmec. It would be quite some time after they fell that the Mayans would come and rival their glory - and we don't even know what caused the fall. As far as we can tell, everybody just... left.
[[Category:Older Is Better]]
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[[Category:Advanced Ancient Acropolis]]
[[Category:Alliterative Trope Titles]]