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{{quote| You can view the main page [[Adventure Time|HERE!]]<br />
Tropes A-C [[Adventure Time/Tropes aA To C|HERE!]]<br />
Tropes D-H [[Adventure Time/Tropes D to H|HERE!]]<br />
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* [[Sadistic Choice]]: The guardian of the wishes in "The Limit" ''tried'' to force Finn to make one of these and choose between saving Jake and the psychic tandem war elephant he and Jake went through the maze to get. {{spoiler|Finn wished for the elephant, got control of it and then had ''it'' wish to save Jake and fly them out.}}
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: Jake in "Gut Grinder".
{{quote| '''Finn:''' You are ''crazy'', dude! Like, actually ''crazy''.}}
** Also, Bubblegum towards the beginning of "The Duke".
{{quote| '''Bubblegum:''' (''[[Laughing Mad|insane laughter]]'')<br />
'''Jake:''' Ha ha, she's completely bonkers... }}
** Jake again in "No One Can Hear You", to creepy levels.
** Revealed to be why {{spoiler|Ice King}} is the way he is. 
* [[Sarcasm Mode]]:
{{quote| '''Finn:''' I shall conquer my fear.<br />
'''Fear Feaster:''' Yeah, ''right''...<br />
'''Finn:''' I will! I'll conquer my fear!<br />
'''Fear Feaster:''' Of ''cooouuurse'' you will, and I live in a two bedroom apartment that doesn't smell like vomit. [[Evil Laughter|Hahahahaha]], ''sarcasm''... }}
* [[Sassy Black Woman]]: [[Rule 63|Cake]] seems to be this even though she's a cat.
* [[Save the Princess]]: Played straight most of the time. Inverted in "Dungeon". [[Spear Counterpart|Gender-inverted]] in "Fionna and Cake".
* [[Saying Sound Effects Out Loud]]: Ice King from time to time. 
{{quote| '''Ice King:''' ''ZAP!!''}}
* [[The Scream]]: Lemongrab. Just... Lemongrab.
* [[Scenery Porn]]/[[Scenery Gorn]]
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** The Nightosphere two-parter ("Return to the Nightosphere" and "Daddy's Little Monster") this for "It Came from the Nightosphere".
** The upcoming {{spoiler|"You Made Me!"}} for {{spoiler|"Too Young"}}.
* [[Serial Escalation]]: In terms of creepiness. Name anything creepy about this show--the [[Mind Screw]] ending of "Tree Trunks" and "Evicted!", the [[Nightmare Face|Nightmare Faces]] Marceline, Peppermint Butler's desire for flesh--it doesn't matter. ALL of that was topped by '''[ this.]''' Holy. Freaking. ''Crud''. According to Adam Muto, ''[ this is just the beginning.]''{{Dead link}}
** They outdid themselves ''again'' with those [[Monster Clown|creepy freaking clown nurses]] in "Another Way", which ''legitimately'' freaked out most people who watched the episode and [ undoubtedly scarred many children for years to come. Prepare to lose sleep.]
** They did it again with those {{spoiler|three freaking scary fruit witches in "Dad's Dungeon", two of whom ''ate the third voraciously''. Bonus points for getting GORE PAST THE CENSORS.}}
** "Return to the Nightosphere" and "Daddy's Little Monster". Need more be said?
** If [ this chart] by storyboarder Cole Sanchez is any indication, season four will get more and more [[Rule of Cool|awesome]] as it progresses.
* [[Serious Business]]: "2 + 2. SOLVE IT OR DIE."
* [[Shifting Sand Land]]: The Desert... of '''[[Doomy Dooms of Doom|Doom]]'''.
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** "What Was Missing" had ''a lot'' of this for Bubblegum x Marceline.
*** And, at the same time, more for Finn x Bubblegum.
{{quote| ''~What am I to you? / Am I a joke, your knight, or your brother? / What am I to you? / [[Call Back|Do you look down on me 'cause I'm younger?]]~''}}
** "Incendium" provides the possibility of a new ship: {{spoiler|1=Finn/FlamePrincess}}
* [[Shotacon]]: Finn and Tree Trunks.
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* [[Show Within a Show]]: ''Heat Signature''.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Brief one given by Finn to the Lich, which {{spoiler|snaps Finn out of the Lich's mind control.}}
{{quote| '''Lich:''' Aren't you cold, Finn?<br />
'''Finn:''' ...NO, I'M NOT! I'VE GOT A ''SWEATER ON!!'' }}
* [[Similar Squad]]: Billy, when compared to Finn. His main adversary was the Fire Count, from whom he rescued a Cotton Candy Princess, and he had a magical dog. To top it off, both got hair as a gift from their respective princesses and both fought the Lich.
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* [[Slow Motion Drop]]: There's one for Finn's tear at the beginning of "Crystals Have Power".
** There's also one for Lumpy Space Princess's beans in "Heat Signature".
{{quote| '''Lumpy Space Princess:''' MY '''''BEEEEAAANS!!!'''''}}
* [[Smashing Hallway Traps of Doom]]: The Clashing Gates from "Beautopia".
* [[Smooch of Victory]]: Finn's usual reward for [[Save the Princess|saving a princess]]. Princess Bubblegum has kissed him ''four'' times and counting. (Go Finn!)
* [[Snap Back]]: [[Lampshaded]]!
{{quote| '''Finn:''' (after a scene transition) Ah... everything's back to normal.}}
* [[Snowlems]]: Finn and Jake encounter one in the pilot cartoon.
* [[Solar-Powered Magnifying Glass]]: In an [[Ad Bumper]], the Ice King uses a magnifying glass to try to kill a giant ant. He threatens to use it on Finn.
* [[Soul Jar]]: {{spoiler|The Fight King's sword.}}
* [[Space Whale Aesop]]: In universe, lampshaded at the end of "Slumber Party Panic":
{{quote| '''Princess Bubblegum:''' I hope you grasp the full consequences of breaking promises.<br />
'''Finn:''' Heck yeah! If I break a Royal Promise, I get to fight zombies, throw slumber parties, awake Gumball Guardians, and -- and --<br />
'''Princess Bubblegum:''' All right, all right!<br />
'''Finn:''' -- and ''REVERSE DEATH ITSELF!'' }}
* [[Spank the Cutie]]: Xergiok is oddly fond of this.
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** Multiple guest stars have actually appeared on ''Adventure Time'' but it seems only NPH's appearance was publicized. Other people that appeared on the show were [[Grey DeLisle|Grey De Lisle]] as the Ice Queen, [[The Incredible Hulk (TV series)|Lou Ferrigno]] as Billy, [[Mark Hamill]] as The Manifestation of Fear/Fear Feaster and the Dark Magician in "The Enchiridion!", Andy Milonakis as NEPTR, Martin Olson as the father to her daughter's role of Marceline, Ron Perlman as The Lich, Henry Rollins as Bob Rainicorn, Andy Samberg as Party Pat, Laura Silverman as Ethel Rainicorn, and [[George Takei]] as Ricardio.
** [["Weird Al" Yankovic|Weird Al Yankovic]] as the Banana Man in "New Frontier".
* [[Special Person, Normal Name]]: Billy and Jake mostly.
* [[Species Surname]]: Both Finn and Jake have these. Also Mr. Fox, Mr. Goose, and Mrs. Cow from "Storytelling".
** It seems all Rainicorns share this trait.
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* [[Split-Screen Phone Call]]: In "Go With Me" between Finn and Princess Bubblegum then between Jake and Marceline.
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: Lumpy Space Princess.
* [[Spoiler]]: Though the spoilers don't actually happen "in-show". A lot of the season one storyboards could be viewed online ''before their episodes even aired''. But hey, it would be fun to watch the episodes to see if anything got changed.
** Pen Ward blatantly mentioned at Comic-con that Flame Princess would be Finn's new love interest before "Incendium" aired. However, he didn't spoil her destructive personality and only called her "intense" ([[Harsher in Hindsight|a word that a member of the audience laughed at]]).
** TV Guide spoiled the fact that the short stories in "Five Short Graybles" are centered around the five senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing). It wasn't supposed to be revealed until the end of the episode. It really makes "Huh? You still haven't figured it out?" less funny.
* [[Spoiler Title]]: There is a season four episode called... "The Lich". [[Sarcasm Mode|Do you think it has something to do with the Lich?]]
* [[Spoof Aesop]]: Taken pretty much any Aesop the show presents, a more blatant example is a wizard turning people into body parts and not turning them back until they realized how much of a jerk he was. The message here ("some people are jerks and not worth your time") isn't necessarily a joke, but it's pretty pointless considering you can't tell if someone's going to screw you over until you try to help them out.
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*** No wonder Jake didn't like spray cheese.
* [[Stylistic Self Parody]]: How Jake [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshades]] the fact that [[The Noseless|Finn doesn't appear to have a nose]].
{{quote| '''Jake:''' Bet ''you'' wish you had one, right?}}
* [[Stylistic Suck]]: Usually averted: since the show takes place [[After the End]], it would make sense for no one to really know how to properly play instruments, but some characters are decent musicians (Ice King, Jake, Marceline...)
** Parts of "Adventure Time With Fionna and Cake" are written like a [[Fanfic]]. {{spoiler|Because it is.}}
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* [[Surreal Humor]]
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: After Jake beats Finn in a tough guy contest.
{{quote| '''Finn:''' Ha! You didn't mash my potatoes! You didn't even make me cry silently into my pillow last night for thirty minutes...}}
* [[Swallowed Whole]]: Finn, Jake, and the bears in "Belly of the Beast".
* [[Swiper, No Swiping]]:
{{quote| '''Jake:''' The [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|bazooka goblin]] has you in its sights!<br />
'''Finn:''' HEY! Don't shoot us with that bazooka!<br />
'''Bazooka goblin:''' ''(giggling)''<br />
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* [[Talking Animal]]: "Storytelling" shows that most if not all animals are capable of speech.
* [[The Tape Knew You Would Say That]]: Played with in Joshua's pre-recorded messages.
{{quote| '''Jake:''' But dad, Finn's already figured that out. He's a good kid with a kind heart.<br />
'''Joshua:''' Remember, Jake, this is a pre-recorded holo-message. I can't hear you if you're talking to me right now.<br />
(Moments later...)<br />
'''Jake:''' But--<br />
'''Joshua:''' BUTTS ARE FOR POOPING! }}
* [[Team Shot]]: The picture on the main page.
* [[Techno Babble]]: A forte of Princess Bubblegum and Ricardio.
{{quote| '''Ricardio:''' The plasmordial layer is completely independent of the Babylons.<br />
'''Princess Bubblegum:''' Wow! That would mean that the Babylons would fluctuate with the piranhananosphere!<br />
'''Ricardio:''' Correct.<br />
'''Finn:''' They're talkin' about science, man. I can't compete with that! }}
* [[Teens Are Monsters]]: Marceline and Jerky Teenage Bear.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: There's this from "Belly of the Beast":
{{quote| '''Jake:''' Seriously, the only foreseeable threat might be all these trees being swallowed, but they're not hurtin' nothin'.<br />
'''Finn:''' Yeah... Good thing [the monster's] not swallowing some deadly volcano lava. That would kill them for ''sure''!<br />
{{spoiler|''(The monster considers this and heads for a volcano.)''}} }}
* [[Theme Tune Roll Call]]: "...With Jake the Dog and Finn the Human..."
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** There are a few "episode" title drops like in "Loyalty to the King", "What Have You Done?", "The Real You", and "Go With Me".
*** From "Too Young":
{{quote| '''Lemongrab:''' TOO YOUNG! TOO YOUNG TO RULE THE KINGDOM! }}
** Parodied in-universe in "Heat Signature" for the movie ''Heat Signature''. Try to figure ''that'' out.
{{quote| "AAAH, MY HEAT SIGNATURE!!"}}
* [[Together in Death]]: Ghost Princess and Clarence fall in love ''while'' they are ghosts in "Ghost Princess". Eventually, though, the trope is {{spoiler|played straight when it is revealed Clarence killed Warrior Princess in a war}}.
* [[Toilet Humor]]: The penalty for stealing boots in "Ocean Of Fear" is poots on the newts. 
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** Cinnamon Bun is shaping up to be this.
* [[Too Long; Didn't Dub]]: Done for joke purposes in "My Two Favorite People." Lady Rainicorn tells Jake a joke in Korean. Jake finds it hilarious, but when Finn asks what it is, Jake says sheepishly that it "doesn't translate very well." According to the [ storyboards] for that episode, it actually wasn't much of a joke.
{{quote| '''Lady Rainicorn:''' I can't think of one... but remember that time we ran naked through that farmer's cabbage patch? He was so offended.<br />
'''Jake:''' Let's not talk about that. }}
* [[Tomboy]]: Fionna
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** The commercial for {{spoiler|"In Your Footsteps" spoiled the fact that the bear steals the Enchiridion at the end. It did NOT, however, spoil the fact that the bear gives the Enchiridion to the Lich at the end.}}
* [[Translator Microbes]]: Jake dropped a neck-worn translator device on the bottom of the lake in "My Two Favorite People." The reason he dropped it was because it only had three output voices: Nightmare, Old Man, and Alien Nerd.
* [[Treehouse of Fun]]: [ Finn and Jake's house.] Not only is it awesome, but it's downright [[Awesome but Practical|practical]], with a generator and a telescope.
* [[Tricked-Out Shoes]]: The funeral lady's shoe (complete with multiple blades and a ''lasso'') when it was fixed with a magic nail by Finn in "His Hero".
* [[Triumphant Reprise]]: ''All Warmed Up Inside'', which is Jake's far more [[Just for Pun|heartwarming]] take on Finn's song at the beginning of the episode, ''All Gummed Up Inside''.
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* [[True Companions]]: Finn and Jake, who frequently refer to one another as "brother". {{spoiler|Though that may be because Finn was adopted by Jake's parents.}}
* [[True Art Is Incomprehensible]]: [[In-Universe]]; the Ice King's collection of black and white photos in "Still", all of which are extreme close-ups of his penguin, Gunter.
* [[True Neutral]]: The unaligned ant.
* [[True Love's Kiss|True Love's Hug]]: {{spoiler|In "Too Young", a "love-hug" from Finn is needed as a catalyst to mix the candy people's biomass with Princess Bubblegum's (to turn her eighteen again)... They still kiss just for the hell of it.}}
* [[Tsundere]]: Flame Princess, '''definitely'''.
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* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: "MATHEMATICAL!" and other math-related exclamations are used often.
** Also, Princess Bubblegum says "What the cabbage?"
** "Lump" and various conjugations of such seems to be a sort of [[SMURFINGSmurfing|all-purpose euphemism]] in Lumpy Space.
** There's also "shmowzow", "hamacow", "slamacow"...
*** ..."shmow", "spa-mow", "ski-dow", "wow-cow-chow"...
Line 237 ⟶ 240:
** [[Running Gag|"Tck tck" *wink + "okay" gesture*]]
** This.
{{quote| '''Finn:''' I'm gonna man-handle those guys' banandles!<br />
'''Jake:''' ''([[Beat]])'' What? }}
** And this:
{{quote| '''Princess Bubblegum:''' Being {{spoiler|thirteen}} is... BLOO-BA-LOOBIE!<br />
'''Finn:''' ...Hmm?  }}
** "Bazoobs", in one episode.
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* [[Vampire Monarch]]: Marceline the Vampire Queen.
* [[Verb This]]:
{{quote| '''Magic Man:''' Yes, my children! You are so close to the answer!<br />
'''Finn:''' Answer ''THIS!'' }}
** There's this from "Dungeon":
{{quote| '''Demon Cat:''' I'm going to unzip your skin and wear it like a little coat.<br />
'''Finn:''' Unzip ''THIS!'' ''(armpit fart)'' }}
** Finn is fond of this. Here's one from "Rainy Day Daydream":
{{quote| '''Finn:''' How'd ''you'' get into my imagination land?<br />
'''Bellamy Bug:''' I don't know, my young fellow! ''You'' tell ''me''. Perhaps I represent your secret desire to be civilized!<br />
'''Finn:''' Represent ''THIS!'' ''(smacks bug)'' }}
* [[Villain-Beating Artifact]]: Billy's gauntlet is powerful enough to seal the Lich. {{spoiler|Before Finn has a chance to use said gauntlet, it was destroyed. So Finn has to use another method, the [[Power of Love|Power of Liking Someone A Lot]], just to merely destroy the Lich's physical form.}}
* [[Villain Episode]]: In "Thank You", the main characters are a Snow Golem (who is a creation of the Ice King) and his adopted pet, a Fire Wolf.
* [[Villainous Rescue]]: The Ice King saves Finn and Jake's lives thrice in "Hitman".
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* [[War Elephants]]: There's an [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant]].
* [[Wasteful Wishing]]: Jake in "The Limit":
{{quote| '''Jake:''' It's hard to think on an empty stomach... I wish I wasn't so hungry. ''(sub sandwich appears and Jake takes a tiny bite)''<br />
'''Finn:''' You wasted your wish, man! }}
* [[Watching the Sunset]]: Ice King and NEPTR (in Ice King's mind) at the end of "What Is Life?"
* [[We Want Our Jerk Back]]: Donny has to go back to being a jerk so he can repel the whywolves with obnoxygen, thus saving the house people. Oddly, no one directly involved wants him back. The house people, whom he inadvertently protects, don't like him, and the whywolves seem very enthusiastic to hunt the house people to extinction even knowing that they'll die afterwards.
* [[We Will Meet Again]]: The Ice King in the pilot has an oddly verbose example.
{{quote| '''Ice King:''' Foul, noisome whelp! You've not seen the last of ''my'' wintery fangs! I'll cleave the warmth from your bones, and stop stiff your beating heart with my claws!}}
* [[Weakened by the Light]]: The Lubglubs' weakness.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: Finn's fear of the ocean.
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** "Dude... {{spoiler|I think I have a crush."}} ("Incendium")
*** Also from that episode:
{{quote| '''Flame King:''' Any prince who is ruthless enough to kill his own bafoon would make an excellent boyfriend... '''''for my evil daughter!'''''}}
** "I understand now... {{spoiler|You're a ''[[Making a Splash|water]]'' [[Making a Splash|elemental]].}}" ("Hot to the Touch")
** At the very end of "In Your Footsteps":
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''The Lich:''' Did you bring the book?}}}}
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|What Do You Mean, It's Not Heinous?]]: ''Daddy, why did you eat my fries?'' While this may have been kind of a last straw thing, it's still silly to get so upset over it. On the other hand, it may not have been a last straw thing, but more of a personal hurtful situation she remembers. Sure, the Lord of Evil could go around stealing souls and Marceline could'''n't''' care less, but doing something like that is just personal to her. Plus, it never stated when she wrote the song. It could have been a while before he was banished to the Nightosphere.{{spoiler|Then a later episode reveals that the fries were stolen when they were desperate scavengers in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, so maybe it was [[Subverted Trope|pretty heinous after all]].}}
** [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|Nonconsensual]] hugging. 
Line 302 ⟶ 306:
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]/[[Hannibal Lecture]]: In "What Have You Done?", the Ice King actually convinces Finn that he's doing the wrong thing by imprisoning him for {{spoiler|seemingly}} no reason.
* [[What You Are in the Dark]]?: Parodied. After becoming king of a small nation, Finn learns that he is not allowed to chew his own food, among other things.
{{quote| '''Finn:''' Oh, come on, give me this.<br />
'''Servant:''' I would know, my liege. }}
* [[Whip Pan]]: Near the beginning of "Susan Strong".
Line 308 ⟶ 312:
* [[White and Grey Morality]]: Except the Lich. [[Omnicidal Maniac|He's as black as it gets]]. 
** And [[Eldritch Abomination|Marceline's Father]], the Fight King, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and That Really Creepy Deer.]] Overall, the story tends to vary between this, [[Black and White Morality]], and the occasional [[White and White Morality]] Conflict or [[Morality Kitchen Sink]] scenario. Hell, one time [[Evil Versus Evil]] was thrown in [[Played for Laughs|for laughs]]:
{{quote| '''Finn:''' I love zanoits! They're the best!<br />
'''Princess Bubblegum:''' Zanoits kill hundreds of thousands of plantoids a year.<br />
'''Finn:''' Oh, no, not the plantoids!<br />
'''Princess Bubblegum:''' Plantoids produce mellotoxin.<br />
'''Finn:''' ''(beat)''<br />
'''Princess Bubblegum:''' MELLOTOXIN ''KILLS'' ZANOITS! }}
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Finn has a specific fear of the ocean.
Line 322 ⟶ 326:
* [[Wizard Duel]]: The episode [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|"Wizard Battle"]].
* [[Word Salad Humor]]: All the time.
{{quote| '''Finn:''' This stinkups mega bamm-bamm to the J-stop.}}
** The speech at the end of "The Other Tarts" seems to be complete nonsense:
{{quote| '''Royal Tart Toter:''' This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace.}}
** Anything Cuber says. Ever.
* [[World in the Sky]]: Lumpy Space. Also, the Cloud Kingdom. [[Bonus Points]] for having [[Bubbly Clouds|solid clouds that you can walk on]].
Line 332 ⟶ 336:
* [[A Worldwide Punomenon]]: Finn drops some puns in the first couple of minutes of "Slumber Party Panic".
** This from "Incendium":
{{quote| '''Jake:''' Do you know any princesses Finn's age?<br />
'''Flambo:''' Oh, yeah, I know just the skirt. And she's ''way'' hot.<br />
''(cut to the Fire Kingdom)'' }}
* [[Wretched Hive]]: The city of thieves. [[Planet of Hats|Every single inhabitant is a thief]], and if you go in there, [[Fisher Kingdom|you become a thief too]].
* [[Writer on Board]]: Jake's whole conflict with eating Meat Man in "Hitman" could be interpreted as a message to the viewer that they should question eating meat. One of the episode's storyboarders was Jesse Moynihan, who is a vegetarian.
* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' meets hallucinogens, or ''The Neverending Story'' meets ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]].''
** ''[[A Boy and His Dog]]'' meets ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]''.
** ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' meets ''[[Axe Cop]]''.
** ''[[Fallout]]'' meets ''a lot'' of hallucinogens and ecstasy.
* [[Yandere]]: Tree Trunks in the crystal world.
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** Flame Princess mixes this with a healthy dose of [[Tsundere]] and a frosting of ''evil''.
* [[Yank the Dog's Chain]]: Ice King at the end of "The Eyes:"
{{quote| '''Ice King:''' I'm... still not happy.}}
** {{spoiler|Also Princess Bubblegum being aged back to 18 in "Too Young," right when it seemed that her and Finn would finally become more than friends.}}
** Her pushing Finn further away in "Incendium".
Line 353 ⟶ 357:
* [[You Need to Get Laid]]: Ice King, but not for lack of trying. It might be one of the reasons why he's [[Nerds Are Virgins|a big nerd.]] [[Word of God]] admits it being true.
* [[You No Take Candle]]: The businessmen's weird grammar in "Business Time".
{{quote| "We love work for you!"}}
** Susan Strong's English in general.
{{quote| "Finn... help Susan!"}}
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: Parodied in "The Monster" when Lumpy Space Princess thinks that a wolf is cheating on another wolf with yet another wolf.
{{quote| '''Lumpy Space Princess:''' TONY!! JESSICA'S CHEATING ON YOU!!}}
* [[You're Insane!]]: Princess Bubblegum says a variation of this at [[The Climax]] of "The Real You".
{{quote| '''Princess Bubblegum:''' Finn,... you've gone ''insane!''}}
* [[Your Mind Makes It Real]]: Jake has a ''very'' powerful imagination.
* [[Your Mom]]: The Marauders to Marceline's dad in one episode:
{{quote| '''Marceline's dad:''' What wears a dark suit, is completely evil, and is about to suck out all your souls?<br />
'''Marauder:''' Your mama.<br />
'''Marceline's dad:''' [[Insult Backfire|That's right. I'm your mama.]] }}
* [[Your Tomcat Is Pregnant]]: Gunter lays an egg in one episode. The characters even lampshade it. That said, the exact details are fairly ambiguous. After all, a magic cat creature hatched from the egg.
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** [[Sequel Episode|"From Bad to Worse"]] also has this plot. Lampshaded by Bubblegum for ''once again'' being responsible for it happening.
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