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* Many of the villains in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' have a lot of innocent blood on their hands, but many of them are surprisingly nice people if they encounter Snake in a situation where nobody would gain anything by fighting. Sniper Wolf, Vulcan Raven, {{spoiler|Grey Fox}}, Fortune, Olga, The Boss, Ocelot (in MGS and MGS3), and Big Boss murdered dozens of people and took part in large scale terrorism. But you wouldn't suspect that when you meet them at any place where they are not trying to shoot you. But then, you meet people like Psycho Mantis, Vamp, and Volgin, and realize that [[Complete Monster|some people just need to die]].
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]''.
** Drakuru. {{spoiler|Turns out, he was using you all along, which isn't a big surprise. He accomplishes his goals and is transformed by the Lich King himself. What is a surprise, however, is that he immediately asks for your forgiveness for the deception and [[We Can Rule Together|invites you to be his right hand man]], both out of gratitude and to make up for tricking you, and because the Lich King apparently has some interest in you personally. The story continues in later quests, ultimately ending in you betraying and killing him. Of course, his "gratitude" would have involved you ultimately being turned into his right-hand ''ghoul'', the lowest rank of the Scourge, while he would be living it up as a Death Knight. It is worth noting, however, that despite being (disguised as) a ghoul, Drakuru didn't treat you as such. Ghouls are footmen at best, but you'd have been an officer, far above the cannon-fodder and privy to Drakuru's most guarded secrets. The guy really believed he was doing you a favor. Of course, it could also be that the ghoul graphics used for your character just represent generic undead-ness.}}
** Arguably, any likable warlock falls into this category, including [[Player Characters]].
** Nexus-Prince Shaffar, the final boss in the Mana Tombs, also comes across as this. As you barge into his operation, his reaction is to say that he was not expecting company and, somewhat apologetically, that he is preoccupied, but promises to tend to you..."personally", all the while using a tone as though he's about to break out the champagne and offer you a drink.
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* ''[[Onimusha]] 2: Samurai's Destiny'' gives us [[Large Ham|Gogandantes!]] [[Catch Phrase|Greatest Swordsman of all the Demons]]! While the other Genma seem perfectly happy with eating children and destroying the mortal realm, Gogandantes' only goal through the whole game is to prove that he is indeed the greatest swordsdemon around by beating [[Jubei Yagyu]]. He acts with chivalry and honor, at one point saving the life of [[The Chick|Oyu]] and--aside from an impenetrable magical shield--faces Jubei on equal footing, one-on-one. This conduct earns Jubei's respect and {{spoiler|he even honors Gogandantes' last request; to tell Gogandantes that he is, in fact the Greatest Swordsman of all the Demons}}.
* Tor Anwyn, the Warlock promoter of [[Might and Magic]] VII. We know he is evil because of the ''other'' persons and things associated with the Path of Dark in that game, and because the [[Heroes of Might and Magic|Heroes]] game put the Warlocks as evil since Heroes I. He's always polite, even when asked to promote a Light-aligned party - where other such promoters are inclined to disparage you as a do-gooder, not cruel enough, or not cold-hearted enough for the job, he reacts by ''apologizing'' and explaining that the way of the Warlock requires you to be on the Path of Dark, so he's simply not able to oblige. He's not exactly harmless, though: what all that means is that he trains other evil folks into becoming more powerful.
** Also applies to most everyone in the town of Nighon. They are allied with the Dark Path, but unlike other such towns, simply being there while on the Path of Light will not cause the inhabitants to turn hostile. You can even gain some Side Quests while there.
** Even in Dark-aligned towns where that is a problem has shopkeepers that will gladly do business with heroes on the Path of Light. Although, those on the Path of Dark can expect the same courtesy in Light-aligned towns.
* Uthar Wynn and Yuthura Ban, headmasters of the Sith Academy in [[Knights of the Old Republic]] are well-spoken, polite, and don't seem to be powered by the constant combination of anger, malice, and batshit crazy as most of the Sith you'll encounter. Uthar will gladly acknowledge a job well done, and congratulate you on your progress. Yuthura is quite patient and erudite when explaining the Sith Code, doing more to explain the Sith in six minutes than Lucas bothered with in six movies. Still, they ''are'' Sith, and are pleased when you kill off one of your fellow students or aid them in a double cross {{spoiler|you ''can'' double-cross both of them by playing them off one another}}. Uthar's "final test" for a student is to have them kill an acquaintance in cold blood, for no other purpose than to prove their superiority. Depending on the [[Player Character]], the situation can end {{spoiler|with one of them dead and the other returning to run the academy, both of them dead, or Uthar dead and Yuthura walking away from the Sith}}.
* {{spoiler|Hades}} from ''[[Kid Icarus: Uprising]]'' definitely qualifies. Sometimes, Pit will be fighting against him and his forces; other times, he'll be sharing humorous banter with Pit, Palutena, and the other gods and goddesses. Hell, even when Pit is fighting against him, he still remains nonchalant. That said, he is still very much evil, and crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]] near the end of the story when it's revealed that {{spoiler|he's deliberately causing humans to war against each other so he can harvest their souls to power up himself and the Underworld Army}}.