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St. Kleio is, in every sense of the word, a special school. It doesn't just have [[Elaborate University High|great facilities]] and a high standard education - it's far more special than that. It's a school for [[Cloning Blues|clones]]. A group of scientists have decided to clone history's most brilliant characters (and not just the good guys, they've also cloned people who were [[Adolf Hitler|morally]] [[Rasputin the Mad Monk|ambiguous]] to say the least) to see if they would live up to their originals' standards - complete, of course, with [[Historical Beauty Update]].
Enter Shiro Kamiya, [[The Everyman]], [[Nice Guy]] protagonist, who is the son of the school's director and [[Fish Out of Water|the only non-clone in a school full of clones]]. ({{spoiler|Or is he?}}.) He immediately forms a [[True Companions|friendship]] of sorts consisting of the clones of [http://en.[ Freud|Sigmund Freud]], [http://en.[ Bonaparte|Napoleon Bonaparte]], [http://en.[ |Ikyuu]], [http://en.[ I of England|Elizabeth I]], [http://en.[ Nightingale|Florence Nightingale]] and [http://en.[ Curie|Marie Curie]].
All's fine and good, of course, until Marie Curie decides she wants to [[Screw Destiny]] and transfers out of the school to [[Elegant Classical Musician|study music]], the clone of [[John F Kennedy]] is assassinated, Freud investigates a bunch of anti-clone groups, and there's a secret [[Cult]] devoted to [http://en.[ chr(28)sheepchr(29)|the Almighty Dolly]] and is dedicated to [[Screw Destiny|screwing destiny]] over...
In the United States, Viz is releasing the manga [ online], and as each volume goes to print, corresponding online chapters are taken down. Similar in concept to ''[[Clone High]]'' (only with less humor and more angst).
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* [[Laughing Mad]]: Mozart, several times. {{spoiler|Particularly after his suicide attempt.}}
* [[Locked in A Room]]: Shiro and Mozart (plus Pandora), before the expo. It's more to keep them safe than to force them to get along, though.
* [[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]: Mozart.
* [[Mad Artist]]: Mozart.
* [[Marshmallow Hell]]: [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]] that she is, Florence Nightingale probably didn't get that she was subjecting Shiro to this.