• Americans Hate Tingle: The film did not find much success outside of Spain.
  • Complete Monster / Moral Event Horizon: Bishop Cyril of Alexandria.
  • Ho Yay: Occasionally averted because christian males were much more close than nowadays (for instance, kissing another man's hand was a sign of respect, not homosexuality), but there's some genuinely suspicious examples here and there. For the record, the director is homosexual...
  • Narm Charm: "An Ellipse!"
  • Tear Jerker: The destruction of Alexandria's library, the death of Hypatia, among many other moments.
  • Values Dissonance: For all her rationalist outlooks, and although she tries to be nice to her slaves, Hypatia is perfectly fine with the institution of slavery. This is a plot point; Davus is obviously quite intelligent and shares Hypatia's interest in science, but his knowledge that he never will be recognized as "equal" in a traditional, pagan society drives him into the arms of a radical Christian sect, the Parabolani, where he is regarded as equal despite his status.