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Incidents of jaw-dropping stupidity brought about by a character's excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
This tends to overlap with [[In Vino Veritas]]: Often the character committing the act of [[Alcohol -Induced Idiocy]] will be an otherwise sensible and reasonably intelligent person when sober. If the character is normally dimwitted, getting drunk will make him even dumber. In both cases, the character's inebriation usually results in him being a danger to himself and others.
Someone who becomes a [[Drunken Master]] when intoxicated is the direct opposite.
[[Alcohol -Induced Idiocy]] can be similar to the [[Idiot Ball]] or any other plot device that depends on [[Contrived Stupidity Tropes|Contrived Stupidity]]. Thus, this trope is related to [[Plot Induced Stupidity]], [[Too Dumb to Live]], [[What an Idiot!]], [[Out-of-Character Moment]], [[What Were You Thinking?]], and [[Phlebotinum -Induced Stupidity]].
Can often lead to a character getting an [[Embarrassing Tattoo]] ... or doing something much, much worse. Some of the other results of [[Alcohol -Induced Idiocy]] are covered in the [[What Did I Do Last Night?]], [[You Wake Up in A Room]], and [[Sorry, Ociffer...]] tropes. May overlay [[Youth Is Wasted On the Dumb]].
The [[Alcohol -Induced Idiocy]] trope can also be used as [[An Aesop]] about the dangers of [[Drugs Are Bad|over-consuming alcohol]] and [[Drunk Driver|drunk driving.]]
Unfortunately, instances of [[Alcohol -Induced Idiocy]] are so common that this is [[Truth in Television]].
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* One quest in ''[[The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim]]'' seems to be a [[Shout -Out]] to ''[[The Hangover]]''. A guy in Riften's tavern challenges you to a drinking contest. After four drinks, you pass out ... and wake up in the Temple of Dibella in Markarth, which is literally on the other side of the province. You then spend the next little while learning what you did last night due to [[Alcohol Induced Stupidity]], and trying to fix things. {{spoiler|In the end it turns out you were the victim of an elaborate prank by Sanguine, the Daedric Prince of Debauchery.}}
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