All Amazons Want Hercules: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Galaxy Angel (anime)|Galaxy Angel]]'', Forte Stollen's secret fantasy is to be a damsel-in-distress who has her life saved from certain death by "A Strong Man, A Really Strong Man", who will then carry her around in his arms like a bride. When she encounter just such a man—one of the galaxy's top criminals, who singlehandedly destroyed an entire planet with his bare hands and was thus imprisoned for life in a pocket dimension contained in an unbreakable boulder—she actually disobeys her orders by actively trying to get him out and manages to ''free'' him, in order to consumate her desires.
* ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'': The hot-blooded, aggressive Evangelion pilot Asuka Langley Soryu actively scorns admirers her age, but has a major crush on the suave, dashing (and much older) secret agent Ryoji Kaji. She even [[lampshade]]s this at one point by saying something along the lines of, "none of these pathetic boys are a real man like Kaji." This being Eva, of course, the trope is played with by her [[Weakness Turns Her On|secret attraction to the much more passive Shinji Ikari]], although she is unwilling to admit this to herself.
* The h-manga ''[[Isshoukenmei na Kimi ga Suk]]'' features a subversion: The head of the martial arts club (a girl) tells the boy who confessed to her that he's too weak to date. He immediately joins her club and starts training. While he does get stronger, after a year he's still nowhere near her level—but she falls for him anyway. Of course, this being an h-manga, [[Everybody Has Lots of Sex|it ends about as you'd expect]].
** In ''[[Saint Seiya]]'', female saints have to wear a mask as a symbol that they've renounced their femininity. Traditionally, if a man ever sees their face without a mask, their choices are to either kill the man, or fall in love with him. This was evidenced in-story by Ophiuchus Shaina, who was seen without her mask by Pegasus Seiya, early on in the series. At first she tries to kill him out of humiliation... but eventually she falls in love with him, to the point where she risks her life for him several times.
* Deconstructed (or something) in the ''[[Bamboo Blade]]'' manga: Ura's father was going to confess his love to Tsubaki (Tamaki's mother) once he beat her at kendo, but he [[Can't Catch Up|Couldn't Catch Up]], never managed to win, and therefore never confessed his love.
* Possibly {{spoiler|Grell Sutcliff}} from ''[[Black Butler]]''. The men she falls the hardest for are the men who have beaten her in a fight. Incidentally, guess what her favorite color is?