All Amazons Want Hercules: Difference between revisions

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* Inverted in ''Bethany's Sin'', where the Amazon-possessed women of the town not only browbeat their cringing husbands, but {{spoiler|amputate a limb from each, as they think that being amputees will concentrate the men's fertility and increase their own chances for daughters}}. They don't just spurn Hercules, they deliberately turn their men into his hapless, weakling opposites.
* Subverted in ''Reality Check'' by Charlie Brooks. Anne Westfeld is essentially an amazon who begins the novel dating the equivalent of Hercules in Jesse Gondolin, aka the Jungle Cat. However, {{spoiler|it turns out she really wants Greg Crispin, a physical weakling}}.
* ''[[Discworld]]'' by [[Terry Prachett]].:
** Liessa Wyrmbidder and Hrun the barbarian in ''[[Discworld/The Colour of Magic|The Colour of Magic]]''. There's a bit of enlightened self-interest going on too; she wants to use him to gain power.
** Obviously set up as this but played with a [[Subverted Trope|subversion]] in ''[[Discworld/Sourcery|Sourcery]]'' a hairdresser and a barbarian fall in love. The barbarian half is a total nerd who only knows about [[Buffy-Speak|Barbering]] and is a false action hero, and the hairdresser is the child of [[Badass Grandpa]] [[Punny Name|Genghis Cohen]] and has sinews of steel.
* Desra of the ''[[Malazan Book of the Fallen]]'' believes that those with weak wills being subjugated to those with stronger wills. That is why {{spoiler|the only person she can imagine submitting to as a lover is Nimander, whose will has never faltered}}.
* Chris Hargenson experiences something like this in ''[[Carrie]]'' while, as your standard [[Alpha Bitch]] she is used to wrapping boys around her little finger but is drawn to Billy Nolan because he is the first boy she hasn't been "able to dance dandle at her whim" and he controls '''her''' in the relationship.