All Animals Are Dogs: Difference between revisions

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* A number of horses can be described as "in your pocket" generally meaning they act like you would expect a domestic dog to, with behavior that indicates that they're tamed and domesticated. They will follow you around like a puppy, push their head into you trying to get petted, curiously wander into places that many horses would spook out of, toss around and chase rubber balls, chase barn cats, etc. Also, in some situations, a flicking or lifted tail can indicate a horse who is very playful and excited, though this is not always the case. In many cases this has been intentionally bred into them, especially with large draft horses like Percherons, since you don't want something that big and strong to be mean, stubborn or startle easily unless you want bad things to happen. People also tend to think that horses are ignoring them when it is submissive behavior since the horse knows to not act unless given permission.
* When trying to discredit homosexuality in animals, the common excuse is that animals hump for dominance. In reality, only canines do this; this is particularly idiotic when the excuse is used for things like seabirds, which don't behave like dogs at all.
* Savannahs (A type of cat) are considered fairly dog-like in behavior.