All The Tropes:Content Guidelines

Revision as of 21:32, 18 August 2014 by Labster (talk | contribs) (policy about unpublished works)

These are the Content Guidelines for All The Tropes. These regulate what you can and cannot write on ATT. While we do believe in free speech and a "censorship-lite" approach to troping, there have to be a few common sense ground rules so that everyone feels welcome.

Absolute Rules

These are the rules that -- if you break them -- will most quickly lead to consequences and restrict your ability to edit.

  1. No Pornography directly posted on the site. This applies to both graphic and verbal porn. The only time we want to hear technical details about male and female plugs coming together is if you're talking about the coaxial cable to your television. However -- and this is a big however -- discussion of pornographic works is allowed.
  2. If you link to a page containing pornographic or disturbingly violent/gory content, it must be labelled as Not Safe for Work (NSFW). This label can be directly after the link as a "(NSFW)" tag, or as a general page notice ("All the links below are Not Safe for Work")
  3. Do not link to child pornography under any circumstances.
  4. No spamming and link-farming. Links should be on-topic.

Unpublished Works

Unpublished works belong in the User: namespace in most circumstances, as a subpage of the creator's user page. The circumstance where this doesn't apply is in mass-market works with a known release date, like a famous' author's upcoming book or the latest sequel in a movie franchise.

Oddly enough, the requirement here is notability -- if there's been newspaper or blogger coverage, then we might as well put it in the main namespace because other people will be interested in discussing it. Other unpublished work pages are more of a convenience to the author, which is fine and all, but not really suitable for the main namespace.


We have a Style Guide, which is currently pretty limited in content, but will probably grow. In most circumstances, you should follow it, but there are times to bend the rules. But if you break the rules too often, people might get upset with you. Remember that the first rule on Terms of Service is "You promise not to be a huge jerk on our site."