Alternative Character Interpretation/Anime/Axis Powers Hetalia: Difference between revisions

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* There are two general lines of interpretation for Canada in the fandom: "[[Moe]]" Canada that emphasizes his sweet, timid, and unassertive demeanor (sometimes to [[The Woobie|Woobie]] levels); and "manly" Canada, mostly by people who [[Misplaced Nationalism|don't like the way he's portrayed in canon]], that plays up his assumed passive-aggressive tendencies (sometimes to the point of making him an unabashed [[Deadpan Snarker]]) and gives him an overall [[Darker and Edgier]] characterization. This is sometimes [[Flanderization|flanderized]] up to the point where he's an [[Ax Crazy]] psycho who goes around [[Rape as Drama|raping everybody]].
** A lot of fan authors and fanartists depict a very close, loving, brotherly relationship between Canada and America, even though the manga describes America as "the root of Canada's unhappiness" and it's shown that Canada, while not outright ''hating'' him, resents his brother a lot. So much that his [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] consists into almost [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|talking America to death]]. On the other hand, some fans posit that all this is just typical sibling behavior and that just because Canada likes cutting America down to size occasionally, it doesn't mean that he doesn't genuinely love and care for his brother when the chips are down (as evidenced by him consulting America for advice at least once in canon).
*** This makes sense since in Real Life, Canada and the United States are currently the world's largest trading partners (at least before the [[Donald Trump]] presidency tried to destroy the USA's trading agreements with ''everybody''), share the world's longest undefended border, and have significant interoperability within the defence sphere. While Canadians will always make fun of the US and vice versa, these two countries would inadvertently sink together.
* Aside from the [[Misplaced Nationalism]] that frequently raises its head among his fans, America is either an [[Idiot Hero]] and a gigantic [[Love Freak]], a [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]] who's more naive than stupid, or a [[Stepford Smiler]] who isn't as happy and idealistic as he makes himself out to be. Then, there's the [[Master of the Mixed Message|way he acts towards]] [[Ho Yay|England]]: Truly well-meaning yet [[The Ditz|blundering oaf]] [[Oblivious to Love|blind towards his affection]], [[Jerkass|despicable reprobate]] who enjoys [[All Love Is Unrequited|shooting down and mocking]] [[Love Hurts|deredere England]] for the kicks, or a [[Ho Yay|genuine reciprocator to England's crush]], but possessing the same [[Tsundere|personality]] [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|problems]] as him, and wants to be seen as an equal by England and instead of as a little brother? In [[Dark Fic|Dark Fics]], he gets made over into a [[Psychopathic Manchild]].
* Russia is the one who gets the most varying interpretations. Is he a [[Complete Monster]] who only wants to torment others, or a [[The Woobie|Woobie]] who's become so emotionally damaged that he can't think rationally anymore? Could he be accurately called a [[Manipulative Bastard]] who [[Mind Game Ship|knows how to press his victims' buttons]], or is he too [[Psychopathic Manchild|childish]] to be capable of such conscious manipulation or even be fully aware of the morality of his actions? Does he want to [[Memetic Mutation|become one with everybody]] so that he can [[Omnicidal Maniac|destroy them]], or ensure that he can never be hurt anymore, or simply to cure his loneliness or [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|pain]] in the only way his warped mind can comprehend? And does he truly love Lithuania (probably a [[Mad Love|little too much]]), or is Lithuania [[Love Martyr|just a convenient target for him]] to vent his anger and frustrations upon?
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* "[[Fan Nickname|Snapped!(character)]]" characterisations are fairly popular; this refers to the characterisation of whichever character as a [[Yangire]].
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