Alternative Character Interpretation/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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** It has sparked speculation about the true nature of [[The High Queen|Princess]] [[God-Emperor|Celestia]] and [[Sealed Evil in a Can|Night Mare Moon]]. Could the [[Creation Myth]] holding that Celestia defeated her [[Green-Eyed Monster|jealous sister's]] mad plan to bring about [[The Night That Never Ends]] be [[Written by the Winners|propaganda]] stretching the truth? Is Night Mare Moon a [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]] who [[Go Mad From the Isolation|went mad after]] [[And I Must Scream|being sealed away]] [[Disproportionate Retribution|for a thousand years]]?
*** Given how well Celestia and Luna have gotten along in the seasons since her return, the character interpretations involving them being secretly at odds or Celestia plotting against her sister are pretty well invalidated by now. Luna's comments to Apple Bloom in the season 5 episode "Bloom and Gloom" about how one can be so afraid or full of self-doubt that 'their entire life seems like a bad dream', an obvious reference to Nightmare Moon, would also seem to indicate that Luna's turn as the Nightmare was the ''result'' of succumbing to neurosis, not the cause of it.
*** The season 4 opener shows us the scene where Nightmare Moon is banished via magical postcognition on Twilight Sparkle's part. Celestia is shown as being confronted by a Luna who is completely out of her mind and banishing her as a desperate last resort, after all attempts to plead for reason have failed.
** There is also "Trollestia," a theory that Celestia is intentionally screwing with everybody (or everypony, as the case may be.)
** Then there is the "Molestia" interpretation, which is [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|pretty much]] [[Memetic Molester|what it sounds like.]] Compounding it are all the sub-categories of this persona; from a shiftless layabout who has grown bored of her duties and dodges actual administration to watch porn, to a [[Really Gets Around|very open]] but harmless nympho with a [[Safe, Sane, and Consensual|light BDSM]] fetish, to a serial-rapist and pedophile.