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* Taken to a literal extreme in the ending of 2008 version of ''[[Prince of Persia]]'', where {{spoiler|the Prince releases the very same god of darkness he just sealed in order to revive his female sidekick Elika -- who was ''the person he was helping to seal that god in the first place''.}}
** Not only that, but the whole reason they were doing anything to begin with is that {{spoiler|he was not the first person to do that}}.
** Nearly every line the Prince says in the [[DLCDownloadable Content|Epilogue]] is him trying to justify what he did. As well as the above, he says that Elika's powers have grown, and if Ahriman didn't think she was a threat why is he pursuing them? The Ahura had been beaten before they rallied and sealed him away; if they could just repeat that somehow... For most of the epilogue, Elika doesn't listen, but at the end she leaves the Prince, saying she can't do it alone - she has to find her people.
* A moment in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]] 4'' which garnered a lot of fan hatred towards Otacon was when Snake has just forced his way past the {{spoiler|microwaves}} and is not only half-dead but ''[[Say My Name|screaming Otacon's name]]'', and Otacon doesn't react. The second {{spoiler|Naomi}} shows up in the video, Otacon [[Strangled by the Red String|starts crying hysterically and performs a symbolic hand-touch with her image]]. He'd [[The Dulcinea Effect|known her for a week at absolute maximum]] and most likely a day, they'd had a [[Sex Equals Love|one-night stand]], and she'd then screwed him over royally and was betraying her actual partner to do it - yet Snake had been unfailingly and fiercely loyal to him ever since the moment they'd met ''nine years ago''. It seemed powerfully unfair for sudden romantic love to be held in higher esteem than an incredibly deep and loving friendship that had been developed over the course of the series.
** It has been speculated that the writers did this in order to [[Ship Sinking|sink the Snake/Otacon ship]]. Still doesn't make it right.