Ribbit, Ribbit, Amphibia...


  • Anne Boonchuy's Character Development. She goes from a selfish, slightly spoiled teenager to a capable young lady. You won't believe that the Anne in the pilot who insists that real friends do whatever their best friends want, no matter what, is the same one that politely declines the Cosmic Guardian's job offer by saying that she is not perfect and makes a lot of mistakes.
  • How each episode adds up to the overall narrative. Matt Braly revealed that there are no filler episodes, and he is right, excluding a random one like the Grubhog.

Season One


  • How the town of Wartwood goes from seeing Anne as the creepy monster that showed up on their doorstep to one of their own. It gets to the point where they nominated Anne as being Frog of the Year!
  • Sasha charming her way from being Grime's prisoner to his second-in-command and eventually his best friend. He even admits that he's impressed by how wily and devious she is, sincerely saying that's what makes her a great person.

Individual Episodes

  • "Anne or Beast?"
    • Anne, from what we know, hates the outdoors. "Cane Crazy" also revealed that she spent her time in a cave with lots of bugs, which she also hates. Nevertheless, she devised traps and kept herself alive for several days in the Wartwood swamps. One of them catches Sprig.
    • When a mantis threatens a tied-up Sprig and Anne, she at first runs to leave Sprig. Then her conscience gets the better of her; she cuts down Sprig and hides with him under a mushroom. Sprig immediately declares that she's a hero.
    • When another mantis threatens the Wartwood residents, Sprig quickly unties Anne and frees her from the angry mob. He tells her to run while he deals with the mantis. Instead, they work together to tie up the beast and rescue everyone.
    • Sprig stands up for Anne against the mayor. He says that she needs help, and is not a monster. Hop Pop agrees to take charge of Anne.
  • "Best Fronds"
    • How Sprig defeats the lake serpent going after him and Anne. He dives into its mouth, which starts to smoke in a few minutes. The serpent roars and spits out Sprig, along with fire. He reveals that he pocketed Hop Pop's pain peppers, which are "so hot they'll make you wish you were dead." They take the time to swim out of the area.
  • "Cane Crazy"
    • Loggle tries to charge an arm and a leg for the map. Anne takes a photo of it. Tech-savvy teen beats old-fashioned haggling.
    • Polly attempts to fight the Doom Tree using wooden legs. She's already fairly savvy even with lacking legs.
    • Doubling as heartwarming, Hop Pop refuses to kick Anne out for breaking his heirloom cane by accident. He instead assigns her to dish duty for a month. Sure he thinks Anne is sassing him and being ungrateful, but he understands that she's adjusting.
  • "Flood, Sweat & Tears"
    • Hop Pop saved Anne's bag and stuff from the leak in the basement. He knew how important that was to her.
    • Despite the fact that they've been driving each other nuts by being roommates, Sprig and Anne quickly focus on the lampreys that try to eat them alive. They use their teamwork to get rid of the flooding in the basement, and drain out the lampreys as well. Once that's done, Anne and Sprig admit that they aren't agreeable roommates.
    • Hop Pop gets one. When Sprig and Anne wonder if they can still be friends after fighting, he says wisely that being honest for the first time in days has strengthened their bonds.
  • "Hop Luck"
    • Anne to get cheese for the pizza helps herd a bunch of cow-like worms for Mrs. Croaker.
    • When the tomato plant seems close to digesting the Plantars and Anne, Hop Pop says the book notes that tomatoes are delicious. They end up eating their way out.

Season Two


  • In hindsight, Andria's plans for the whole season. Season three confirms that he knew about the box's powers the whole time and created this mystery quest for Marcy to draw her and the Plantars into a false sense of security. It played into Marcy's desire for adventures and puzzle games. His plan ended up working like a charm, so that none of the heroes knew he was evil until he revealed it. (Sasha and Grime realized something was up, but they were still antagonists at that point.)

Individual Episodes

  • "Handy Anne"
    • Hop Pop upgrades the wagon to a caravan, so the family can travel comfortably to Newtopia. He knows how to travel in style.
    • Anne becomes so worried about the farm that she starts setting up booby traps Home Alone style to protect the vegetables. When they backfire, her eyes glow as she fights the veggie monster that has emerged, and defeats it soundly.
    • Hop Pop reveals that he didn't hire Chuck to protect the farm. Chuck can rebuild' the farm in a matter of minutes.

Season Three

Arcs and General

  • Matt Braly originally asked his mother to speak a few lines as Anne's mother in season one. She gets to show off immense character range playing Anne's mother, going from a stern concerned mom and restaurant owner to a badass driver that takes on Andrias's invasion with glee.

Individual Episodes

  • "The New Normal": The way that the Plantars and Anne fend off the killer robot in the grocery store, while hiding it from the Boonchuys. When the freezer section incapacitates the Plantars, Anne quickly activates her Super Mode. Also, the robot is invisible, need we mention?
  • "The Hardest Thing"
    • When the moon comes closer to Amphibia, Mother Olm realizes it's time to activate the prophecy. She tells the girls that the Calamity Box gems can give their powers back and allow them to fight the Core. Mother Olm warns them that if they use the gems, it may cost them the power that can get them home. All three girls agree because they can't leave their friends to the Core's mercy.
    • Mother Olm tells Anne that in the case of a last resort, all three stones can unleash great power. The price is that it may kill the user. Anne nods, filing this information away for ever with minimal hesitation. Mother Olm hopes that Anne won't have to use it.
    • The girls get anime upgrades, as Marcy happily notes, and empower their hobbies. Anne gains a magical tennis racket, while Sasha weaponizes her cheerleading. Marcy rolls die and gets a natural 20, hitting the Core with her RPG experience.
    • Andrias's long-overdue Heel Face Turn. Grime is watching him, as Aldrich whispers to Andrias to "save" the Core from the girls. But Andrias remembers Leif, that this was the disaster she wanted to avoid. He does send out the last of his robots...to help the girls fight the Core before it can crash the moon into Amphibia. To seal the deal, he crushes the crown while injured and saying he should have stood up to his father a long time ago.
    • Realizing that Marcy and Sasha are flagging despite a strong start, Anne convinces them to lend their power to her. She sends them to Amphibia safely, while planning to make a Heroic Sacrifice, using the forbidden power that Mother Olm mentioned.
    • Sprig can't let Anne sacrifice her life, and asks Frobo for a lift when Sasha and Marcy fill him in on the desperate situation. He and Frobo end up going into SPACE to talk her out of it! Polly's upgrades are more amazing than she thought. Sprig also tells Anne to not do this, that he's going to help her fight the Core because she is his everything. Anne refuses, and wipes out the Core after pleading for the gems to help her protect the world that she loves. Sprig catches her body, and Frobo transports her to Earth. Anne tells Sprig that saving Amphibia was the best decision she ever made, and fades away smiling.
    • In-universe, the Cosmic Guardian tells Anne that selflessly dying to save Amphibia was this. They reveal that in ten thousand years, Anne was the only being to use the Calamity Box selflessly, and thus proved she was qualified to be a Cosmic Guardian. When Anne refuses, saying that she's not wise enough for such a job and is only a kid, the Cosmic Guardian insists on rewarding her, and decides to restore her to life.


  • Amphibiland, the pilot for the show, uses an instrumental version of Rather Be by Clean Bandits in half of the pitch.
  • The intro, Welcome to Amphibia, is quite the instrumental that people can ribbit, ribbit, jump on in it. There is also the vocal version sung by Celica Gray, which helps add a country flair to the music.
  • No Big Deal is a rock song played and sung by the Calamity Trio and culminates Anne's Character Development in Battle of the Bands.
    • Heartstomper is Sasha's rock theme that's sung by Anna Akana that showing her dominating character.
  • Game On You Stinky Space Bugs or One Last Hurrah is the climatic interpolation of No Big Deal played as the Calamity Trio in their Super Modes have one final fight with the Core.