An Astral Projection, Not a Ghost: Difference between revisions

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* A [[Haunted House]] turns out to be the one a character always sees in their dreams... because ''they'' are the one haunting it.
A [[Sub-Trope]] of [[The Reveal]] and an [[Inverted Trope]] of sorts to [[Dead All Along]]. As this is a revelatory trope, '''spoilers will be found ahead'''.
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== Urban Legend ==
* In a famous [[Urban Legend]], a woman has a recurring dream where she is wandering around a strange house. One day while she is driving she sees that house with a for-sale sign out front. She goes in to look at and finds out that it is extremely underpriced. When she asks the realtor why, the realtor says the house is haunted, but she doesn't have to worry about that, because ''she'' is the one who is haunting it!
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Eerie Cuties]]'' had the ghost of Tiffany Winters. No one doubted, what's with ''getting skewered with a sword''.