Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid: Difference between revisions

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* [[Covers Always Lie]]: The DVD box stated that {{spoiler|the scientists will have to battle their way through savage head hunters. But there wasn't a single cannibal in the whole film}}.
** {{spoiler|Tran was right that the tribe weren't practicing headhunting for the last few centuries. Also, the tribe probably left their village temporarily due to anaconda mating season}}.
* [[Cunning Linguist]]: Some of the Wexel Hall pharmacists can speak Indonesian. Despite a character informing a few of them that their language skills sucks.
* [[Dulcinea Effect]]: When Gail gets attacked by a crocodile, rather than grabbing a rifle, Bill simply jumps into the water and starts wrestling the crocodile with a knife. Lampshaded.
{{quote|'''Sam:''' That is either the bravest or the stupidest thing I've ever seen.